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Information Session Connecting graduate students in science and engineering with regional opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Session Connecting graduate students in science and engineering with regional opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Session Connecting graduate students in science and engineering with regional opportunities

2 1.The Beginning 2.The Approach 3.The Reality 4.The Future Information Session Outline

3 The Beginning Information Session

4 : The Beginning Several MSE PhD Students Interested in Staying In Pittsburgh/Western PA After Graduation –Difficult to Identify Companies that Hire PhD’s –No Mechanism for Looking for Regional Employment at the PhD Level –Poor Understanding of the Role of MSE PhD’s in Regional Companies –Are There Suitable Opportunities in this Region? –Disconnect Between PhD Students and Regional Industry

5 : The Beginning Regional Goal to Retain Highly Educated Students Example… Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl –Article in CMU Newspaper –One of Main Goals is to Retain CMU Students in This Region After Graduation He is not the only one.

6 : The Beginning 1) CMU MSE PhD Students Interested in Staying in the Region Post-Graduation. 2) Regional Goal to Retain Highly Educated Students. Perceived Disconnect: A Number of Students Would Stay in the Region, But Often Find it Difficult or Impossible. The Pittsburgh / Western PA Region Wants These Students to Stay, But Has Difficulty Retaining Them.

7 : The Beginning –PITA (Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance) –ICES (Institute for Complex Engineered Systems) –Alumni Events (Tepper School of Business) –PTC (Pittsburgh Technology Council) –InnovationWorks –Allegheny Conference –SMART (Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow) CMU Pittsburgh PA, MD, NJ, DE One Major Goal: “Retention of Highly-Educated Students” IDEA… Involve “Highly Educated Students” in These Efforts Many Groups Exist to Promote and Facilitate Development of the Pittsburgh/Western PA Region

8 The Approach Information Session

9 : The Approach Several Students Decided to Investigate this Further.... Approach: Form a PhD Student Group to Explore and Discuss These Issues. Initial Goals 1.Attempt to Better Understand Connection Between Regional Development in Areas Related to Our Employment and Science/Engineering Research Through Discussions. 2.Educate Students About Regional Opportunities a)Promote Networking Between PhD Students and Regional Industry b)Educate Students about Regional Technical Entrepreneurship Resources 3.Create a “Mechanism” For Looking Into Regional Employment Opportunities. NOT A GOAL Convince MSE PhD Students to Stay in Pittsburgh

10 : The Approach Meeting Schedule Organizational Meetings Second Friday of Each Month Review Progress Deal with Organizational Issues Suggest Course of Action for Following Month Discussion Meetings Last Friday of Each Month Discuss Relevant Articles Have Visitors from Regional Industry Have Visitors from Other Groups with Similar Goals Eat Pizza!

11 : The Approach Eventually… Extend to all of CIT… Not Just MSE Group Discussions Foster Discourse About Relevant Topics Group Gathers and Maintains a Centralized Source of Information for Entrepreneurship and Local Industry Short Term Group Publicizes Presence of Students Willing to Stay in Area Medium Term Increased Awareness of Regional Employment and Entrepreneurial Opportunities Long Term Presence of Group Allows Access to Perspective of Graduate Students Influencing Local Policy Decisions Publicity of Presence of Group Attracts Companies Closely Related to University Research Desired Impacts and Effects of Group Improved Social Network Between Current Graduate Students and Regional Industry

12 : The Approach Significant Amount of Work and Time is Required to Maintain this Group Responsibilities are Split into Small, Manageable Roles Attempt to Minimize Time Burden on Busy Students Positions are Ideally “Managerial” in Nature… Research and Classes are the Priority… General Organizational Strategy

13 The Reality Information Session

14 : The Reality Achievements and Accomplishments –Identified Major Goals of Group –Wrote a Proposal for PITA (Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance) to Obtain a Budget of About $2600.00 Per Year –Established An Organizational Framework –Visitors From 3 Different Companies and a Number of Regional Organizations / Groups

15 : The Reality Goals 1)Promote Networking Between CMU Engineering PhD’s and Regional Industry 2) Educate Interested CMU PhD Students about Regional opportunities. 3)Provide a Mechanism for Engineering PhD Students to Search for Regional Opportunities

