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Hung-Chang(John) Lee Taiwan IPv6 D & D Program Manager Tamkang University Associate Professor Taiwan IPv6 Deployment Status and his second movement

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Presentation on theme: "Hung-Chang(John) Lee Taiwan IPv6 D & D Program Manager Tamkang University Associate Professor Taiwan IPv6 Deployment Status and his second movement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hung-Chang(John) Lee Taiwan IPv6 D & D Program Manager Tamkang University Associate Professor Taiwan IPv6 Deployment Status and his second movement

2 Agenda Paradigm of IPv6 Deployment – Dream, Pit, Bloom IPv6 Deployment and Development Program in Taiwan –IPv6 Infrastructure –IPv6 Industrial –IPv6 R/D –IPv6 Promotion Second mevement: Fair to IPv6, Ripple effect( 漣漪 ) Summary

3 Paradigm of IPv6 Deployment- Dream, Pit, Bloom 2006 Dream 1996 2010 1994 Pit Bloom Technology readiness IPv6 product readiness Deployment status time Readiness IPv6 bloom stage: at least hundreds year

4 Driving Forces (Pit to Bloom) IPv6 product readiness IPv6 Killer Service Internet vision (U-Japan, U-Korean…) IPv4 address depletion

5 Taiwan’s first movement Deploy IPv6 in evolution way rather than revolution way Get Ready in all ways Wait IPv6 Deployment & Development Program

6 Efficient Government Improved Competitiveness Knowledge- based economy GII NII GII Utilize technology in smarter ways e-infrastructure Broadband to the home Challenging 2008 6,000,000 Broadband users Information Society e-societye-Commercee-Government e-Taiwan 2002-2007 Green Island National Information and Communications Initiative Committee Smart transportation e-Transportation Challenge 2008!!!

7 NICI IPv6 Steering Committee IPv6 Steering Committee Chair: DGT Director General Secretariats: TWNIC IPv6 Steering Committee Chair: DGT Director General Secretariats: TWNIC IPv6 Research & Development Division IPv6 Research & Development Division IPv6 Standard & Testing Division IPv6 Standard & Testing Division IPv6 Infrastructure Development Division IPv6 Infrastructure Development Division IPv6 Application & Promotion Division IPv6 Application & Promotion Division NICI, Executive Yuan Head: Minister Dr. Lin, Feng Ching NICI, Executive Yuan Head: Minister Dr. Lin, Feng Ching NICI Counseling Committee

8 Project Implementation Structure & Roadmap 應用服務推廣應用服務推廣 扶植產業發展扶植產業發展 IPv6 應用 服務 推動 IPv6 連網技術 發展 IPv6 骨幹移 轉建置 基礎建 設 研究發 展 標準測 試 應用推 廣 2004 2005 2006 2007 底層 技術 轉換 技術 應用 技術 策略 規劃 骨幹 移轉 骨幹 互連 關鍵 應用 建置 測試 服務 驗證 服務 展示 中心 產業 推展 商用 服務 推廣 TWAREN TANET GSN 學術 / 研究網國際互連 商用網國際互連 ISP VoIPv6 Gridv6 Videov6 Carv6 Homev6 Personv6 IPv6 Forum Showroom IPv6 Ready Logo Phase I IPv6 Ready Logo Phase II As pe ct Promoti on Speciali zed Teams Division of labor Translator Ad Hoc Multihoming Tunnel MIPv6 xDSL IC card Sec. 產業策略分析 經濟地圖 網路設備產業 網路服務產業 網路應用產業 車機平台 SIP VoIP Dual Stack 應用推動 國際合作 ( 美日韓歐中 ) IETF Working Group Hetero. Mobile Net Int. Home Appliances Firewall P2P IPv6 Ocean Phase I Phase II Phases III 人才培育 Chip Proto. Ana. Item appearing in all phases Item not appearing in all phases IP for everyone IP in everything Internet everywhere Promotion of applications &services Backbone install & transfer Promote service& application Economy Roadmap Industry Stragegy Analysis Automotive Platform Human Talent Development Network Equipment Industry Network Service Industry Network Appication Industry Application Promotion Strategic Planning Applied Technology Transfer Bottom- layer Technology Key Technology Creation Backbone Interconne ction Backbone Transfer Commer cial Service Dissemin ation Industry Promotion Exhibition Center Certificat ion Service Testing Service Nurture industry development R&D Develop networkInterconnect technology Basic Construction Application Dissemination Standardized Testing Academic/research network global interconnection Commercial networks global interconnection International cooperation (US, Jpn, Kor, Europe, China) Personv6 、 Carv6 Campusv6 VoIPv6 、 e-health carev6

9 Project Strategy: Diamond Shape e-Taiwan Overall Project Industry Academic community General population Overall Project Resource Integration International Cooperation 我國 IPv6 建置發展計畫第一階段推動策略圖 Strategic blue print for promoting the first phase of IPv6 Construction and Development Project Product Tetsting Promote standard & logo Backbone transfer Initial Introductory Application Technology cooperation Key Technology Standardized Testing Application Dissemination Basic Construction R & D Knowledge dissemination Industry integration

