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Element Project By: Rebecca Daniels Chemistry-6 th period.

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1 Element Project By: Rebecca Daniels Chemistry-6 th period

2 Atomic Number: 20 Atomic Mass: 40.078 20 p+ 20 n 20 e- EC: 1s 2, 2s 2, 2p 6, 3s 2, 3p 6, 4s 2 Abbreviated EC: [Ar] 4s2.

3 Common Naturally Occurring Isotopes: Common Naturally occurring isotopes in Calcium: 40 Ca- Mass= 40.078 *Abundance=96.941= 38.85201398 41 Ca- Mass=39.96259*Abundance=0= 0 42 Ca- Mass=41.958618*Abundance=0.647=.027147225846 43 Ca- Mass=42.95867*Abundance=0.135=.00579942045 44 Ca- Mass= 43.95548 *Abundance=2.086=0.9169113128 45 Ca- Mass=44.95618*Abundance=0=0 46 Ca- Mass=45.95369*Abundance=0.004=.0018381476 47 Ca- Mass=46.95454*Abundance=0=0 48 Ca- Mass=47.95235*Abundance=0.187=.0896708945 171.553875801196 amu

4 Dairy products are usually the things that hold calcium, and lack of calcium can affect your teeth and bones in a major way. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium. Coral calcium,calcium carbonate, chloride, citrate, carbide, hydroxide all have calcium in it. Sir Humphrey Davy 1808 He dissolved lime into a mercuric oxide mixture and then passed an electric current through it. England



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