16 : The Reality Goals 4)Publicize the willingness of CMU engineering PhD students to remain in the Pittsburgh / Western Pennsylvania Region after graduation if suitable employment opportunities exist. 5)Interact with existing regional development initiatives to provide the “PhD Student” perspective to make their efforts more effective. 6)Encourage student consideration of potential career opportunities throughout their time in graduate school

17 : The Approach

18 : The Reality CrossLink Organizational Structure External Communications Alysha Grenko Internal Communications & Group Sustainability Nick Jones/Nick Rock Marketing Dhishan Kande Finance Kelsey Miller Website Lisa Chan General Members Faculty Advisor Prof. Robert Heard ASM Liason Vincent Sokalski

19 : The Reality Sponsors and Affiliates Sponsors  Institute for Complex Engineered Systems (ICES)  Pennsylvania Infrastructure and Technology Alliance (PITA)  CMU Department of Materials Science and Engineering Affiliates/Previous Meeting Visitors  ASM International  Project Olympus  Pittsburgh Technology Council (PTC)  Seagate Research  ANH Refractories  Innovation Works  PPG Industries

20 : The Reality Achievements and Accomplishments –Created a Name and Logo –Designed / Ordered Business Cards for Student Members –Group Website Developed and Launched –Several Presentations/Interviews Have Been Given –Students Involved Have Learned a Lot…

21 : The Reality Connecting graduate students in science and engineering with regional opportunities Name / Logo / Tagline

22 : The Reality Promotional Materials Pic of mug

23 : The Reality Group Website

24 : The Reality We Have Learned A Great Deal –There Are Many Efforts at Promoting Regional Development in Technical Areas Including MSE –Pittsburgh is a Great Place for Someone Who Wants to Start a Business –Group Works Best By Integrating with Existing Initiatives and Groups and Making Recommendations Example: ASM Golden Triangle Chapter –Just the Presence and Advertising of Group Has Positive Impact on the Situation

25 : The Reality We Have Learned A Great Deal –Representatives From Companies are Willing to Speak with Students if Invited –A Faculty Advisor Needs to Be Involved for Continuity and Sustainability of Group –Group Will Be Difficult to Reproduce in Other Departments Without Faculty Involvement –The Ability to Invite Visitors From Industry is Beneficial to All MSE PhD Students Interested in an Industrial Career Path –Organizing this Group is Actually Fun!

26 : The Reality Meetings Organizational Meetings Intend to Reduce in Number Once Group is “Running” Properly Perhaps Once Every Other Month Critical to Hold Regular Meetings to “Keep Things Moving” Discussion Meetings Mechanism for Students to Invite Visitors From Companies They Choose Ability to Ask Questions Directly to MSE PhD’s Working in Industry Opportunity for Students to Gain More Perspective Format is Very Informal

27 : The Reality Group Discussions Foster Discourse About Relevant Topics Group Gathers and Maintains a Centralized Source of Information for Entrepreneurship and Local Industry Short Term Group Publicizes Presence of Students Willing to Stay in Area Medium Term Increased Awareness of Regional Employment and Entrepreneurial Opportunities Long Term Presence of Group Allows Access to Perspective of Graduate Students Influencing Local Policy Decisions Publicity of Presence of Group Attracts Companies Closely Related to University Research Desired Impacts and Effects of Group All of These are Still Possible in Principle, Hopefully the Website Can Play a Large Role in This… Improved Social Network Between Current Graduate Students and Regional Industry

28 The Future Information Session

29 : The Future Continuous Recruitment of New Students Increased Faculty Involvement Promote Formation of Similar Groups in Other Departments Strong Emphasis on Group Discussion Meetings and Industrial Visitors Integration with Existing Organizations Such as ASM Golden Triangle Chapter Use of Website to Help With Group Organization, Advertising, and Discussion Meetings

30 : The Future CrossLink has a Great Potential, BUT… Organization and Discipline is Required to Keep it Going to Fulfill that Potential Focus of Group Must Be Continuously Reevaluated and Sharpened Integration of Group with MSE and CIT Through Faculty Involvement is Critical Recruitment of New Students Must Be Done on an Annual or Semi-Annual Basis

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