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PG Funding and Management Strategies Overview of work done 7th meeting Friday, 14 May 2008 Paris La Défense.

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Presentation on theme: "PG Funding and Management Strategies Overview of work done 7th meeting Friday, 14 May 2008 Paris La Défense."— Presentation transcript:

1 PG Funding and Management Strategies Overview of work done 7th meeting Friday, 14 May 2008 Paris La Défense

2 14.05.2008 2 Projects M1: To analyse public private partnership (PPP) for roads and road transport administration M4: Show the effect of road pricing on socio-economy M6: Show how best to access EU financial support and explore the financial procurement M7: Develop a best practice guide for the cost manangement for long-term investment

3 14.05.2008 3 First On the 4th meeting 19th April 2007 the group decided –Focus on M1: PPP and M4: road pricing

4 14.05.2008 4 M1: PPP What has been done so far? At the first meeting 8th February 2006: we decided to send a questionnaire (in cooperation with PIARC group) to CEDR members countries. 15th March 2006: questionnaire was sent out to CEDR members countries. At the second meeting 10th October 2006: 14 questionnaires had been filled out by CEDR’s countries and 2 other questionnaires have been added to these 14 countries since then. (plus 7 questionnaires from other countries than CEDRs members countries). At the second meeting 10th October 2006: Wim Leendertse has been chosen project leader.

5 14.05.2008 5 M1: PPP What has been done so far? At the second meeting 10th October 2006: we decided following action plan: –Benchmarks out of the answers of the questionnaires (Nov 2006) - Wim Leendertse will introduce the result on the 3rd meeting. –Reference reports on PPP (Oct 2006) – Bernd Quakernack. –Analyse own experience (Nov 2006) - Wim Leendertse will suggest an action plan for the analyses on the 3rd meeting –Structure of report (Nov 2006) – Bernd Quakernack, Sophie Pochard, Wim Leendertse. –Write the report (Feb 2007) – Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir will introduce the CEDR’s report structure and suggest action plan for writing the PPP report on the 3rd meeting.

6 14.05.2008 6 M1: PPP What has been done so far? At the third meeting 22nd February 2007: Wim Leendertse and Inge Veldhuis had bencmarked the answers from the questionnaire for 16 countries. Wim Leendertse have concluded from the overview of the data that many more questions were raised. Inge Veldhuis gave a presentation on the results of the benchmark analysis and the group discussed it. Wim Leendertse had written iterim report on PPP on 15th Mars 2007 which was sent to the EB members. He has also prepared a presentation for EB. At EB meeting in Vilnius 29th Mars 2007 Wim Leendertse gave a presentation on the results of the benchmark analysis. Bernd Quakernack had sent the reference report on PPP from Price Waterhouse Cooper 2nd April 2007.

7 14.05.2008 7 M1: PPP What has been done so far? At the fourth meeting 19th April 2007: Michel Egger gave the group some conclusion from EB meeting where Wim Leendertse had given a presentation on PPP. The presentation was appreciated and had raised a lot of interest among the EB members. They welcomed the proposal to have a PPP decision making support tool. At the fourth meeting 19th April 2007: Wim Leendertse gave a presentation on his proposal for the next steps. His proposal were to upgrade and finalize basic information based on the questionnaire, to further analyse the results and to establish the structure of the decision support model. The group had agreed on and decided following: –Updated questionnaire will be sent out in May followed by interview by telephone or visit in June and July. Wim Leendertse’s colleagues Inge Veldhuis and one other will take care of these interviews. –After the interviews analyse further the results. –Wim Leendertse will send to the group a first draft of the structure of the decision support model for support and for exchange of reaction and comments from the group by e-mail. –The draft of decision support tool will be presented in EB meeting in September 2007. –The aim is to present final report to the EB in November 2007. 29th May 2007: Updated questionnaire was sent to EB members and PG Funding members. Return of the questionnaire was supposed to be 15th June 2007. July-September 2007: Some inteviews have been done and works on decision support model.

