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History of video By: Mafia Marshall. When were videos first started?  17 th Century use of magic lanterns.( )

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Presentation on theme: "History of video By: Mafia Marshall. When were videos first started?  17 th Century use of magic lanterns.( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 History of video By: Mafia Marshall

2 When were videos first started?  17 th Century use of magic lanterns.( )

3 Who wa0s first to film video?  1832 Joseph Plateau With a Phenakistoscop. (EARlYCINEMA.COM)

4 When were motion pictures started?  1846 important in the development of motion pictures was the invention of intermittent mechanisms – particularly those used in sewing machines. ( EARLYCINEMA.COM )

5 What was the first film shot with?  1895 The first film shot with the Cinématographe.Shot in March it is shown in public at a meeting of the Societe d'Encouragement a l'industrie Nationale in Paris that same month. ( EARLYCINEMA.COM )

6 Which two people started a successful films of Cinématographe  1896- The Lumière brothers started a successful run of Cinématographe films.( EARLYCINEME )

7 What happen in 1907 that had to do with video?  Use of cathode ray tube to produce television images. ( High-tech Productions. )

8 When did talking films being ?  1927 was when talking films Begin ( High-Tech Productions. )

9 Who where talking films begin with??  Talking films begin with Al Jolson in “The Jazz Singer.”( High-Tech Production )

10 What happen in the Early 1930’s?  RCA conducts black and white broadcast Experiments. (High-Tech Production)

11 What happen in 1945?  Initial proposal for color television broadcast made by George Valenis. ( High-tech Production )

12 When was the first VCR sold??  The first VCR were sold by Sony in 1976.( )

13 What happen back in the 1920’s??  American engineer, Philo Taylor Fransworth devised the television camera, and image dissector, which converted the image captured into an electrical signal. ( )

14 What was the knew thing 2001?  First DVD burner ( )

15 aWht Happen in 1896?  In 1896, Edison showed his improved Vitascope projector and it was the first commercially, successful, projector in the U.S. ( )

16 What was in 1976?  Video tape in a large cassette format introduced by both JVC and panasonic around 1976. ( )

17 What came out in 2000?  Hitachi introduces first DVD-RAM camcorder ( )

18 What Happen back in 1981?  IBM introduces the PC. ( )

19 What came out in 2005  Samsung introduces the Duocam a still camera and video camera in one. (

20 When did the first memory flash card came out?  JVC announces first HDV camcorder 2004 Panasonic and Sanyo release first flash memory camcorders. (

21 What’s going on in are today world with knew video?  2011 iPad 2 released, with live TV abilities. ( Videomaker )

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