10 Phase I (03~05) Overall Results Rolling type promotional strategy: modifications to the promotional strategy based on the current progress and status Preliminary construction items –Backbone transfer: Taiwan Advanced Research and Education Network (TWAREN) has been converted to IPv6, and is capable of providing IPv4 and IPv6 dual services –Introductory applications: Converting VoIP to IPv6, converting long distance grid network to IPv6, and network multi-media traffic to IPv6 Research & Development items: –Key technology: Research and development of IPv6 Mobility,IPv6 Chip, IPv6 Security –Technology transfer and cooperation: 2 items at, respectively, National Dong-Hwa University (Mobility) and National Chiao-TungUniversity (Translator) Standard Testing items –Standard and logo promotion: Phase I (promotion), Phase II (certification) –Product testing: IPv6 Ready Logo, 16 submissions (3rd in the world) Application promotion items: –Industry integration: IPv6 Forum –Knowledge dissemination: IPv6 Showroom, education & training, publications  Taiwan’s IPv6 construction and deployment are well underway, the next movement should be to emphasize the activation of IPv6 service applications.

11 Phase II (05~07) Implementation Strategy: Golden Triangle 展 Taiwan’s promotional strategy for Phase II IPv6 construction and development 物 物 有 IP 人 人 有 End-to-end connectivity on all- purpose mobile network Broadband service activation & develop. IPv6 backbone network construction & activation IP for everyone IP in everything Network connection technology activation & develop. Internet IPv6 activation strategy

12 IPv6 Network Infrastructure in Taiwan Moving steadily towards IPv6 –23 production IPv6 address blocks allocated –Total 2244 /32 address be assigned –IPv6 bandwidth in Taiwan Total bandwidth on the domestic network's physical circuits is 11.5Gbps Total bandwidth on the international network's physical circuits 11.13Gbps IPv6 Backbone in Taiwan –Academic & Research Networks TWAREN / TANet2 (Support IPv6 since Mar. 2004) TANet (Enabling IPv6 in the Backbone) –Commercial Networks Most major ISPs (HiNet, SeedNet, TTN, Taiwan NTT, TFN, Gigamedia,So-net) already got IPv6 addresses 2 ISPs provide commercial trial services 2 IPv6 exchange points available –Government network GSN starts to deploy IPv6 in 2005, 4 trial nodes established

13 National IPv6 Standard & Interop Testing Lab Established in July 2003 Official delegate of IPv6 Logo Committee, IPv6 Forum –IPv6 Ready Logo Phase 1 –IPv6 Ready Logo Phase 2

14 IPv6 Testing & Certification Roadmap 2005 2003 IPv6 Interoperability testing Lab. Establishment IPv6 Standard Tracking & Develop Test Suites 2004 2006 2007 IPv6 Certification Lab. Establishment Adjusted by Industry Request Provide IPv6 Certification Service IPv6 Standard Tracking & Develop Certification Suites IPv6 Testing Service Phase IPv6 Certification Service Phase Provide IPv6 Testing Service 2002

15 IPv6 Products by Taiwan Industries Home Gateway ADSL Wireless IAD Enterprise Security Multimedia Router Firewall Client Software IPv6 IPsec Router IPv6 SoC IPv6 Video Phone

16 IPv6 Ready Logo Phase I (updated: 2006/09/10) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 NO. 112353329148422211111 JPTWUSKRCNNZINSEDECAFRDKILATPH Total : 246

17 IPv6 Ready Logo Phase II (updated: 2006/9/10) Total : 61 0 5 10 15 20 25 NO 24129 6 4411 JPUSA TW CNINKRDEFR

18 IPv6 Ready Logo Phase I Approved List (Taiwan) IDCompanyProductVersiondate 01-000122CHTTLIPv6 Service GatewayR 1.02003/11/21 01-000128III TTF TCPIP Protocol Stack(for host) Ver.1.02003/12/02 01-000129III TTF TCPIP Protocol Stack(for Router) Ver. 1.02003/12/02 01-000130 Intel Innovation Center Intel IXDP425 Development Platform IIC-IPv6READYLOGO- 001 2003/12/05 01-000136Alpha NetworksHome Gatewayver 1.02003/12/19 01-000139DraytekVigor3300ver 2.5.12004/01/15 01-000166Alpha NetworksxDSL Wireless IAD9.0.4.14.R203192004/04/09 01-000184ZyxelES-3026ZyNOS 3.532004/06/14 01-000196 Intel Innovation Center Intel IXDP425 Development Platform MLV 3.1 MVL3.1 IIC- IPV6READYLOGO-002 2004/06/21

