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Why Protect Natural Resources? Goal #15: Manage number of resource assets sustainably.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Protect Natural Resources? Goal #15: Manage number of resource assets sustainably."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Protect Natural Resources? Goal #15: Manage number of resource assets sustainably

3 Fundamental to human life and well- being

4 Environmental sustainability Social inclusion Economic prosperity Natural Resources

5 Once they’re gone, they’re gone for good

6 Loss of natural resources will reverse progress in end of hunger

7 Why Water For People? Why Pachamama?

8 Bringing forth an environmentally sustainable spiritually fulfilling socially just human presence on this planet

9 Non-profit organization founded in 1996. Formed at request of indigenous peoples of Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest. Supports indigenous peoples to preserve their land and culture. Request to “change the dream” of the modern world. In 2005 launched Awakening the Dreamer Symposium.

10 An overview

11 Rights of nature

12 Indigenous resilience

13 Jungle mamas

14 Changing the dream

15 Questions?

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