8 14.05.2008 8 M1: PPP What has been done so far? At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007: Wim Leendertse and Zoran Manovic presented a PPP decision support tool which is a web-based interactive tool with PPP information gathered from the various European countries. –The object of the tool is to introduce the user to the right sort of questions to ask on PPP giving information on each step and examples of solutions from other countries. –The organisation of a PPP support tool is based on design, build, finance, maintain and operate. –The group discussed this interesting support tool and made remarks on few things like the risk and risk sharing as well as complexity of legal framework in different countries. At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007 the group had agreed on and decided following steps: –The group reads trough the PPP decision support tool and sends any other comments to Wim Leendertse by 5th October 2007. –Wim Leendertse will draw up a proposal for summary sheets on each country that reflect their experiences, reasoning and solutions with respect to PPP that he will send to the group within 4 weeks for their feedback. –The group will finish final report in February 2008 and Wim Leendertse will give a presentation at the EB meeting the 21 February 2008.

9 14.05.2008 9 M1: PPP What has been done so far? At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008: Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir presented a progress report which Wim Leendertse had sent to the group before the meeting. Following time schedule was proposed in the progress report which the group agreed on: –Build website/CD by website provider: - completed in week 5 –Internal testing by website provider and Rijkswaterstaat: - completed in week 6, 7 –Beta version available for review by PG Funding members: - up from week 8 –Collection of remarks & country overviews: - by week 14  1st May –Update and completion: - week 16  14th May –Formal launch of website: - next PG Funding meeting, 14th May At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008: the group also agreed on the following: –That either Wim Leendertse would write a short report from the information gathered from the questionnaire, then send it to each country for a final touch; or each country will write an overview upon a specific outline that the group will define. –To present the final report at the next EB meeting on 19th June 2008.

10 14.05.2008 10 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the second meeting 10th October 2006: Laurent Donato has been chosen project leader. At the second meeting 10th October 2006: we decided following action plan: –Status of work by PIARC (Jan 2007) – 31.10.2006 Laurent Donato had sent to the group members main conclusions from PIARC seminar on road pricing which has been held in Cancun in April 2005. –Road pricing in one’s own country (Jan 2007) – 26.10.2006 Laurent Donato had sent to the group members some key questions about the road pricing practice. He only has got answers from 6 members so far (Belgium, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, Netherlands). Laurent will introduce the results on the 3rd meeting.

11 14.05.2008 11 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the third meeting 22nd February 2007: Laurent Donato gave a presentation on his conclusion on Road Pricing after he had received answers from 6 contries. Laurent Donato had written iterim report on Road pricing 29th Mars in french.

12 14.05.2008 12 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the fourth meeting 19th April 2007: Laurent Donato had prepared presentation on his iterim report which Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir presented in his absence. The group discussed the project for a long time and they agreed on that Laurent Donato had mostly done the work on an inventory of existing or planned road pricing system in the CEDR's states but the group need to do more work on socio-economic consequences of road pricing. The group decided that Anton Goebel from Finland and Morten Rannem from Norway would help Laurent Donato with that work in coming months. The group decided the following: –Make a clear and extensive inventory of what exists in Europe. –Describe and analyse in far more depth what are the consequences of road pricing on the society, economy and environment. –State the theories behind the decisions made on road pricing. –Discuss why some projects are a failure and why some populations are so opposed road pricing. –Obtain more information from the other countries, ask far more questions and present many more examples. –Obtain the pros and cons of the examples to provide for more analysis. –Incorporate questions into the report for discussion among the group at the next meeting. –Incorporate the more detailed remarks and examples that have been sent separately to the group on road pricing. –Answers have to come out from the report that give a way forward and help the Road Administrations make decisions. –To have iterim report ready in October 2007 and introduce it on EB meeting in the end of November 2007. –The aim is to present final report to the EB in April or in October 2008.

