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By: Michael Deters. Fact vs Fiction While the events that occurred in The Book Thief are fiction and never actually happened, some of the events it refers.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Michael Deters. Fact vs Fiction While the events that occurred in The Book Thief are fiction and never actually happened, some of the events it refers."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Michael Deters

2 Fact vs Fiction While the events that occurred in The Book Thief are fiction and never actually happened, some of the events it refers to really did happen. They just happened at a later time and occurred a little differently than what happened in the novel. In the next few slides, we will list some examples of fact versus fiction.

3 Fact vs Fiction (Cont’d) Fact In 1933, Adolf Hitler attends a book burning at The University of Berlin. Students at this university burned thousands of books written by Jewish authors. Eleven million people were killed during The Holocaust. The German city of Munich is bombed. On many occasions, the Jewish people were forced to walk to their concentration camps or extermination camps, sometimes when it was snowing and they had no shoes to wear. Many Jewish people died on these walks. Fiction On April 20 th, 1940 the Nazis held a book burning which Liesel attended. At this book burning, the Nazis burn all things related to the Jewish people. Ten million people were killed during The Holocaust. Inside Munich, a place called Himmel Street is bombed. Hans Hubermann gives bread to an old Jewish man while he and a large amount of other Jewish people were forced to walk to a work camp in Dachau. On another occasion, Rudy and Liesel place bread on the road for the Jewish people to eat while they walked.

4 This is a picture from the 1933 book burning at The University of Berlin.

5 Timelines To view my timeline of The Holocaust, please click the link below: To view my timeline of The Book Thief, please click the link below:

6 This is the Wargzaw ghetto in Poland. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish people were placed inside this ghetto at one time.

7 References 003&p=picture+from+the+book+thief 003&p=picture+from+the+book+thief 003&p=pictures+from+the+1933+book+burning+by+adolf+hitler 003&p=pictures+from+the+1933+book+burning+by+adolf+hitler

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