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CERN, 2007-03-16 1 BalticGrid Project Rolandas Naujikas [rolandas nawyeekas] CERN IT/GD Vilnius University Lithuania.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN, 2007-03-16 1 BalticGrid Project Rolandas Naujikas [rolandas nawyeekas] CERN IT/GD Vilnius University Lithuania."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN, 2007-03-16 1 BalticGrid Project Rolandas Naujikas [rolandas nawyeekas] CERN IT/GD Vilnius University Lithuania

2 CERN, 2007-03-16 2 At CERN ■ PJAS contract from 2006-02-01 to 2008-01-31 ■ IT/GD OPS section ■ Backup service manager for CERN-PROD RB/WMS ■ Service manager for CERN_PPS VOBOX/LFC/RB ■ 3 rd level support for CERN-PROD lcg-CE/CE/WMS/RB ■ Other activities:  Xen  High availability  Quattor  gLite on SL4 i386/x86_64

3 CERN, 2007-03-16 3 Bug reporting ■ 23/34 bugs in gLite 3.0.x middleware ■ 1/5 bugs in SAM framework ■ 3/3 bugs in Quattor ■ Areas:  relocatable TAR_UI/TAR_WN installation on Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 sarge  glite-CE  glite-WMS  YAIM  SAM  Quattor

4 CERN, 2007-03-16 4 SAM installation for BalticGrid ■ Participation in packaging and testing of SAM ■ SAM server is running at CERN ■ SAM client is running at Vilnius University ■ ■ ■ New VU-MIF cluster is in construction ■ TO DO: move SAM server to VU-MIF cluster

5 CERN, 2007-03-16 5 Users support ■ RT ticket system   ■ Global Grid User Support (GGUS)  ■ EGEE Northern Europe Regional Operating Centre  ■ CIC -> GGUS -> NEROC -> BG

6 CERN, 2007-03-16 6 About BalticGrid Project ■ The goal of the BalticGrid project is to extend the European Grid by integrating new partners from the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) in the European Grid research community and to foster the development of Grid infrastructure in these countries. To this end, the BalticGrid consortium has enlisted the help of experienced EU Grid computing centres whose aim will be to guide our new partners through the process of deploying Grid resources and applications at their respective institutions. ■ The BalticGrid project started on 1 November 2005 and is a 30-month effort.

7 CERN, 2007-03-16 7 Partners ■ KTH (Sweden) ■ EENET (Estonia) ■ NICPB (Estonia) ■ IMCS UL (Latvia) ■ RTU (Latvia) ■ VU (Lithuania) ■ ITPA (Lithuania) ■ IFJPAN (Poland) ■ PSNC (Poland) ■ CERN (Switzerland)

8 CERN, 2007-03-16 8 Project Activities ■ NA1 - Management of the Project ■ NA2 - Education, Training, Dissemination and Outreach ■ NA3 - Application Identification and Support ■ NA4 - Policy and Standards Development ■ SA1 - Grid Operations  User support system  Validation and certification of production sites ■ SA2 - Network Resource Provisioning ■ JRA1 - Service Level Agreements, Markets and Dynamic Account Management

9 CERN, 2007-03-16 9 NA3: Application Identification and Support ■ Task 1: Pilot applications  high energy physics  material sciences  bioinformatics ■ Task 2: Special Interest Group  Baltic Sea Eco-System Modeling  Text Annotation Service  Text-to-Speech Service  Stellar Spectra Computation  Atomic and Nuclear Computations  Computational Modeling of heterogeneous Processes ■ Task 3: Application support  Application expert group  Migrating desktop  Performance evaluation tools (G-PM, OCM-G)

10 CERN, 2007-03-16 10 NA3 Issues ■ MPI support on clusters ■ Standardization of WN (working node) environment ■ Software installation on clusters ■ Users need User Interface, which solves their problems ■ Monitoring of job execution ■ Get intermediate results from long running jobs ■ Hard to diagnose many problems (unclear error messages or warnings)

11 CERN, 2007-03-16 11 GAMESS ■ Preparation for GAMESS VO ■ VOMS server installation ■ Analysis of source code ■ Patches for compilation with PBS/Torque launcher  Use only PBS to launch child processes in another nodes  Don't use ssh between nodes – more secure ■ Automatic build and installation script ■ Initial deploying and testing ■ Later deploying and testing passed to Tomas Narbutaitis and Eduardas Kutka ■ Users are using successfully those installations

12 CERN, 2007-03-16 12 Current sites in BalticGrid ■ Sweden:  PDC – 83, 44GB ■ Estonia:  EENet – 10, 2TB  T2_Estonia – 100, xTB  UT_CS – 16 ■ Latvia:  IMCSUL – 9, 1TB  IMCSUL-INF – 8, 128GB  RTUETF – 21, 1TB ■ Poland:  CYFRONET-IA64 – 34, 20GB  CYFRONET-LCG2 – 274, 64GB  – 144, 31GB ■ Lithuania:  VU-MIF-LCG2 – ~200, 3TB  ITPA-LCG2 – 8, 58GB  KTU-ELEN-LCG2 – 10, 108GB  KTU-BG-GLITE – 44, 190GB  VDU-IF-LCG2 – 22, 21GB  VGTU-gLite – 19  SU-GRID – 15, 164GB  FI-LCG2 – 4  - 6  – 12  – 2  - ~16

13 CERN, 2007-03-16 13 Number of users ■ Balticgrid VO: 237 ■ Other VOs in BalticGrid:  gamess (24) GAMESS application users  biitBio-informatics from University of Tartu  bgtutTutorial  estoniaCatch-all VO for Estonia  litgrid(28)Catch-all VO for Lithuania

14 CERN, 2007-03-16 14 SA1 Activity operations ■ Weekly VRVS with 7-9 participants on average ■ Joint meetings with NA3 ■ Very active mailing list, over 1000 mails in 11 months ■ Action list action-list ■ 14 open items, 16 closed items ■ Collaboration with grid administrators and developers from Poland, Sweden and CERN has been very useful for Baltic States

15 CERN, 2007-03-16 15 SA1 Issues ■ Too many bugs in gLite 3.0 ■ Too costly installation for small clusters ■ MPI support in gLite 3.0 release ■ Certification Testbed ■ Logging and accounting systems ■ Hard to diagnose problems ■ 64-bit gLite is not there yet (AMD64/EMT64/IA64) ■ Users need User Interface, which solves their problems  basic command line tools – too complicated for ordinary users  Proposed solutions: ► Migrating Desktop ► P-Grade portal ► GENIUS portal ► UIPnP with Zeus toolkit

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