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Chapter 23 Employment Discrimination. Unjustified Discrimination  Different Treatment of individuals.  Protection against being judged on the basis.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 23 Employment Discrimination. Unjustified Discrimination  Different Treatment of individuals.  Protection against being judged on the basis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 23 Employment Discrimination

2 Unjustified Discrimination  Different Treatment of individuals.  Protection against being judged on the basis of their membership in certain Groups.

3 Types of unjustified discrimination  Age  Race  Gender  Color  Religion  Disability  National origin.  Pregnancy

4 Justified Discrimination  Being judged as dependable, skilled, creative, smart, or hard-working.  Fair judgment of ability instead of race, color, age, sex etc.

5 Chapter 24 Employee Injuries

6 What is OSHA?  Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  Enacts safety regulations and inspects workplaces.  OSHA can impose fines and even shut down plants when they find violations.  It’s main purpose—to ensure a safer workplace and to prevent injuries.

7 How does OSHA Protect YOU!  The General Duty Clause  Requires that employers provide a place of employment free from hazards that are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.  Specific Regulations  Safety training requirements  Saftey clothing and equipment employees must wear.  Lighting, ventilation, and sanitation.  Hair protection—Hair nets worn.

8 OSHA Protection Continued…  Workplace Inspection  OSHA Representatives conduct routine inspections.  May obtain a search warrant if company refuses to let them inspect.  Employers - required to submit safety reports about accidents on the job.  Employees - can anonymously report safety violations without fear of discrimination for doing so.

9 Chapter 25 Agents

10 What is an Agent?  A person who is LEGALLY Authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Principal (boss, employer etc.)  Example: Chuck Taylor

11 What is a  The person who Authorizes someone else to enter into a LEGAL contract for them.

12 What are Agents Duties?  Loyalty and Obedience  Loyalty is to the Principal.  Obedience means to do and act according to the Principal’s Instructions.  Reasonable Care and Skill  Act with care and skill that any reasonable person would in the situation.  NOT– “It’s not my money so I don’t Care what happens to it”

13 Duties Continued…  Confidentiality  Treat Principal’s information with great caution.  Don’t disclose personal information.  Accounting  Must report and account back for all contracts entered into and amount of money spent, length of term etc.  This is a FORMAL Statement  Agent Must NOT Commingle! Mixing their funds with that of the Principal’s.

14 What are a Principals Duties?  Pay the Agent  Reimbursement  Fulfill contracts entered into by the agent.  Confidentiality  Reasonable care and skill

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