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Group 4 Legacy issues of deforestation-free commitments.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 4 Legacy issues of deforestation-free commitments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 4 Legacy issues of deforestation-free commitments

2 1. What remedial actions must a company take to qualify as a deforestation-free producer? The rights and livelihoods of communities, including social conflicts Environmental values

3 2. What are the challenges in agreeing these actions and implementing them?

4 Remedial actions for the rights and livelihoods of communities, including social conflicts? Historical context: defining cut-off dates (is this the right way?) Country-specific vs. universal definitions: 1999 is the divisive year in Indonesia Laws have changed since: what was illegal in the past might be legal now Many commitments do not address legacy issues Legality The challenge of calculating compensation when the original forest/community has gone/been displaced, however HCV tool can be used to inquire about the values that were lost – especially social

5 Remedial actions for the rights and livelihoods of communities, including social conflicts? Acquisitions – what happens when you buy somebody else’s concession and they have done the conversion? What consitutes remedial action? ask the community Role of government in enabling the remedial action & ensuring permanence & preventing encroachment Recognize that companies & civil society lead – and maybe government will follow

6 Remedial actions for the rights and livelihoods of communities, including social conflicts? Voluntary pledges are the starting point – California effect Recognize that there is some risk in purely voluntary approaches Companies to actively engage in advocacy with an action plan so voluntary action becomes mandatory

7 Ways of remedying past harm Social Give back the land – subject to government zoning and regulations  New laws recognizing customary groups & land rights  Same location or different location? Livelihood options; labour and services  Compensation (as part of the package) - Rights to receive a share of the proceeds from the area planted by the company - In-kind: e.g., use of mechanical equipment, technical support  Recognition of rights gives a much stronger basis for negotiations  Trade-offs between environmental/social remedies

8 Ways of remedying past harm Environmental Return land to a more natural state/take compensatory approach off-site Learn from REDD+ permanence mechanisms Viable, long term business model to restore/maintain Community extraction/not encroachment in set-asides Contract communities to manage/protect set-asides Land manager purchases NTFPs extracted from set-asides Pay communities on reduced deforestation Species re-introduction

9 What are the challenges in agreeing these actions and implementing them? How to get government buy-in/policy reform Avoid raising expectations unrealistically Lack of capacity for negotiation /assessments How to assess values of lost forests No easy one-size-fits-all scaleable model - How do you determine whether ”adequate”?

10 What are the challenges in agreeing these actions and implementing them? Many of the challenges stem from forest governance ”mess” How to assess a company’s culpability/liability for past harm? Acquiring new land for conservation options Viable/long term business model Permanence mechanisms  could include some extraction – selective logging, NTFPs  fire, encroachment

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