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Genuine Progress Index for Atlantic Canada Indice de progrès véritable - Atlantique Measuring Community Wellbeing IACD Conference, Wolfville, NS 24 June,

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1 Genuine Progress Index for Atlantic Canada Indice de progrès véritable - Atlantique Measuring Community Wellbeing IACD Conference, Wolfville, NS 24 June, 2008 Michael and Martha Pennock, Ron Colman

2 Indicators are Powerful What we measure:  reflects what we value as a society;  determines what makes it onto the policy agenda (e.g volunteers);  influences behaviour (students): & What we don’t count doesn’t get attention

3 Counting it Wrong Resource depletion as economic gain Negatives can make economy grow Unpaid work counts for nothing How much income/wealth but not how it’s distributed -> Misleading signals to policy makers and general public (e.g. GHGs)

4 A good set of indicators can help communities:  foster common vision and purpose;  identify strengths and weaknesses;  hold leaders accountable at election time  evaluate which programs are working or not  initiate actions to promote wellbeing; + agreed targets can change public behaviour

5 Therefore – In the GPI:  Natural wealth, health, free time, unpaid work, and education have value  Sickness, crime, disasters, pollution are costs  Reductions in greenhouse gas, crime, poverty, ecological footprint are progress  Growing equity signals progress GPI Atlantic = Non-profit, fully independent, NS-based research and education organization founded April, 1997. Web site:

6 Provincial -> Community Where rubber hits road in QOL; BUT Statcan data not available at comm. level Kings County, Glace Bay – Contrasting communities - Consultations, survey design 2+ hours; Sample size = 3,600 (2 cross-tabs – 95% +/- 3%); Statcan oversight Response rate = 70+% Kings; 82% GB

7 Basic GPI question: What kind of community are we leaving our children...?

8 Survey components include: Economic wellbeing – including income, employment and job characteristics Subjective wellbeing: life satisfaction, happiness Core values and guiding life principles Social supports and networks, formal and informal volunteering, and care-giving Health status, incl. self-reported health, chronic disease prevalence, activity limitations, and prevention (e.g. mammograms, blood pressure tests)

9 Lifestyle behaviours, incl. smoking, diet, physical activity Mental health, including cognitive ability, stress, and depression Children’s health, including health status, mental health, cognition, and chronic conditions Environmental behaviours (e.g. transportation patterns) and ecological attitudes Safety and security, including victimization rates and subjective feelings of safety.

10 Each category has several indicators (results in charts) E.g. employment section will have results on: Unemployment (short + long-term) part-time employment work schedules job characteristics multiple job holding discouraged workers proportion of jobs with employee benefits

11 Release today – Sample results: Economic Security Glace BayKings Unemployed26.412.7 Discouraged40.916.3 Multiple Jobs5.111.0 % Households <$20,000 2814

12 Life-Satisfaction (+ Happiness) Glace BayKings Very Satisfied40.339.4 Somewhat Satisfied 50.353.4 Dissatisfied9.38.2

13 Health Status No significant difference in self-reported health GB had higher rates of disabling pain, chronic diseases, smoking Strong relationship to income and employment in both communities Low vs high incomes = 3x rates of severe pain, discomfort, daily smoking, health-related activity limitations; 2x HBP, arthritis, chronic diseases. U.e.: ½ as likely satisfied as w. jobs

14 Very good to excellent health % cf across income + GB/Kings -2000020000- 34999 35000- 49999 50000- 69999 70000+ Glace Bay 3346555873 Kings3041526067

15 Health Status and Income Query: If health status is income related and Glace Bay has a much higher proportion of low income respondents, why isn’t GB self- rated health status lower than Kings? Higher rates VG/excellent health across most income groups in Glace Bay As a result, overall rates are equivalent despite the higher rates of low income in Glace Bay and relationship between health and income. But why…..?

