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PROVOST’S REPORTRT June 18, 2015. Overview Promotion and Tenure 2015/2016 will be electronic using Google Drives. The results of the CRR 300.030 vote.

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Presentation on theme: "PROVOST’S REPORTRT June 18, 2015. Overview Promotion and Tenure 2015/2016 will be electronic using Google Drives. The results of the CRR 300.030 vote."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROVOST’S REPORTRT June 18, 2015

2 Overview Promotion and Tenure 2015/2016 will be electronic using Google Drives. The results of the CRR 300.030 vote did not pass. Results were 57%. Additional sections were added and additional faculty to teach for Physics as well as the Provost, CASB and CEC each put up $50K for a new Physics Lab.

3 Mahelet G. Fikru (Economics) –Economic Analysis of the S&T Solar Village and Some Policy Recommendations Co-PIs: Gregory Gelles (Economics); Ana M. Ichim (Economics); Jonathan Kimball (Electrical and Computer Engineering); Joseph Smith (Chemical and Biochemical Engineering); Maciej Jan Zawodniok (Electrical and Computer Engineering) Julie Semon (Biological Science) –3D Printing of Bone Using Bioactive Glass and Mesenchymal Stem Cells V. A. Samaranayake (Mathematics and Statistics) –Statistical Tools for Developing &Testing Advanced Materials for Infrastructure and Extreme Environments Audra Merfeld-Langston (Arts, Languages, and Philosophy) –Going with the Flow? Adapting to New Cultures and Technologies in Guatemala Manashi Nath (Chemistry) –Synthesis and Applications of Nanostructured Ceramics under Extreme Environments College of Arts, Sciences, and Business Best-in-Class Pilot Study Program

4 Kailea Tilden, Renaissance Student Award Nikki Breeland, Outstanding History Major Award Rebekah Harrah, Undergraduate Research Award in English Amy Ketterer, Diane Feldman Technical Editing Special Interest Group Scholarship from the Society for Technical Communication Michael Pride, Outstanding Senior in French, presented by the American Association of Teachers of French College of Engineering and Computing Student Awards

5 Service Learning Symposium September 29, 2015 Keynote Speaker: Dr. S. David Mitchell, Associate Professor of Law, UMC Student Design & Experiential Learning Center Human Powered Vehicle 2 nd Place HPVC West – San Jose, CA 1 st Place HPVC East – Gainesville, FL Mars Rover 5 th Place at University Rover Challenge, International World Championship Office of Undergraduate Studies

6 AAVG-Rocket, Electric Formula, Solar Car will compete in June/July Mars Rover will compete in September in Poland iGEM will compete in September in Boston Hit the Ground Running (HGR) – July 12-31, 2015 Summer Bridge Program 83 registered with 4 on wait list Goal Enrollment is 100

7 Thesis/Dissertation Boot Camp –21 students attended over Spring Break –Evaluations for this program were outstanding; several students have finished theses/dissertations, passed comprehensive exams, or submitted journal papers as a result –Next boot camp: June 19-26 1400+ applications processed by Office of Graduate Studies in Spring 2015 April was Graduate Education Month –9 Brown Bag Lunch and Learn events held with 61 students in attendance Graduate Learning Outcomes –Revised GLO rubrics will be used starting Fall 2015 –The Office of Graduate Studies will meet with each department over the summer to go over changes Office of Graduate Studies

8 Graduate Leadership Development Program –Funded from UM System for 3 more years beginning in 2017 Experience S&T Campus Visit Program for prospective domestic doctoral students –3 visit days scheduled for fall 2015 Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellowship –9 selected so far (7 accepted, 2 declined); applications still open Dissertation Completion Fellowship –Selection committee reviewing; awardees will be notified in early June

9 Early registration for Fall 2015 is up 4.5% over last year. Largest growth levels are freshmen and PhD students. First-time college students are projected to be 1,467, an increase of 13.6%. This will be our second largest incoming class. The largest was 1,488 in 1981. Freshmen this fall will continue to have high academic credentials and there will be increases in female, minority, and out-of-state students. The percentage of incoming students in engineering is declining. Enrollment Management

10 Office of Sponsored Programs Summary of FY15 activities year-to-date (May) Number of funded proposals down 14% for a total of 225 Total dollars is $30.3M which is up 17% Number of new proposals submitted is up 10% at 543 Total dollars is $179M which is up 55% Number of active awards is down by 8% at 566 Total expenditures is $35M which is down 7% Net grant and contract expenditures is $28M which is down 9% F&A recovered is $5.2M which is down 13%

11 Classes done…Time for System Upgrades Inter-Library Loan (aka Illiad): integration with LDAP authentication Integration with RAPID consortium (faster delivery of articles via inter-library loan) Implement Web Print (Ed Tech’s program for wireless printing) Calendaring software for study/conference room reservation: new system, integration with LDAP authentication …and other back room systems that will not be noticeable to library users… Curtis Laws Wilson Library

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