19 IPv6 Ready Logo Phase I Approved List (Taiwan) (Cont.) IDCompanyProductVersiondate 01-000215 Alpha Networks Wireless Router (Host)V1.0H2004/09/01 01-000216 Alpha Networks Wireless RouterV1.0R2004/09/01 01-000217DraytekDrayOSV3.02004/09/02 01-000231 Delta Networks CG-WLBARAGV1.00-62004/09/17 01-000232 Delta Networks CG-BARFXV1.00-62004/09/17 01-000233ZyxelZyWall-200pre v1.02004/10/01 01-000234ZyxelZyWall-200pre v1.02004/10/01

20 IPv6 R&D Prototypes NAT-PT Single Chip Translator 6IDS (IPv6 Intrusion Detection System) IPv6 Multihoming SOHO Router IPv6 Video Phone

21 Participation in Killer Applications on APEC TEL IPv6 Application Integration Test Environment Enable QoS and Multicast functionalities APEC participating countries Taiwan academic organizations and research units

22 IPv6 Trial: SIP based VoIPv6 SIP Proxy Server Over IPv6 SIPv6 Proxy Server SIPv6 Softphone IPv6 Show Room (Hsinchu) IPv6 Show Corner (Taipei) SIPv6 Softphone International Trial (Japan / Korea / …) SIPv6 Proxy Server SIPv6 Softphone PSTN Network PSTN GW PSTN Local Switch / NCTU / NTHU / NCKU / NSYSU (Campus Users) IPv6 Network PSTN Network Smartphone SIPv6 Softphone SIPv6 Softphone SIPv6 Softphone Smartphone ( Taipei and Shinchu )

23 IPv6 Trial: Commercial VoD Service

24 IPv6 Trial: Eco-Grid Long-term eco-system Research Network Computing Resource Center Grid Network O&M Center Network O&M Center Ministry of Education National Network Center Academic Network O&M Ctr Wireless Backbone Network Wireless Local Area Network Eco-system Experimental Area Round-the-island Optical Backbone Network Local Area Network

25 IPv6 Trial: Eco-Grid  Nuclear Power Plant 3  Outdoor IPv6 Smart Sensor Server  Underwater Camera

26 IPv6 Trial: Public Multimedia Payphone IC Phone Card IC Banking Card Credit Card

27 Promotion Activities Semi-Annual magazine IPv6 Portal Website – Domestic Events –Trainings, Workshops, Seminars International Event –The 1st Global IPv6 Summit in AP International Cooperation –Korea, Japan, EU, China IPv6 Showroom/Showcase –Opened Mar.2004 Taiwan IPv6 Summit –2006 IPv6 Summit in Taiwan –Opened Aug. 1-3, 2006

28 IPv6 Summit in Taiwan

29 IPv6 Demonstration Sites IPv6 Demonstration Sites(Opened on March 2004) IPv6 Showroom connecting to international IPv6 through TWAREN Taipei ( –Located in central Taipei Hsinchu: IPv6 Showroom –Located in ITRI headquarters, near Science-based Industrial Park –100+Sqm divided into 3 areas: Public Home Office

30 Cooperation MoUs General Topic MoU –IPv6 Promotion Council, Japan Feb. 2003, Taipei –IPv6 Forum Korea Aug. 2003, Seoul Showcase Coop. MoU –Eurov6 Feb. 2003, Taipei –IPv6 Promotion Council Aug. 2003, Taipei Interop. Testing Coop. MoU –TAHI Project Aug. 2003, Taipei Research Coop. MoU –University of Southampton, UK Dec, 2004, Southampton –University College London, UK Dec. 2004, London

31 Killer Services in IPv6 Killer Application Task Force 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 VoIPv6 Personv6 Campusv6 Carv6 HealthCarev6

32 Work Items in Killer Services Personv6: 6 Items –VPNv6, FMIPv6, D6IDS, Live6, Ubi-IMv6, AcoustaNomad Carv6: 3 Items –OBUv6, Middlewarev6, VoiceAPv6 Campusv6: 3 Items –Ecogridv6, eLearnv6, Dormv6 VoIPv6: 2 Items –VoIPcampus, VoIPIndustry Healthcarev6: 3 Items – Audio/Videov6, Biosensorv6, Medicinev6

33 Second Movement Stage movement: promotion to competition –[IPv6 promotion] to [IPv4 vs IPv6 Competition] –Construct an fair competition environment for IPv6 Innovative IPv6 applications –IPv6 ripple

34 IPv6 Ripple effect( 漣漪 ) IPv6 ripple effect: –A small physical service that use IPv6 and IPv6 alone, within this service, some human needs can be satisfied through IPv6 technologies. Some examples: –Domain specific VoIP –Physical on-line game –Domain specific Security and Surveillance –E.g. Japan Live E! project, Closed VoD systems

35 Summary IPv6 would be a competitor to IPv4 not a substitution for a long time Revenue of IPv6 per year times IPv6 lifetime would be tremendous Taiwan’s second movement in IPv6 Strategy –Construct a fair competition environment –Develop IPv6 ripples as many as possible

36 Thank you!

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