16 Self-Reported Stress

17 Sources of Stress Kings Too many demands Too many hours Insufficient autonomy Interpersonal conflict Glace Bay Too few hours Risk Fear of layoffs

18 Stress and Employment Two-income families much more highly stressed than one-income families More two-income families in Kings Two-income families in Kings more highly stressed than in Glace Bay Kings – highest incomes = most stressed (AJHP: Stress = costliest of all risk factors)

19 Stress and Household Income

20 Social Support Glace BayKings Count on in crisis95.594.4 Advice94.691.6 Loved96.894.7 Close relative 1/week80.172.9 Neighbour 1/week77.963.1

21 Faith, spirituality, safety… Glace Bay had higher rates of self-reported faith, spirituality, church attendance, decision control + half as likely to have been victimized or to know someone who has been victimized In Sum: GB low stress, high faith, safety, social supports = non-material assets that partially compensate for poorer material conditions = key sources of life satisfaction & wellbeing + important information for community development planners (vs conventional tools)

22 Core Values - Guiding Life Principles % rating 8 to 10Glace BayKings Family95.294.4 Responsibility93.2 Freedom87.589.1 Friendship88.486.4 Financial Security80.672.4 Generosity78.473.4 Pleasure70.868.6 Spiritual67.252.5 Career Success68.058.3 Material Wealth32.422.8

23 Importance of Core Values % Rating 8-10SelfOthers Family94.955.9 Responsibility93.350.8 Freedom88.480.6 Friendship87.354.2 Financial Security76.376.9 Generosity75.836.6 Pleasure69.676.1 Spiritual59.529.4 Career Success62.892.4 Material Wealth27.467.8

24 Value Alienation? Large majority of respondents in both communities believe they are socially motivated individuals living in a materialistic society Is dominant commercial culture, materialism out of touch with what matters most to people? Factor analysis: Positive social values intrinsically related to positive wellbeing while materialistic values were not - Consistent with growing research literature

25 Practical utility for policy. E.g: Glace Bay has significantly higher current smoke rate but lower ever-smoked rate = Quit rate much higher in Kings County -> Schools initiative Identify health needs, prevention/screening: E.g. Kings significantly higher rates than GB for mammogram (64% vs 40%), CBE (45% vs 35%). Both low on Pap smear (47% vs 45%)

26 Mental health: Depressed feelings associated with child risk factors

27 Results suggest new policy options % workers willing to trade all or part of a future pay increase for shorter work hours

28 What would increase life- satisfaction? Kings County Spend more time with family/friends 72 % Less stress71% More money53% More possessions16%

29 Greater focus on economic security vs consumption E.g. Core values: 3x high importance to financial security vs material wealth So policies that enhance job security, ensure living wage, social safety net appear closer to values than growth policies alone E.g. Benefits: Part-time workers less than half as likely to have most benefits + very strong relationship with income. E.g. GB: less than 5% lowest income have benefits. Cf Netherlands

30 Ecological Attitudes and Behaviours 83% said their way of life produces too much waste, & focuses too much on current consumption, not enough on conserving resources for future generations 85% said “most of us” buy and consume more than we need; 2/3 said they could consume less if they chose Stronger in Kings and among high-income (81% could consume less)

31 Understanding the ecological footprint Nova ScotiaIncome Quintile Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5 Footprint6.

32 Household income $/year Average #f Vehicles/ Househo ld Average Kms./ Vehicle/ Year Househ old Kms Per Year Av. Commuting Distance to Work for H’hold commuters -20,000 1.0 17,77713,772 14.4 20,000 to 34,999 1.4 19,26822,629 12.9 35,000 to 49,999 1.5 20,86127,530 16.4 50,000 to 69,999 1.8 20,96634,665 14.4 70,000+ + more SUVs 2.0 22,60040,384 15.9 Total1.6 20,85328,916 15.1

33 Income and wellbeing – to a certain point… “Despite the weak relation between income and global life satisfaction or experienced happiness, many people are highly motivated to increase their income.” (Daniel Kahneman- Economist, Princeton University) “Economies thrive when individuals strive, but because individuals will only strive for their own happiness… they mistakenly believe that producing and consuming are routes to personal wellbeing” (Daniel Gilbert: Stumbling on Happiness. 2006)

34 And at most practical level: E.g: Kings: Volunteerism: 49% would give more time if asked: Esp: males - 55%; low income – 58% ; young (15 to 24) 76% E.g: Glace Bay: Identified problem areas - police chief immediate action At the community level, fewer barriers to action. Power of evidence - can really inform practical decisions

35 + Process = Result. E.g.: Indicator selection, creating survey = community building Farmers exchanging information Report releases in Sheffield Mills, Jeddore - farmers, fishermen present New ideas: e.g. restorative justice Results bring disparate groups together Next Steps…. Update + baseline data now at Acadia and CBU: further analysis

36 Can we do it? Percentage Waste Diversion in Nova Scotia

37 Volunteerism: Atlantic Provinces lead (formal rate)


39 Measuring what we value to leave prosperous and healthy communities for our children

40 Genuine Progress Index for Atlantic Canada Indice de progrès véritable - Atlantique

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