13 14.05.2008 13 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? 2nd May 2007: Anton Goebel had sent to the group his comments on Laurent’s reports. One of his proposition is to create framework for evaluation of socio economic impacts based on “impact chain approach”. 21st May 2007: A demand came from the GB to the EB and TD/PG/TG to take in charge some strategic sessions during the next TRA (Transport Research Arena) conference that will take place in the end of April 2008 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The PG Funding is asked to supervise one session Road Pricing and Tolling. Mr. Yvon Loyaerts has asked the group, to prepare the content of the session and find someone responsible who could also be the animator. 4th June 2007: Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir sent to the group the question of someone volunteering to be responsble and animate the session at TRA 2008 and she had proposed that Laurent Donato or Anton Goebel or Morten Rannem animate this work and would be responsble for the group’s contribution. 25th June 2007: Morten Welde, a colleague of Morten Rannem had sent to Laurent Donato his comments on Laurent’s reports. He also had started preparing the road pricing session at TRA 2008. 4th July 2007: Morten Welde had sent his first proposition on the road pricing session at TRA 2008.

14 14.05.2008 14 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007: Morten Welde presented his comments on Laurents Donato’s report as following: –The scope is too wide: a decision should be made whether the report should cover one or more or fewer specific areas. –The report appears very generic with a lot of general information but no new information. At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007: Anton Goebel had sent the group a document of his and his colleague work on Socio-economic impact chains which the group appreciated especially the definitions, the Government Policy flow chart, the impact chain approach and the instrument-impact matrix. –The group questioned how comprehensive the chains should be and to add public acceptability, social equity and the judgement of social economic consequences of road pricing. –The group thought that some other elements such as public acceptability should be added to the instrument impact matrix and also data on whether the road pricing instrument is for traffic management or for collecting funds.

15 14.05.2008 15 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007: The groups answers to Anton Goebel’s questions were following: –The group agree with the chain approach and consider it a suitable way to analyse the impact of road pricing. –Concerning the word impact, the group would like to know whether the impact is positive or negative and what are the levels and types of impact. Are there some case studies that portray whether the impact is positive or negative and that give examples of the types of impacts? –The chains are logical though the group would need to look into them in more detail. Adding references to the chain will help to see if the chain is logical or not. –Better to use the examples of the more thorough and well documented Road Pricing studies of London and Stockholm and perhaps Germany concerning the GPS truck tolls.

16 14.05.2008 16 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007: After discussion, the group agreed on following: –Kristín H. Sigurbjörndóttir will contact Laurent Donato and Anton Goebel to determine the leader of the project. –Morten Rannem and Morten Welde will contact Anton Goebel to organise a working meeting to plan the next steps and determine to what extent additional resources are required. –Anton Goebel, Morten Rannem, Morten Welde will prepare a status report for the EB meeting the 22 November in Rome to raise questions and interest among the EB members. –The aim is that the final report will be ready in April or in October 2008. –The information already gathered in Laurent Donato’s report will be used.

17 14.05.2008 17 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? – TRA 2008 At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007: Road pricing session at TRA 2008 was discussed 1. Morten Welde informed the group that he had been asked to organise this strategic session at TRA in April 2008 with the instructions that the strategic sessions are more policy orientated and open to a wider audience. In order to attract a wide audience to the session needed for a lively debate and to ensure the success of the session, he said he has already invited: –Jonas Eliasson from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Specialist in evaluation of the Stockholm congestion charging and equity effects of congestion pricing –James Odeck, Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Specialist in road pricing and transport in the field of economy. –Anthony May from the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds, UK. Experienced in road pricing, in research schemes and EU financed projects. 2. The group had agreed on Morten Welde’s suggestion to have two ‘technical’ speakers from transport regulation, strategy and research and another speaker from the EU with a ‘counter’ point of view on Europe in general and on policy making issues. Each presentations 20 – 25 minutes and qustions will only be allowed at the end during a panel discussion organised by the moderator. 3. The group discussed how to cover cost of accommodation and transport of the speakers. The group agreed that it will draw up a formal request to the Organisation Committee of TRA 2008 to have the accommodation and transport paid for or to find some other solution. Otherwise the group has to change their plan.

