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A+ Teacher Strategies Deeper understanding of Why we need to engage students in the learning process How we create meaning and memory for the students.

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Presentation on theme: "A+ Teacher Strategies Deeper understanding of Why we need to engage students in the learning process How we create meaning and memory for the students."— Presentation transcript:


2 A+ Teacher Strategies Deeper understanding of Why we need to engage students in the learning process How we create meaning and memory for the students

3 A+ Teacher Strategies Sorting Jigsawing Power Point Graphic Organizer Inside,Outside Circle

4 A+ Teacher Strategies Sorting Jigsawing Power Point Graphic Organizer Inside,Outside Circle

5 WHY? Connections Meaning Patterns



8 Your brain seeks to make meaning out of its perceptions!



11 The point is... KIDS Discovery Brain, KIDS Discovery

12 Your brain seeks to find patterns!




16 Black Blue Green Red Orange Blue

17 Your brain likes connections



20 Neural Networking Thinking Learning Memory Connections



23 No way! Maybe, let’s see. Bring it on!


25 Jigsaw Directions Read the Strategy Think about how you could use this in your classroom Classify this strategy

26 Processing Activity During TOP and Mentor training, Joey & I have attempted to model a variety of teaching strategies that engage students and create meaning and memory. Your group has an envelope, open it and take out the cards inside. Do you remember these strategies? Now decide what category these strategies fall under.

27 Jigsaw Strategy Discuss the strategy with your teammates How can the strategy be used in your area How can it be tweaked to work in other areas Classify the strategy Think globally (K-12)

28 A+ Teacher Strategies Investigate strategies for Opening class Processing information Assessing information Organizing information Reviewing information Closing class Working in Groups

29 Opening strategies? Closing/Review strategies? Assessment strategies? Processing strategies? Where do they belong?

30 Place Your Bets Trafffic Light Puzzle Pairs Showdown Find Someone who Numbered Heads Muddiest Point Overhead Review

31 Inside/Outside Circle Pick a strategy that you are going to use in the next 2 weeks Explain how you are going to use it Rotate Explain what your partner is going to do Repeat what you are going to use

32 Questions for inside, outside Explain jig sawing to your partner! Tell your partner 3 things your brain loves! Why is it important to have a toolbox full of strategies? What new strategy will you use next week and how will you use it?

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