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School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools Jim Haywood – Version 1.1.

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Presentation on theme: "School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools Jim Haywood – Version 1.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools Jim Haywood – Version 1.1

2 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools Headlines 2 Click to go back to top

3 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools - Headlines  Date Changes  Census day: 15/05/2008  Attendance date range: 01/01/2008 - 23/03/2008  Exclusions date range: 01/09/2007 – 31/12/2007  Learning Aims date range: 04/10/2007 – 15/05/2008 3

4 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools - Headlines  Post-16 Learning Aims  Course Manager and Census Tools have been provided in to allow Learning Aims information to be maintained at a pupil course level.  This information will be collected in the School Census Summer from Secondary Schools, CTCs and Academies, but only from establishments with Post-16 provision.  Learning Aims have already been collected in the School Census Autumn 2007, but this will be the first time they are collected in the School Census Summer Return. 4

5 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools - Headlines  Autumn Post 16 Errors  We have also provided functionality within the School Census application for indicating any learning aims information submitted in error in the Autumn Return.  The functionality is only available if the Autumn Return file has been kept to read back into  We believe that schools should have no reason to make use of this functionality in the vast majority of cases. 5

6 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools - Headlines  In Care  Not required for the Summer Return  Mode of Travel  Not required for the Summer Term  Service Children indicator is new for Census 2008  Not required for the Summer Term  SEN  Only SEN Provision is required for the Summer Return 6

7 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools - Headlines  Validation Report  Produced from DCSF XML based files  The DCSF has updated this file to take account of issues found for the Spring Return  Summary Report  Produced from DCSF XML based files  Takes account of the reduced data items compared to the Spring Return 7

8 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools - Headlines  Detail Reports  Produced from CCS XML based files  Same set of reports as for the Spring Return  Basic Details  Exclusions  Attendance  SEN (fewer columns than for the Spring Return)  Learning Aims  Improved User Interface  More informative dates in top panel  Validate button become Create & Validate button to fully describe what takes place 8

9 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools Demonstration 9 Click to go back to top

10 School Census Summer 2008 for Secondary Schools Preparing the Learning Aims Information Please note that the information in the following slides is also available as a tick sheet 10 Click to go back to top

11 Preparing the Learning Aims information  A. Taking account of any new classes  Step 1: Ensure that any new post 16 classes defined in Nova have the same subject and level as existing classes delivering the same course.  Step 2: Use Curriculum Matching in Nova to link these new classes to existing Courses 11

12 Preparing the Learning Aims information  B. Maintaining Course Membership information  Step 1: Make sure that the membership of classes reflects reality in terms of who is a member of the class and when their membership begins and ends (or is expected to end)  Step 2: Run Update Course Membership to ensure that course memberships reflects class memberships.  Step 3: Use Maintain Courses to update courses and or course memberships that have been protected from the timetable and class membership. 12

13 Preparing the Learning Aims information  B. Maintaining Course Membership information (continued)  Step 4: Take account of Re-sits by using Maintain Courses to add students and give them End Dates in line with the date of the examination – don’t forget to protect from Update Course Membership.  Step 5: Enter the completion status for any course membership that has finished prematurely – actual and planned end dates should have been calculated automatically be Update Course Membership 13

14 Preparing the Learning Aims information  C. Viewing Students’ Course  Student Courses  Focus | Student | Courses  Student Details  Focus | Student | Student Details (Courses Link) 14

15 Preparing the Learning Aims information  D. Take account of any records sent in error for the Autumn Return  Step 1: Make sure that the XML Return file for the Autumn Return 2007 is in the folder you have set for the Summer Return 2008  Step 2: Use the functionality with School Census Summer 2008 to mark records as “Submitted in Error” in School Census Autumn 2007 as necessary 15

16 Preparing the Learning Aims information  E. School Census Summer Return Learning Aims Reports  Summary Report  This report has been provided by the DCSF via an XSL file  This report summarises the content of the XML Return file  Detail Reports  This report has been provided by CCS  The report shows the Learning Aims information returned for each pupil 16

17 School Census Summer 2008 Demonstration 17 Click to go back to top

18 18 Click to open the latest School Census application

19 19 Click to select a folder to hold the Census Return and Report files.