18 14.05.2008 18 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? – TRA 2008 22 October 2007: Morten Welde had sent to the speakers invited to speak at the session Road pricing and tolling at TRA 2008 following session outline: –"Scope and limits of charging as a means of promoting sustainable development" - Stephen Perkins, Joint Transport Research Centre of the OECD and the International Transport Forum –"Road pricing and equity, experiences from Stockholm" - Jonas Eliasson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm –"What characterizes successful road user charging schemes?" - Professor Anthony May, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds The session is 75 minutes will be chaired by Professor James Odeck from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Presentations will be of 15-20 minutes in length and then 15-20 minutes of questions and discussion. 14 November 2007: Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir informed the group that the former session outline would be presented on the next EB meeting in Rome the 22 November as the group's proposition and the speakers have all agreed to speak at the road pricing session and they will self cover their costs of travel and accommodation.

19 14.05.2008 19 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? 14 November 2007: Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir informed the group that Anton Goebel has agreed on taken over the leadership of task M4, road pricing, as discussed on the groups last meeting. She also reminded the group what was discussed on the last meeting that everyone has to give his effort in the work. At EB meeting in Rome the 22 November 2007 Anton Goebel had prepared some paper and presentation which Raimo Tapio, EB member from Finland, presented.

20 14.05.2008 20 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008: Anton Goebel gave a presentation on status and content of Road pricing report. He also told that the group would be focusing on impacts of road pricing through “impact chain approach”. The group discussed the impacts. –Inger Thrane said that the social effects of road pricing on the people and on politicians are very important and that there is a debate on congestion charging that the ‘experts’ propose but that politicians do not want since it will badly affect some families. –Oscar Alvarez mentioned the EU Directive for the vignette foreseen to be implemented in June 2008 and that there will be an assessment of the extra costs involved and impact on transport. –Samira Irsane-Semaan said that France was also working on this new directive.

21 14.05.2008 21 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008 the group discussed the content of the road pricing report and agreed on following: –To present the case studies at end of report in an appendix. –The group does not have the resources to include other road pricing issues such as bus lanes, public transport, etc., and will focus on road pricing and the different forms of road/vehicle taxation only. –That quantitative measurements will not be shown since some impacts can be positive and negative; for instance, reduced congestion increases speed but decreases traffic safety. –That the definitions for equity and impacts will be kept simple. –That the impacts of road pricing are important – not the objectives (Chapter 6) – and that the wording will be simplified and modified to “how to set the objectives”. Oscar Alvarez volunteered to work on this chapter and help clarify the objectives of road pricing. –Inger Thrane will enquire in Norway if some work had been done on the acceptability of road pricing (Chapter 5) and send Anton Goebel the information.

22 14.05.2008 22 M4: Road pricing What has been done so far? At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008 the group decided following next steps: –The group (Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir?) will ask for financial help from CEDR for Anton Goebel to translate his report from Finish into English. –Comments from the group must be returned to Anton Goebel by January 31st 2008. –The chapters must be ready before March 14th and the final draft by May 14th 2008. –The final report will be sent to CEDR by June 6th 2008 for the EB meeting on June 19th 2008 where Anton Goebel will give a presentation. –Anton Goebel will present the final report at the GB meeting in Athens on 23rd October 2008. 14th February 2008: Anton Goebel sent some comments on chapter 2 and 4 to the “small” working group (Anton, Inger, Laurent and Oscar). 17th Mars 2008: Oscar Álvarez Robles sent his writings on objectives of road pricing to Anton Goebel. 27th Mars 2008: Laurent Donato did send updated version of chapter 2 to the “small” working group. 14th April 2008: Anton Goebel did send updated version of the report on road pricing to the “small” working group.

