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The Manhattan Project 6 th grade Jessica Forgety.

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1 The Manhattan Project 6 th grade Jessica Forgety

2 WWII 1939-1945 WWII was a war that centered around Europe and involved most of the world’s most powerful countries. WWII ended the great depression in the United States. Jobs were created and efforts were made to help with the war. Eventually the counties fighting split into two opposing groups called the Allies, and the Axis.

3 Scientists Albert Einstein with Szilard Albert Einstein- a German-born theoretical physicists. Szilard- A well known among European physicists. These Scientists wrote a letter to the President, Franklin Roosevelt to let him know of the possibility of atomic bombs.

4 The United States ignored the possible defense strategy of the creation and production of an atomic bomb. The United Kingdom went forward with the research and development towards atomic weapons. Frisch and Rudolf Peierls, scientists in the United Kingdom, made major discoveries about how uranium could be used to form a nuclear weapons. In the United States, Philip Abelson began actual development of a practical uranium enrichment system (liquid thermal diffusion) and on February 26 Glenn Seaborg and Arthur Wahl discover plutonium. On June 18, 1942 General Steyr ordered Colonel James Marshall to organize an Army Corps of Engineers District to take over and consolidate atomic bomb development. During August Marshall created a new District organization with the intentionally misleading name "Manhattan Engineer District" (MED), now commonly called "The Manhattan Project".

5 Countries During WWII, these countries joined forces in creating nuclear weapons(atomic bombs): The United States of America Canada The United Kingdom

6 Laboratory Locations

7 Oak Ridge, TN Each laboratory had it’s own special purpose in the creation of an atomic weapon. Oak Ridge contained uranium enrichment plants (gaseous diffusion and electromagnetic separation) and a large experimental graphite reactor (the X-10) to provide research quantities of plutonium. Y-12 and K-25 would come later and also be a part of The Manhattan Project.

8 Oak Ridge, TN Oak Ridge was not a city before WWII and the creation of the laboratory. Employees of the lab needed homes and stores, so the city was built very quickly.

9 Christmas Party at one of the Labs

10 Construction of a Lab

11 A look inside a Lab

12 Guards and a Guard tower. Many Guard towers remain in the city. Can you name the location of one? Protective equipment was used for some lab workers. Why was there a need for protective equipment?

13 People from all over the country came to work in labs in Oak Ridge. Some included world famous scientists. Not all employees knew what it was they were building, but they were happy to be employed.

14 Oak Ridge was a happening city. Plant workers enjoyed department stores, theatres, restaurants, churches, and community centers. Smaller communities were developed within the city and each community had its own elementary school, church, and shops. These communities included Grove, Pine Ridge, Highland View, Woodland, Scarboro, Jefferson, and East Ridge. Jackson Square was home to the cities department stores, post office, theatre, and drug store.

15 An End to WWII The Bombing of Nagasaki Japan(Hiroshima Japan was also bombed).

16 The Secret City, Oak Ridge, was revealed on August 6, 1945

17 The Hendrix Prophecy John Hendrix, a mystic who roamed the East Tennessee woods around the turn of the 20th century, more than 40 years before Y- 12 or Oak Ridge existed, told the future regarding Bear Creek valley that lay between two East Tennessee ridges and Black Oak Ridge just north of that valley. He first predicted that soon a railroad would be built running from Knoxville through the central part of Anderson County. This prediction proved accurate and caused Hendrix to consider himself capable of even more amazing prophecies. He was told by a voice, he said, to sleep on the ground for 40 nights and he would learn about the future. He did as he was told and on the 41 st day he emerged from the woods and beginning at the local crossroads general store he told everyone who would listen about the amazing things he had seen in his visions while sleeping on the ground. “Bear Creek Valley some day will be filled with great buildings and factories and they will help toward winning the greatest war that will ever be.” –John Hendrix -Oak Ridge Convention and Visitors Bureau

18 The Grave of John Hendrix, located in the Hendrix Creek subdivision in Oak Ridge

19 Standards 1.05 Understand the role that diverse cultures and historical experiences had on the development of the world. 1.06 Understand the influence of science and technology on the development of culture through time. 6.1.06 Understand the influence of science and technology on the development of culture through time.

20 Works Cited History for Kids dge dge Nuclear Weapon Archive Med.html Med.html Oak Ridge Convention and Visitors Bureau ml ml

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