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The Color of Fireworks. Fireworks  Three types:  Aerial displays  Sparklers  Firecrackers  Four chemical substances  Oxidizer  Fuel  Binder 

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Presentation on theme: "The Color of Fireworks. Fireworks  Three types:  Aerial displays  Sparklers  Firecrackers  Four chemical substances  Oxidizer  Fuel  Binder "— Presentation transcript:

1 The Color of Fireworks

2 Fireworks  Three types:  Aerial displays  Sparklers  Firecrackers  Four chemical substances  Oxidizer  Fuel  Binder  Colorants

3 Anatomy of Fireworks

4 Oxidizers  Oxygen-rich compounds needed to produce fireworks explosions 4 KNO 3  2K 2 O + 2N 2 + 5 O 2 KClO 4  KCl + 2 O 2

5 Fuel  Chemically they act as reducing agents, combining quickly with the oxygen released by oxidizing agents  Rapid expansion of gases creates explosion C(s) + O 2 (g)  CO 2 (g) S(s) + O 2 (g)  SO 2 (g)

6 Colorants  Two ways in which color is produced in fireworks—incandescence and luminescence.  ‘Stars’, pellets of metal salts embedded in the aerial shell, produce color by luminescence.  Stars are embedded in the gunpowder of the main shell. When the shell is sent skyward and the bursting charge explodes, the stars are ignited and are sent scattering.

7 Colorants  Some of the heat from the bursting charge (temperatures can reach in excess of 2000 o C) is absorbed by the metal salts in the stars.  Electrons in the metal ions contained in the salts absorb heat and move from their normal ground state to a higher energy level.  These electrons return to ground state and release the energy they originally absorbed in the form of a photon. In this way light is produced by luminescence.

8 Colorants

9 Color ElementCompound(s) Blue-Green Coppercopper acetoarsenite, copper (I) chloride Violet Potassium potassium chloride Red Lithiumlithium carbonate Crimson Strontiumstrontium carbonate Orange Calcium calcium chloride, calcium sulfate Yellow-GreenBarium barium chloride YellowSodiumsodium nitrate, cryolite

10 Colorants Color Wavelength (nm)Frequency (THz) Red780–622384–482 Orange 622–597482–503 Yellow597–577503–520 Green577–492520–610 Blue492–455610–659 Violet455–390659–769

11 Colorants  Fireworks also produce color by incandescence.  When a substance is heated, it gives off electromagnetic radiation, first in the infrared region, then, then red, orange, yellow and then white light.  When flakes of metal like aluminum, magnesium and titanium embedded in fireworks, burn they glow and produce sparks and varying colors of light.

12 References  pter_10.htm (accessed 01.30.2011) pter_10.htm  ChemMatters, October 2010

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