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Waterberg District Municipality Mining Development Strategy Implementation Plan 18 JULY 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Waterberg District Municipality Mining Development Strategy Implementation Plan 18 JULY 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waterberg District Municipality Mining Development Strategy Implementation Plan 18 JULY 2006

2 Table Of Contents Purpose and Background Progress to Date Vision And Mission Statement Goals And Objectives Action Plan: Objective One Action Plan: Objective Two Action Plan: Objective Three Organization Structure Policies and Procedures Budget Schedule Of Activities Monitoring And Evaluation Next Policy Forum & WG Meeting

3 Purpose & Background The purpose of this strategy formulation process is to provide WDM with a policy instrument by which leadership and strategic direction can be given to the mining industry for: Increased competitiveness on a sustainable basis, Increased investment as a basis for job creation and economic growth, Improvements in the quality of life of the district population, including priorities such as BEE, as well as reductions in HIV/AIDS and poverty, Regional integration. This mining development strategy is part of a broader intervention that is aimed at accelerated economic development in Waterberg District, which includes sectoral development strategies for agriculture and tourism.

4 Progress to Date 1. Mining Strategy Stakeholder Forum to Promote Consultation 2. Mining Strategy Core Working Group to Review Content in Phases 3. Phase One: Policy Assessment 4. Phase Two: Geology Assessment 5. Phase Three: Scenario Formulation 6. Phase Four: Project Development Proposals 7. Phase Five: Implementation Plan 8. Phase Six: Strategy Consolidation 1. Mining Strategy Stakeholder Forum to Promote Consultation 2. Mining Strategy Core Working Group to Review Content in Phases 3. Phase One: Policy Assessment 4. Phase Two: Geology Assessment 5. Phase Three: Scenario Formulation 6. Phase Four: Project Development Proposals 7. Phase Five: Implementation Plan 8. Phase Six: Strategy Consolidation Completed Current Pending

5 Minutes of the Previous Meeting 1.Comments on correctness and completeness of the minutes 2.Matters arising that are not on the agenda

6 Vision & Mission Statement The vision of WDM is to become a caring and responsive municipality with excellent service delivery, sustainable development and prospering people. Its mission statement is that The Waterberg District Municipality will, through an inclusive and participatory process, establish the needs of its people and by rendering effective, efficient and sustainable services, ensure a better life for all. WDM IDP WDM LED ASGISA

7 Goals & Objectives WDM will provide leadership and interventions to increase the contribution from the mining sector to job creation and economic growth in the District by: Creating a conducive environment for mining expansions and new mine developments, specifically by facilitating the removal of constraints to such developments, Promoting the capacity of Black economic empowered companies from within Waterberg District to supply the procurement needs of mines according to the required quality standards, Augmenting the capacity of local municipalities, traditional leaders and communities to respond to and consolidate the benefits of mining developments within a cluster context.

8 Action Plan: Summary

9 Action Plan: Objective One 1. Infrastructure provision 1.1. Water 1.2 Roads 1.3. Rail 1.4. Electricity 2Skills Promotion 3Small Scale Mining (SSM) Promotion 4Monitoring and Evaluation 5 Create Platforms for Stakeholder Communication

10 Action Plan: Objective One Conti.. 1. Infrastructure provision 1.1. Water 1.1.1. Assist MLM to fast-track the compilation of the water services planning study 1.1.2. Collaborate with DWAF re raising of Mogol Dam 1.1.3. Collaborate with DWAF re Crocodile River return flow 1.1.4. Technical capacity building for local municipalities 1.1.5. Update WDM Water Services Development Plan 1.2 Roads 1.2.1. Resolve transfer of the R33 from RAL to SANRAL 1.2.2. Prepare MIG application to augment RAL funds 1.3. Electricity 1.3.1. Discuss Matimba options and factor into strategy 1.4. Rail 1.4.1. Facilitate feasibility study on rail logistics

11 Action Plan: Objective One Conti.. 2.Skills Promotion 2.1 Facilitate implementation of the four proposed actions 3Small Scale Mining (SSM) Promotion 3.1 Mobilise resources for SSM development in granite, iron ore and granite industries in conjunction with TIL 4Monitoring and Evaluation 4.1 Develop and maintain an econometric model for WDM 5Create Platforms for Stakeholder Communication 5.1. Secretariat services for the Mining Policy Forum (2 years) 5.2. Secretariat services for the Mining Cluster Working Group

12 Action Plan: Objective Two 1. Localise BEE mining supply chain participation 1.1. Identify Appropriate Procurement Needs 1.1.1. Compile procurement lists per mine by category and quantity 1.1.2. Select suitable items from procurement lists for BEE promotion over five years 1.2. Identify Local BEE Entrepreneurs 1.2.1. Facilitate search via existing business support structures and media 1.2.2. Screen respondents for suitability 1.2.3. Link respondents with existing suppliers

13 Action Plan: Objective Two Conti.. 1.3. Facilitate Access to Business Development Support 1.3.1. Conduct a needs analysis among screened, prospective BEE entrepreneurs 1.3.2. Identify available business development support services that match the needs 1.3.3. Facilitate access to the available services 1.3.4. Determine the most feasible mining supply park model for WDM

14 Action Plan: Objective Three 1. Augment Capacity for Mining Development in WD 1.1. Promote Spatial Development Capacity 1.1.1. Detailed Spatial Development Framework for Mapela 1.1.2. Detailed Spatial Development Framework for Lephalale 1.1.3. Detailed Spatial Development Framework for Northam 1.1.4. Build spatial planning capacity in Mogalakwena, Lephalale and Thabazimbi for two years 1.2. Promote LED Capacity 1.2.1. Appoint LED Co-ordinator: Mining Sector 1.2.2. Appoint service provider for mining strategy implementation 1.2.3. Build LED capacity in Mogalakwena, Lephalale and Thabazimbi for two years 1.2.4. Incorporate mining strategy in LEDs, IDPs and social and labour plans of mines

15 Action Plan: Objective Three Conti.. 1.3. Promote Small Scale Mining Community Co-operatives 1.3.1. Compile a syllabus for the training of co-operative members 1..3.2. Conduct training for co-operative members 1.3.3. Compile a standard format for mining co-operative feasibility studies and business plans 1.3.4. Prepare feasibility studies and business plans for the three registered mining co-operatives

16 Organization Structure Manager Assistant Manger Development Planning Administrative Services Co-operative Development Officer Agricultural Co- operative Dev Officer Assistant Manager LED Marketing & Tourism Officer LED Co-ordinator

17 Organization Structure Organization Structure Conti… Asst. Mgr: Spatial Plng Contract Service Provider Municipal Manager Executive Mayor Regional Integration

18 Policies And Procedures Mining regulations Infrastructure Local business development Sustainable development, and Development planning. SPATIAL PLANNING PROCEDURES IDPS, LEDS AND SOCIAL & LABOUR PLANS

19 Budget STRATEGYINDICATIVE BUDGET R’ Objective One Subtotal2,300,000 Objective Two Subtotal470,000 Objective Three Subtotal4,290,000 Total Indicative Budget excluding VAT7,060,000 Summary of Indicative Budget per Objective

20 Schedule Of Activities

21 Monitoring And Evaluation

22 Next Forum & WG Meetings

23 Finger Lunch

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