23 14.05.2008 23 M6: Access EU financial support What has been done so far? At the second meeting 10th October 2006: Donatas Dudonis has been chosen project leader. Short questionnaire was sent out to participants 06.11.2006 and the project leader has only got a few answers so far.  The questionnaire was resent to the participants on 13th Mars and the project leader hasn’t got more answers so far.

24 14.05.2008 24 M6: Access EU financial support What has been done so far? At the fourth meeting 19th April 2007: Vytautas Lingaitis gave a presentation on Lithuania’s experience on received EU financial aid. After discussion the group has agreed on following: –Obtain more information to specify what criteria makes a country eligible to receive funds, which countries are eligible and from there approach only the countries who are eligible. –The questionnaire should be tested within the group before it is sent out. –Michel Egger will contact Poland, Portugal and Spain to obtain more assistance. –The EU should have booklet on the Internet on how to apply for EU funds –Wim Leendertse will inform Michel Goppel that Vytautas Lingaitis will contact him to obtain the booklet Partner for Roads. –Mr Janušauskas must have documented what the EU has asked from Lithuania. This information must be obtained and used to draw up the procedure to follow to obtain funds from the EU. –By the next meeting, the countries with experience on obtaining funds and who can contribute must have been contacted. –The questionnaire must be redone with more specific questions and exclude questions where the answers can be found on the Internet. –A new paper will be presented to the group at the next meeting. 21st May 2007: Michel Egger announced to Vytautas Lingaitis that he had contacted the General Directors of Poland and Spain concerning the involvement of their personnel in PG Funding. 28th May 2007: Vytautas Lingaitis had sent questions to the Polish and Spanish members in the PG Funding. 16th July 2007: Catherine Lerta had sent more information on Greek’s experience on accessing EU financial support and exploring the financial procurement.

25 14.05.2008 25 M6: Access EU financial support What has been done so far? At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007: –Vytautas Lingaitis informed the group that he had received no answer from Spain, Portugal and Poland but had received information from Greece and the “Partners for Roads” book from Michel Goepel. However, when he contacted Michel Goepel for more information, he did not reply. –Oscar Álvarez Robles and Sarantis Pantelias shared their experiences and factual information on how to access EU financial support with the group. –The group discussed next steps and agreed to work on the new EU program: 2009 – 2015 since the types of funds, their objectives and rules for obtaining funds are changing. The allocations are becoming more strict and regulated. Any added value or guideline on ‘how to access funds’, must be based on the future. The group agreed also that the most interesting lessons to be learned are at a lower or micro level and should be incorporated into a report. –Both Oscar Álvarez Robles and Sarantis Pantelias agreed to help Vytautas Lingaitis on the project. Sarantis Pantelias said he would try to find the contact from Ireland for information on their experiences. Wim Leendertse said he would provide the web site of the EU bank where information can be found. 25 November 2007: Oscar Álvarez Robles had sent to Vytautas Lingaitis some information on EU financial instrument.

26 14.05.2008 26 M6: Access EU financial support What has been done so far? At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008: Vytautas Lingaitis reported that he had received information from Spain and from Greece. Oscar Álvarez Robles underlined the difficulty in identifying someone ‘in charge’ of EU financing in Spain since all the decisions are taken by the finance ministers. At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008 the group discussed the task and agreed to move forward on this task in two stages: –Draw up a list of the funds and for each fund, describe their objectives, their eligibility, co-financing rates, and current resources available in this seven- year period: i.e. the amount allocated. –Looking at the previous 5 or 10 years, present how much, out of the funds obtained per country, actually went into road projects, what were the problems encountered when implementing the EU funds into these road projects and what were the most common mistakes. (Depending on the time and resources available). At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008: Vytautas Lingaitis agreed to draw up the list of funds (point 1/ above) and Oscar Álvarez Robles and Sarantis Pantelias agreed to provide any help.

