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Unit 2 Section 2-4. 2-4: Other Types of Graphs  Several types of graphs are used in statistics besides histograms, frequency polygons, and ogives. 

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1 Unit 2 Section 2-4

2 2-4: Other Types of Graphs  Several types of graphs are used in statistics besides histograms, frequency polygons, and ogives.  Other graphs include:  Pareto Charts  Time Series Graphs  Pie Graphs

3 Pareto Charts  Pareto Chart – used to represent a frequency distribution for a categorical variable.  Frequencies are displayed by the height  Bars are arranged from the highest to the lowest.  Tips for Drawing Pareto Charts  Make the bars the same width.  Arrange the data from largest to smallest according to frequency.  Make the units that are used for the frequency equal in size. Section 2-4

4 Activity: Pareto Chart  Create a Pareto Chart using the following info: Average Cost Per Mile for Passenger Vehicles on State Turnpikes Section 2-4 StateNumber Indiana2.9 cents Oklahoma4.3 cents Florida6.0 cents Maine3.8 cents Pennsylvania5.8 cents

5 Time Series Graph  Time Series Graph – represents data that occurs over a specific period of time.  Tips for Time Series Graph  Draw and label the x and y axes.  The x axis usually represents time, the y axis an amount.  Plot each point according to the table.  Draw line segments connecting adjacent points. Section 2-4

6 Activity: Time Series Graph  Create a Time Series Graph using the following info: The Number (in millions) of Vehicles That Used the Pennsylvania Turnpike:1999-2003 Section 2-4 YearNumber 1999156.2 2000160.1 2001162.3 2002172.8 2003179.4

7 Pie Graph  Pie Graph – a circle that is divided into sections or wedges according to the percentage of frequencies in each category of the distribution.  Tips for Drawing Pie Graphs  Determine the degree measure for each piece of the pie.  Take the frequency, divide it by the sum of the frequencies, then multiply it by 360 degrees.  Determine the percentage for each piece of the pie.  Create the graph Section 2-4

8 Activity: Pie Graph  Create a Pie Graph using the following info: Pounds of Snacks Eaten During the Super Bowl Section 2-4 SnackPounds (Frequency) Potato Chips11.2 million Tortilla Chips8.2 million Pretzels4.3 million Popcorn3.8 million Peanuts2.5 million

9 Stem and Leaf Plot  Stem and Leaf Plot – data plot that uses part of the data values as the stem and part of the data values as the leaf to form groups or classes.  Tips for Drawing Stem and Leaf Plot  Arrange the data in order.  Separate data according to the first digit shown.  The first digit becomes the “stem” and the trailing digit(s) becomes the “leaf”  i.e. for the number 14, 1 is the stem and 4 is the leaf. Section 2-4

10 Activity: Stem and Leaf Plot  Create a Stem and Leaf plot using the following info: Number of Cardiograms Performed Over 20 Days Section 2-4 2531203213 1443025723 3632333244 3252445145

11 Homework  Pg 87 & 88: 1, 2, 7, 8, 21  Pg 89 & 90: 1 - 11 Section 2-4

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