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Scales to measure post trauma effects in children and parents cognition about the trauma’s psychosocial consequences on children Najibeh Atazadeh (MSPH.

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1 Scales to measure post trauma effects in children and parents cognition about the trauma’s psychosocial consequences on children Najibeh Atazadeh (MSPH student) Dr Abdolreza Shaghaghi (Associate Professor of Community Health) Dr Hamid Allahverdipour (Professor of Health Education & Promotion) Faculty of Health, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

2 Introduction Millions of children are experiencing traumas in consequence of natural or manmade disasters such as earthquake, hurricane and war annually. These traumas may cause serious short/long time physical and mental complications and add extra burden on the affected communities’ health indices.

3 Introduction The existent research evidence are suggesting that a psychiatric problems among disaster-exposed youth could possibly lead to long-term mental health consequences. The psychopathologic problems following disasters may vary from anxiety disorders, depression disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic and phobias in children and adults but their occurrence in children has much more significance.

4 Introduction Understanding how children experience traumatic events and accurate assessment of these effects is therefore; pivotal for planning appropriate interventions to promote quality of life amongst survivors. This systematic review was conducted to provide a cumulative research evidence about the measurement tools that were introduced to assess the trauma effects.

5 Google Scholar, SID, PsycInfo, Medlib, MedLine, and PubMed databases were speculated for the publications reporting the assessment tools of traumas’ effect. Special focus was on scales that were introduced to measure traumas’ general effect, psychosocial distress, fear, prolonged grief, anxiety and depression in children aged 8 to 12 years and also parents' cognition of the effects on children. Methods

6 The following search terms were selected based on the MeSH guideline: ("anxiety" or "fear" or "depression" or “psychosocial distress” or “prolonged grief” or "trauma general effect") AND "weights and measures“) OR ("cognition" and "parents‘) AND "weights and measures“). The scales names their specifications, year of introduction, eligible age range to be applied and number of included items in each scale were tabulated.

7 Results Trauma general effect6 scales Psychosocial Distress 1 scales Fear3 scales Depression8 scales Anxiety7 scales Prolonged Grief5 scales Parents' cognition about traumas’ general effects3 scales Parents' cognition about traumas’ effects on children0 scale

8 Trauma General Effect Language(s) Ages #Items Year of pub Source Acronym Title English Persian Arabic … 6-18252009 Meiser- Stedman et al PTCI Post-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory – child version English Persian Arabic … 8+82005 Perrin et alCRIES-8 Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale English Arabic Croatian 7-16102006 Kenardy et alCTSQ Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire English 10-18112007 Meiser- Stedman et al TMQQ Trauma Memory Quality Questionnaire English Spanish6-18232002 Jones, Fletcher, Ribbe CRTES Child Reaction to Traumatic Events Scale - Revised English6-18242002 Ippen et al TESI-CRF-R/ TESI-PRF-R Traumatic Events Screening Inventory – Revised

9 Psychosocial Distress Language(s) Ages #Items Year of pub Source Acronym Title English8-1472008Jordans et alCPDSChild Psychosocial Distress Screener

10 Fear Language(s) Ages #Items Year of pub Source Acronym Title English 7-18801983 Thomas, OllendickFSSC-R Fear Survey Schedule for Children-Revised English 4-12481979 Ryell & DietekerCFSSChildren's Fear Survey Schedule English 6-16811972Miller et al LFSCLouisville Fear Schedule for Children

11 Depression Language(s) Ages #Items Year of pub Source Acronym Title English 8-1832 1987 Angold and Costello MFQ Mood and feelings questionnaire English8-1230 1989 Reynolds RCDS Reynolds child depression scale English 5-21561998 Warren A et al WDSCA Weinberg Depression Scale for Children and Adolescents English 6-1720 1980 Weissman et al CES-DCCenter for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale Modified for Children

12 Language(s) Ages #Items Year of pub Source Acronym Title English 7-18501978 Lang and Tisher CDS Children's Depression Scale English 7-17 27 1992 Kovacs CDI Children's Depression Symptom Inventory English 8-1832 1987 Angold and Costello MFQ Mood and Feelings Questionnaire English8-1230 1989 Reynolds RCDS Reynolds Child Depression Scale Depression

13 Anxiety Language(s) Ages #Items Year of pub Source Acronym Title Arabic Chinese English….. 8-18411995 Birmaher et alSCARED Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders English7-1892000 Muris et al SCARED brief version SCARED Brief Assessment of Anxiety and PTS Symptoms Arabic Chinese English German…. 8-12451998SpenceSCASSpence Children’s Anxiety Scale English 6-18371978 Reynolds and Richmond RCMAS Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale English 9-12 401973SpielbegerSTAIC State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children English Spanish….. 8-17472000Chorpita et alRCADS Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale English 8-19502012 John S MASC2Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children, 2nd Edition

14 Prolonged Grief Language(s) Ages #Items Year of pub Source Acronym Title English8-1230 2011 Spuij, M et al IPG-C Inventory of Prolonged Grief for Children English Persian8-17191995 Prigerson et al ICG Inventory of Complicated Grief English8-17282007 Melhem,N et al ICG-RC Inventory for Complicated Grief- Revised for Children English7-17282009 Nader,K Prigerson,H CGA-C Long Form Complicated Grief Assessment-C (Child/Adolescent Version)-Long Form English7-1712 2010 Prigerson, H et al CGA-C Short Form Complicated Grief Assessment Interview (Child Version)-Short Form

15 Scales to assess Parents' Cognition Language(s) Age #Items Year of pub Source Acronym Title EnglishAdults141992 Joseph et alCSS Crisis Support Scale EnglishAdults331999Foa et alPTCIPost-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory English Deutsche Adults101994Scheier et alLOT-RLife Orientation Test-Revised

16 Discussion During the past 10-15 years, a growing number of publications were identified that reporting the measurement tools to assess traumas’ effects in children and adolescents. Different types of scales were recognized to measure fear, prolonged grief and psychosocial distress specifically in young children but a sizable number of measures were not validated for Persian speaking populations.

17 Selection bias was a probability in this review due to the limitations in access to the paid full text materials and also inclusion of the publications that were only written in English or Persian. Discussion No scale was identified for assessment of parents' cognition about effects of traumas on children.

18 Cross-cultural validation of the scales to measure traumas’ effects on children could be a promising research area for the Iranian researchers. Designing a measurement scale of parents' cognition about effects of traumas on children is necessary. It could help planning of evidence based intervention programs. Conclusion

19 Thanks for your attention

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