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Martin Tuchyňa 26.09.2014, Danube_NET members’ meeting, Ispra, Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Tuchyňa 26.09.2014, Danube_NET members’ meeting, Ispra, Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Tuchyňa 26.09.2014, Danube_NET members’ meeting, Ispra, Italy

2  Approach  Addressing the DRDSI group of activities ◦ State of play ◦ Data inventory ◦ Assesment of data access conditions ◦ Outreach activities  Use cases/project areas  Support needs

3  Link DRDSI project with ◦ national SDI development and implementation ◦ eGovermnet activities ◦ Open Link Data movement  Aspects to consider ◦ Outcomes of INSPIRE midterm evaluation ◦ Progress on INSPIRE Maintenance and implementation framework ◦ Current status of the national SDI maturation ◦ Activities and outcomes of related projects and initatives ◦ Direct interaction with the stakeholders

4  State of play ◦ Analysis of:  SK INSPIRE monitoring and reporting outcomes  Activities of NSDI coordination structures  SK Open Government partnership reports  Data inventory ◦ Input from SK INSPIRE monitoring ◦ Analysis of the SK NSDI Responsible bodies Register ◦ Crawling the relevant resoures (via harvested OGC APIs endpoints) ◦ Investigation of Open, Linked Data resources

5  Assesment of data access conditions ◦ Evaluation of existing SK data access status ◦ Collection of main aspects assesing conditions and constraints related to DRDSI data access ◦ Direct interaction within the SK NSDI Data sharing WG ◦ Shaping the NSDI licencing framework  Outreach activities ◦ Presenting DRDSI on related events (CZ&SK INSPIRE Conference 2013/14, Enviro I Forum 2014, Itapa 2014) ◦ Organising meetings, workshops, hackatons… ◦ Set up SK DRDSI Website

6  Crossborder harmonisation  INSPIRE themes point of view

7  Crossborder harmonisation  INSPIRE themes point of view

8  Crosspriorities example  Ecosystem services support  Environmental protection  Irigation and agricultural development  Energy production 

9  Crosspriorities example  Ecosystem services support  Environmental protection  Irigation and agricultural development  Energy production 

10  Share existing contacts between EC and countries  Collect the motivation arguments for the stakeholders to strenghteen willingness to dedicate some resources to share their content  Share the recomendations how to support wider data and services sharing and re-use

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