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Misogynist Root Words- mis meaning hatred gyn meaning female Hatred or dislike of women or the female gender By A. Yamamoto.

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Presentation on theme: "Misogynist Root Words- mis meaning hatred gyn meaning female Hatred or dislike of women or the female gender By A. Yamamoto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Misogynist Root Words- mis meaning hatred gyn meaning female Hatred or dislike of women or the female gender By A. Yamamoto

2 Definition: To have a sexual relationship with someone who they cannot or will not marry. A good way to remember this is by thinking of a “player” Kind of means that a man has a lot of women. D. Guymon

3 Philosopher: Phil: love Soph: wisdom S. Doane A person who studies how one should live and tries to find enlightenment on how things are the way they are Noun

4 Misandrist The hatred of males Roots: Mis—hateAndr—man By: L. Morton


6 Misanthrope: a person who hates or distrusts humankind. … I am the accidental misanthrope!! Another way to remember would be to think of the word HATE!!! J. Platero Mis: hateAnthropos: people

7 philanthropist by: Jeff Shaver Noun someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being Phil: Love Anthropos: Human Kind

8 Modern definition: A villain In The Little Mermaid Ursula was the miscreant. M. Lucero Mis: hate Crea: belief Literally, one who hates faith or belief in someone/something else

9 benediction An utterance of good wishes Part of speech is a noun “Bene” meaning good and “diction” meaning speaking As you speak you are giving a benediction to the world C. Kendell

10 Utterly Bad Gloomy, dreary, cheerless It was a dismal day. Created by: J. Woicik Think of desolate because its dreary, gloomy.

11 BENEFACTOR A person who confers a benefit This man is someone who enjoys benefactoring a profit for his job. Noun Synonyms- patron, supporter, sponsor By: P. Smith

12 Maleficent Mal: BadFic: Making, doing Adjective L. Biondolilo They were maleficent destroyers of reputations. Harmful or evil intent or effect

13 wishing or appearing to wish evil to others Root words: Vol: will Mal: evil R. Ellis

14 Benevolent Adj Definition: good will. Bene Good, Volent: wish or well. Ben does not like violent things and wishes well for all. D. Miera

15 Aberrant Departing from right or normal course L Morton 6 th Hour [Latin aberrāns meaning to go astray] Adjective

16 equanimity The quality of being calm. Eaquus- even Animus- mind, spirit Part of Speech: Noun Synonym: Serenity Antonym: Panic R. Elliott The girl kept her equanimity as she took the shot that would end the game.

17 Concise Cis: cut Con: with, together Part of Speech: Adjective A concise sentence. L. Biondolilo

18 Pusillanimous –adjective –adjective Definition: lacking courage or resolution; cowardly Definition: lacking courage or resolution; cowardly Don’t be pusillanimous if you’re going to be an actor. Don’t be pusillanimous if you’re going to be an actor. Pusillanimous comes from Latin pusillus, "very small, tiny, puny" + animus, "soul, mind." D. Hewitt

19 AMBLE Definition: To go slow “Slow walk” Part of speech: Verb Root: Ambul= walk The turtle ambles compared to the rabbit who goes fast in a race. P. Smith

20 Definition: Murder of a mother by a son or daughter. This is a son killing his mother!!! By JPlatero noun Matr—mother Cide—kill

21 Scission noun a split or division of a group Cis- divide M. Lucero

22 Abstain Part of speech: –Verb Ab: away Stain: to hold Definition: To refrain from something by one’s own choice R. Francisco Ackerman Per.6 Stop to think, and you can either ABSTAIN or do what everyone else is doing.

23 K. Carter Animate Definition: to give life to, make alive. Roots: Ani- Breath or mind Mate- together Part of speech: Verb Synonyms: breath, live, life Antonyms: Dead or life less The animators in “Finding Nemo were responsible for animating Nemo and his friends, or bringing them to life.

24 K. Saling Definition: To make plain or clear Antonyms Cloud Complicate Confuse Mystify Obscure Tangle Synonyms: Formulate and Develop Sarah needed to explicate her summary so we could understand.

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