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Caribbean Research and Education Networking (CaribREN) Report Fall 2007 Internet2 Member Meeting October 8, 2007 San Diego, California Dr. Heidi L. Alvarez.

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Presentation on theme: "Caribbean Research and Education Networking (CaribREN) Report Fall 2007 Internet2 Member Meeting October 8, 2007 San Diego, California Dr. Heidi L. Alvarez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caribbean Research and Education Networking (CaribREN) Report Fall 2007 Internet2 Member Meeting October 8, 2007 San Diego, California Dr. Heidi L. Alvarez Florida International University October 8, 2007

2 2 Caribbean Special Interest Group Presentation Agenda Network Infrastructure: CIARA AMPATH IXP, WHREN-LILA RedCLARA - Florencio Utreras CKLN SMITCOMS: Eastern Caribbean IPv6Network - Curtis Haynes, Managing Director and Eldert Louisa, lead network engineer Participating Institutions & Applications: Sint Maartin & The Netherlands Tele-Medicine - Hans Zandbergen University of Puerto Rico - Jose Conde Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico - Arun Venkataraman SETI @ Home - Dan Werthimer,University of California, Berkeley University of the Virgin Islands - Kelley Harrigan e-VLBI antennae St. Croix - Alan Whitney from MIT

3 3 About the Caribbean Research & Education Networking (CaribREN) Special Interest Group Mission: To advance the state of high-performance networking for research and education in the Caribbean. Membership is open to all institutions and individuals with an interest in supporting, contributing, or learning more about the mission of the CaribREN SIG. Current membership ranges from Caribbean interests, US and Latin American research & education networks, scientists, and educators.

4 4 Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment (CIARA) CIARA was created in 2003 as a State of Florida Type II Research Center at FIU. CIARA services institutional collaborators in the U.S. and internationally as a bridge linking researchers and educators with the infrastructure and knowledge they need to perform their work.

5 5 AMPATH International Exchange Point (IXP) Improves research and education high-performance network connectivity in the Western Hemisphere and fosters collaboration Promotes efficient peering through a distributed exchange point model Projects at FIU served by AMPATH: - WHREN-LILA NSF Award # OCI- 0441095 and FAPESP Projeto #04/14414-2 - AtlanticWave - Global CyberBridges NSF Award # OCI-0636031 - CHEPREO NSF Award # PHY- 0312038 Located at the NAP of the Americas in Miami Ethernet and ATM peering fabrics Connection types are: - 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps and 10Gbps Ethernet - 45 Mbps, 155 Mbps and 622 Mbps ATM - 155 Mbps, 622 Mbps and 2.5 Gbps SDH Jumbo frame support IPv4/IPv6

6 6

7 7 Western Hemisphere Research & Education Network (WHREN) Links Interconnecting Latin America (LILA) 2.5Gbps + dark fiber segment U.S. landings in Miami and San Diego Latin America landings in Sao Paulo and Tijuana $5M over 5 years from the National Science Foundation & $5M from the Science Foundation of Sao Paulo

8 8 RedCLARA ALICE Project 18 Latin American Countries and 4 European NRENs Creation of CLARA, the organization of LA NREN’s - 18 (100%) LA Countries - Legally established in Uruguay - Management structure in place Establishment of RedCLARA - The Network - The Operations are carried out by CUDI in Mexico - The Engineering is subcontracted to RNP in Brazil - The Information Systems is subcontracted to REUNA in Chile Florencio Utreras, CLARA

9 9 RedCLARA WHREN/LILA Project WHREN: Western Hemisphere Research and Education Network LILA Links Interconnecting Latin America IRNC Project funded by NSF and leaded by FIU and CENIC in the US. CLARA, CUDI, RNP, ANSP from Latin America Acquired IRU of Dark fiber Tijuana-San Diego. Running GbE on top of it. (to Pacific Wave) 2.4 Gbps Sao Paulo-Miami shared with CHEPREO & ANSP (to Atlantic Wave)

10 10 Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network (CKLN) Launched by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) in 2004, the Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network (CKLN) is a multilateral project, supported by the OAS, the World Bank, the European Union and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The project is designed to enhance the competitiveness of Caribbean countries, using information and communication technologies to connect the Caribbean to the global pool of knowledge, developing human resources and facilitating greater regional integration

11 11 Eastern Caribbean IPv6 Network The St. Maarten Medical Center is currently connected on a 4 Mb pipe that is used to query medical database. The center is upgrading its connection on fiber to provide faster and better quality. The project is expected to be completed in the 2nd week of October. Eldert Louisa SMITCOMS, N.V.

