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Mindful Teachers- Mindful Lessons Presented by Hye Yeon Lim MEXTESOL 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Mindful Teachers- Mindful Lessons Presented by Hye Yeon Lim MEXTESOL 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindful Teachers- Mindful Lessons Presented by Hye Yeon Lim MEXTESOL 2014

2 MindfulnessMindfulness It means to pay attention in a particular way: On purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.

3 Mindfulness can be used to create “meaningful” lessons.

4 Strategies of mindfulness can help teachers develop a dynamic learning environment with an emphasis on competency- based instruction. MindfulnessMindfulness

5 Mindfulness Mindfulness provides authentic communication opportunities in the classroom by transitioning practice oriented activities to production oriented activities

6 “We learn best when we teach others.”

7 Language Learning Communication Real life situations Authentic interactive communication environments

8 Most people do not learn a language “just to learn it” Classes that keep the language only in the classroom are less effective than those that use authentic environments.

9 Practice Practice makes perfect. Only good practice makes perfect.

10 Condition 1 Meaningful Outcomes Successful or not; concrete and measurable. Example Act out a dialogue. Create a Big Book. Create an instruction manual Create a comparative chart Creative Minds

11 Condition 2 Information Exchange Information Exchange among all participants Example Information gap Decision gap Opinion gap Jigsaw activities Ambiguity, uncertainty, anticipation

12 Condition 3 Information Manipulation Students need to figure out how to use the information that has been communicated within the group Example Worksheet vs task activity

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