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Mechanics and Supplies

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1 Mechanics and Supplies

2 Containers anything that holds water can be used
the container should help to express the idea the designer has in mind.

3 Containers should add to the appearance of the arrangement
should harmonize with the design and environment

4 Containers are selected based upon characteristics such as texture, shape, size and color

5 Texture depends largely on the material the container is made of
usually glass, glazed pottery, plastic, wood, metal and paper mache

6 Texture vary according to finish
smooth finish usually has a fine texture rough finishes usually have a more coarse texture

7 Texture should be compatible with flowers
fine textured containers should be used for arrangements with roses and lilies

8 Texture rough textured containers require coarser materials such as daisies and zinnias

9 Shape one of the most important characteristics
often determines the form of the design

10 Shape containers should have clean lines and not be highly decorated

11 Shape highly decorated containers take away from the arrangement

12 Shape containers in the shape of clowns or cars, etc should only be used for special occasions

13 Size principles of scale and proportion should be used to select the right container for the arrangement

14 Size size of the container must create a feeling of stability and harmony with the arrangement

15 Color must harmonize with the color of the flowers
containers that do not blend with the arrangement call attention to themselves and away from the flowers

16 Color blending of colors is preferable to contrasting
green containers that echo the foliage are commonly used

17 Color other commonly used colors include tan, brown, gray and white

18 Floral foam most commonly used material for holding the stems of flowers.

19 Holding devices chicken wire and needle point holders have limited used as holding devices chicken wire may be used with floral foam to support heavy items in large arrangements

20 Needlepoint holders may be used in arrangements with few flowers or where floral foam would be visible

21 Floral Foam soft, absorbent, lightweight material
stems of the flowers take up water through the foam

22 Floral Foam Oasis is the most commonly known commercial name for floral foam

23 Floral Foam different densities of floral foam are available for various uses foam should be thoroughly soaked with a preservative solution before use

24 Floral Foam manufacturer recommends using the free-float method for soaking

25 Free-float method place block of foam in a bucket or container filled with preservative treated water to a height greater than the foam

26 Free-float method as the foam absorbs water it will sink
when 1/4 inch of the foam remains above water the block is saturated and ready for use

27 Free-float method make sure the foam is thoroughly soaked
dry spots in the foam can cause flowers to wilt

28 Adhesive materials four types of adhesive materials are used most commonly by florists used to help secure the mechanics of the arrangement

29 Anchor Tape anchor tape secures floral foam to the container
available in 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch widths 1/4 inch is preferred because it takes up less space

30 Anchor Tape available in green, white and transparent

31 Anchor Tape green tape is used on green containers
white tape is used on white containers green tape is easier to hide in floral arrangements

32 Stem wrap also called floral tape
waxed, stretchy tape that only sticks to itself

33 Stem wrap used primarily in corsage work to create stems for the flowers used in the corsage used to hide wires or picks in dry or silk arrangements

34 Stem wrap 1/2 inch is the most common width of floral wrap used
sold in green and white, some other colors may also be available depending on the season

35 Floral Adhesive Clay sticky material similar to play dough
comes in a flattened strip wound into a coil with waxed paper between the layers

36 Floral Adhesive Clay two common brands are “Cling” and “Sure-Stik”
used to fasten anchor pins or to anchor needlepoint holders

37 Floral Adhesive Clay will not stick to a wet surface
leaves sticky mark on the surface be cautious of use on expensive containers

38 Hot Glue used with silk flowers and with fresh flowers, especially in making wrist corsages must be used with caution as the glue is very hot

39 Cutting tools use tools correctly
practice proper maintenance for longer life of the tool

40 Floral Knives used for cutting stems only, never used for cutting wires will dull the knife knives that make a clean cut will not pinch the stems

41 Floral knives keep the knife sharp you will be less likely to cut yourself knife is held between the thumb and forefinger cutting toward yourself at an angle

42 Floral Knives do not try to cut hard woody stems with a knife.

43 Florist Shears can be used for cutting stems can pinch stems
primarily used for cutting wire and ribbon

44 Ribbon Shears cutting ribbon and decorative foil
never use for cutting stems or wire

45 Wire cutters used for cutting wires and the stems of artificial flowers that contain wire

46 Pruning shears cutting heavy stems too large to be easily cut with a knife or florist shears used for cutting stems up to one half inch in diameter

47 Picks wooden and steel picks are used
used mainly in funeral designs, wreath making and artificial and dried arrangements used to add length or support

48 Picks attached with a pick machine
make it easier to insert plant material into styrofoam or other holding device.

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