20 20 It is very important to select a folder that is available to all users who will be involved with the Return, … but that folder must be secure as it will hold children’s details.

21 21 IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the sensitive nature of some of the data stored in, careful consideration should be given when specifying the location of any folder into which you save sensitive data, e.g. census returns, imported and exported CTFs, etc. You should be mindful of your school's responsibilities with respect to information security. Consider which users have access to the chosen folder, especially if the folder is shared on a Server. The DCSF recommends ISO27001 as the standard for information security, a copy of which can be found at If you are in any doubt, you should consult with your IT Security Officer before proceeding.

22 22 If you are sure you have selected a suitable folder you click Yes

23 23 Click to add a New School Census Summer Return.

24 24 This is a dry run so you change the description to indicate this

25 25 It a good idea to save the file with this revised description.

26 26 The Age at Date cannot be changed and is used for several important tasks, including which student’s information to include and for DCSF validation and reports.

27 27 The Census Date can be edited for dry runs, but it is important that it is set to the official date for producing the authorised return.

28 28 The date span for the collection of attendance information is shown, but cannot be edited

29 29 The date span for the collection of exclusion information is shown, but cannot be edited

30 30 Click if any of the school details need to be edited

31 31 Don’t forget to save any changes you make.

32 32 Calculate details will look at the Attendance information and decide if it is suitable for use at the create stage. If it isn’t suitable the attendance panel will allow basic attendance information to be entered manually.

33 33 There is a lot of Attendance information to investigate so only proceed if you have sufficient time.

34 34 A blank Pupil Attendance panel is a good thing as it indicates that attendance information has been found and conforms to DCSF guidance/regulations.

35 35 The functionality in the Mark Autumn Post-16 Errors panel will be irrelevant in the vast majority of cases. It should only be used in the unusual case where a Learning Aims record was include for a pupil even though they have not followed that Learning Aim at any point.

36 36 If you have an error of the said type to report than click Open to select the Authorised Return that was sent to the DCSF.

37 37 If you sent more than one Return to the DCSF then select the last Return that was sent.

38 38 Click to make use of the selected Return file.

39 39 Click to tick each record you want to indicate as an error, but remember that this is completely unnecessary if the Learning Aim still exists for the pupil in Course Manager.

40 40 Click to create the XML Return file and to run DCSF validation across the file.

41 41 This is a very early dry run so lots of problems have been found

42 42 The validation report can be printed or you can use the screen functionality

43 43 If you use the screen functionality you can drag the divider upwards to show more of the problems.

44 44 This solution is preceded with a # character so we can double click to jump to the relevant section of

45 45 If you solve this problem by entering the UPN you shouldn’t forget to save so Census can make use of this information when Create and Validate is next run.

46 46 The DCSF Summary Report can be run as soon as Create & Validate has taken place. There is no need to correct all problems before running this report as the report may help in identifying the problem.

47 47 This is a Secondary School so there are fifteen sections in the report (A to O).

48 48

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57 57 Detail Reports indicate the content of the XML Return file. Click for a choice of Detail Reports.

58 58 Click to produce a Pupil Basic Details Report.

59 59

60 60 Click to produce a Pupil Exclusions Report.

61 61 There haven’t been any exclusions.

62 62 Click to produce a Pupil Attendance Report.

63 63

64 64 Click to produce a Pupil Learning Aims Report.

65 65

66 66 You might find it helpful to copy this report to a spreadsheet

67 67 A spreadsheet may interpret a numerical code as a number and strip the leading zeros. However, some spreadsheets will allow the display to be adjusted.

68 68 Select the column with the display problem.

69 69 Click to format the cells.

70 70 Select custom

71 71 Enter four zeros

72 72 Click OK

73 73 The codes are now shown with their zero padding.

74 74 It doesn’t take long to create a display for analysing learning aims.

75 75 To maintain security you can save this spreadsheet in the same folder as the Return file.

76 76 Click to produce a Pupil SEN Report.

77 77

78 78 Click to authorise the return ready for sending to the DCSF.

79 79 This is a dry run so you should click No.

80 80 Click to see a list of all the returns.

81 81 The Copy functionality has been provided, but it will only be helpful if you have entered attendance information manually.

82 End of Demonstration Thank you for your time 82

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