27 14.05.2008 27 M7: Asset Management What has been done so far?  At the second meeting 10th October 2006: Bernd Quakernack has been chosen project leader.  At the third meeting 22nd February 2007: Bernd Quakernack has announced that he will not participate in the group from next month.  Information on Asset Management sent to the group on 30th Mars.

28 14.05.2008 28 M7: Asset Management What has been done so far? At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007: Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir has given a presentation on Asset Management which she had assembled from PIARC and the OECD At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007 –Sarantis Pantelias asked why developing assets was not discussed, since, asset management did not concern only maintenance and upgrading. He also said that he considered accountability to be a key word. In most cases, he said that the road network belongs to the State who manages these assets and who are accountable towards the community and users. However, in most cases accountability was not being considered. –Oscar Álvarez Robles considered that it is a question of cash flow: a huge amount may be invested initially to lower the operating costs, or if interest rates are high, a lower investment may be made initially that could increase the operating costs and be most costly in the long term. The level of interest rates will determine whether projects are feasible or not. He also remarked that assets are not necessarily based on monetary values. They also have a functional value: i.e. the use of a road network.

29 14.05.2008 29 M7: Asset Management What has been done so far? At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007 Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir inquired if someone from the group would be interested taking the leadership of this task. In reply, the group agreed that: –One of CEDR members that has experience on subject should take the lead. Without the knowledge of the asset management issues, the task cannot be driven. –Task leaders land up doing all the work which leads to a lack of volunteers. To avoid this, at the next meeting, the group will plan how to assist the future leader of this group. At the fifth meeting 24th September 2007 the groups conclusion was following: –The group will contact the TDC to ask him to ask for a volunteer at the next EB meeting in Rome. –Wim Leendertse proposed to draw up a plan to work on at the next meeting.

30 14.05.2008 30 M7: Asset Management What has been done so far? 26 September 2007: Cathrine Lerta had send to the group Peter Graham’s presentation of Bridge Asset Management at Piarc technical commitee meeting in Salonica, Greece in October 2005. 1 October 2007: Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir had sent an e-mail to Yvon Loyaerts asking him to help finding specialist in asset management within: –“Task M7 - Asset Management: We still need a task leader. The group will think until next meeting about some specialist in their country to participate in the groups work and I hereby ask you, would you please ask the EB members if they know about someone working in their institutions specialised in asset management who could participate in the group or give their effort on this task for the group.”

31 14.05.2008 31 M7: Asset Management What has been done so far? At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008: Kristín H. Sigurbjörnsdóttir reported that the group was still looking for someone with experience in asset management to lead this task and that there was no mention of this request in the minutes of the EB meeting in Rome. The group observed that the session on Asset Management at TRA 2008 had been cancelled and agreed that the author of the session should be contacted. Samira Irsane-Semaan offered to enquire whether someone was working on the subject in France and if they would be interested to work on the topic. Sarantis Pantelias pointed out that a lot of data is required to elaborate a position in order to come up with a conclusion at a country level and to decide on the best way to proceed in the development of a ‘road asset’. Oscar Álvarez Robles reported that at the last GB meeting in Malta, Mr Parisé had announced that France would lead a comparative survey about maintenance and operation costs in detail and asked for a few member countries to be seriously engaged in the work. Oscar Álvarez Robles suggested that PG Funding should make contact with this new ‘ad hoc’ group for synergy; either to share their results or join them in their analysis.

32 14.05.2008 32 M7: Asset Management What has been done so far? At the sixth meeting 18th January 2008 the group agreed that the subject is very wide and that the group does not have the resources to tackle such a task only a few specific questions should be agreed upon and answered. The group agreed on following next steps: –Each member will think of some questions to ‘tackle’ and how, and send them to the group by May 7th 2008 for discussion at the next meeting.

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