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Adulthood: Psychosocial Development How will marriage, divorce, children and coping with your parents affect you?

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Presentation on theme: "Adulthood: Psychosocial Development How will marriage, divorce, children and coping with your parents affect you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adulthood: Psychosocial Development How will marriage, divorce, children and coping with your parents affect you?


3 Continuity and Change What changes? What stays the same?

4 What is happening in the major theories? Erikson’s Stages ▫Intimacy vs. Isolation ▫Generativity vs. stagnation Maslow’s stages ▫5. Self-=actualization ▫4. Success and esteem ▫3. Love and belonging ▫2. Safety ▫1. Physiology

5 What is the midlife crisis? 40’s - What have I accomplished? Anxiety, self-reexamination, transformation Related more to developmental history than age

6 Intimacy

7 How do we meet our need for intimacy? Met by: family, friends, coworkers, & romantic partners (the social convoy)

8 Do you remember? Which of Erikson’s stages is this person in? What are Maslow’s stages? What can create a midlife crisis?

9 What happens to family bonds? Parent-Adult child relationships Improves with age (Generations become closer) May deteriorate if they live together Familism ▫Belief that family members should support each other

10 Family bonds: Will you find a committed partner?

11 Does marriage produce happiness? Married people (In satisfying marriages) ▫Happier, Healthier, Richer Learning to understand and forgive each other promotes happiness Cohabitation before marriage ▫Decreases happiness Domestic violence is most likely to occur early in a relationship

12 Do children produce happiness? Children and happiness (“U” shaped curve) ▫Happiness is highest before children ▫Decreases with birth of first child  & additional children ▫Decreases again when children reach puberty  Teenage years ▫Happiness improves after child raising years when children become more independent (Empty nest)

13 Empty nest: What happens when the children leave home? Improves relationships ▫Parents are alone again ▫More money available Longtime partners ▫Stay together because of love & trust

14 Do you remember? What happens to parent – child relationships as the children mature? ▫What can cause this relationship to deteriorate? What promotes happiness in good marriages? When is domestic violence most likely to occur? How does a couple’s happiness change after the children leave home? Why?

15 What is the effect of separation and divorce? Almost 1 out of 2 marriages ends in divorce in the U.S. ▫About 1/3 of all first marriages end in divorce ▫Remarried people have a greater chance of divorce than first marriages Very distressed marriages = happier after divorce

16 What are the consequences of divorce? Can last for decades Divorce reduces income, severs friendships, and weakens family ties Income, family welfare, and self-esteem = lower among formerly married than still married or never married

17 Generativity: How can you deal with this stage? Erikson’s “Generativity vs. Stagnation ▫Satisfied by  Creativity  Caregiving  Employment

18 How do you care for children? Your biological children ▫Parent must change to adopt to developmental stages of child. Non-biological Children ▫Children without emotional attachment become mistrustful and fearful of becoming too dependent Stepfamilies ▫Patient, authoritative parenting is needed Adoption ▫Biological parents usually absent ▫Desperately want a child

19 How do you care for your aging parents? Sandwich generation ▫Sandwiched between their children and their parents Often only one child bears the burden of caregiving ▫Creates resentment

20 Employment What work do you want?

21 Employment = generativity Unemployed = higher rates of child abuse, alcoholism, depression & other problems. Happiness is not necessarily related to income For work to meet generativity needs, it must: ▫Use personal skills ▫Be creative ▫Advise coworkers as a friend or mentor

22 Why do people work? Extrinsic rewards (Outside - External) ▫Salary ▫Health insurance ▫Pension Intrinsic rewards (Inside – internal) ▫Intangible rewards ▫Job satisfaction ▫Self-esteem ▫Pride in contributing ▫Feeling needed Apple Computer

23 Can you combine intimacy and generativity? Job satisfaction depends on ▫The job ▫Home situation ▫Ability to balance home and work

24 Do you remember? Do second marriages have a greater chance of success than first marriages? Do formerly married persons have higher income and self-esteem than currently married or never married? What is the sandwich generation? What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards? ▫Give an example of each


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