12 12 Eastern Caribbean IPv6 Network Eldert Louisa SMITCOMS, N.V.

13 13 Eastern Caribbean IPv6 Network Eldert Louisa SMITCOMS, N.V.

14 14 CaribREN SIG Institutions & Applications Sint Maartin & The Netherlands Tele-Medicine - Click to Meet Radio Oncology University of Puerto Rico - Jose Conde Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico - Arun University of the Virgin Islands - Kelley Harragan e-VLBI antennae St. Croix - Alan Whitney from MIT

15 15 Click to Meet Audio, video and data sharing for teleconferencing between St. Maarten and Erasmus University Allows physicians to share data real-time and make fast, informed treatment decisions Tested over new glass fiber connection in 2006- 2007.

16 16 University of Puerto Rico (UPR)

17 17 Internet Internet2 UPR GigE Solution to AMPATH IXP @ Miami NAP Centennial MPLS GigE/EOS AOMiami NAPGuaynaboAreciboFIU GigE HPCFUPR

18 18 Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico Arecibo Observatory, which has the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, is part of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC), a national research center operated by Cornell University under a cooperative agreement with NSF Arecibo is a sponsored participant in Internet2 through FIU AMPATH IXP Arecibo participates in SETI@home and the e-VLBI radio astronomy array coordinated by MIT Haystack and Jive (EU- Dwingeloo, Netherlands)

19 19 SETI@home Web Site and Outreach Dan Werthimer University of California, Berkeley SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses large numbers of Internet-connected computers to Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) using the Arecibo radio 2 million hits/day 200,000 visitors/day (stats & games popular; science less popular) 100,000 children, families (including congress members and their kids) 7,000 schools SETI@home sends data out via Internet 2 and Commodity Internet to universities, school kids, and 5 million participants in 226 countries. Teacher’s Guide

20 20 Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico EXPReS EXPReS is a three-year project to create a distributed astronomical instrument of continental and intercontinental dimensions using e- VLBI. e-VLBI (European VLBI Network) is an interferrometric array of radio telescopes spread throughout Europe and beyond, including at Arecibo, which conducts unique, high resolution, radio astronomical observations of cosmic radio sources. It is the most sensitive VLBI array in the world, thanks to the collection of extremely large telescopes that contribute to the network. EXPReS is made possible through the support of the European Commission (DG-INFSO), Sixth Framework Programme, Contract #026642 Arun Venkataraman, National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center

21 21 EXPReS Partners 19 partners, 21 telescopes, 6 continents, 7500 km longest baseline Arun Venkataraman, National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center

22 22 First eVLBI with JIVE: September 2004 The first eVLBI test observations took place on Sept. 10, 2004. The source, 0528+134, was observed at 1.6 GHz using an array consisting of Arecibo, Cambridge (UK), Torun (Poland) and Westerbork (Netherlands). The observations resulted in the FIRST transatlantic eVLBI image. Arecibo-Torun was then the LONGEST real-time interferometer baseline yet created. (Top) The 1.6-GHz continuum image of 0528+134 at 80 mas resolution. (Below) Visibility amplitude and phase plots between Arecibo and other EVN stations. Arun Venkataraman, National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center

23 23 Data Path to JIVE  PRISANET (PR) of the Arecibo Obs./UPR.  AMPATH (US) of Florida Intl. Univ.  Abilene (US) of Internet 2.  SURFnet (NL) of SURFnet BV. Data rate: 32 Mbps, briefly sustained 80 Mbps. DAR/Formatter MK5 JIVE in2net Arun Venkataraman, National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center

24 24 University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) EPSCoR Grant (NSF) $4.5 million – designed to expand and enhance the research capability of scientists to compete more successfully for a portion of the nation's federal academic research and development budget. Master of Marine & Environmental Science EPSCoR is investing in research infrastructure at UVI, including: - new computer system for high performance ocean modeling (HYCOM); improving UVI’s intranet and internet capacity on St. Thomas and St. Croix; - developing high speed internet connectivity at UVI’s field station on St. John; and - trials of electronic delivery of rapid full-text journal access for researchers. Kelly Harrigan, UVI

25 25 University of the Virgin Islands Kelly Harrigan, UVI

26 26 Next Steps Continue with monthly meetings Update the CaribREN web site with more information about members Work with all potential collaborators Have a face-to-face Meeting in the Caribbean Discussion Q&A

27 27 Thank you! Email: Website: Please subscribe to the mailing list and join our SIG

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