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Technology Tools: examples for an Elementary classroom HardwareSoftware - Digital camera- PicMonkey - Smart Board- SurveyMonkey - Tablet/iPad- BrainPOP.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Tools: examples for an Elementary classroom HardwareSoftware - Digital camera- PicMonkey - Smart Board- SurveyMonkey - Tablet/iPad- BrainPOP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Tools: examples for an Elementary classroom HardwareSoftware - Digital camera- PicMonkey - Smart Board- SurveyMonkey - Tablet/iPad- BrainPOP Jr. - Desktop P.C.- Wikipedia - Web Camera- San Diego Zoo web site

2 Technology Tools: Digital camera Looks like: Does: takes and stores photographs. Good for: taking pictures to add to projects, presentations, classroom displays, and to share online. Not so good for: small fingers, full-class use.

3 Project idea: Animal conservation project Use a digital camera to take pictures of model zoo habitats that students make after research on the San Diego Zoo web site; Use PicMonkey to crop and edit the pictures; Share the finished pictures in a simple slideshow on the class Smart Board. Technology Tools: Digital camera

4 Technology Tools: Smart Board Looks like: Does: displays software, presentations, videos, etc. Good for: presenting videos, passages for reading, sample work, web content. Not so good for: expensive, requires reliable network.

5 Project idea: Animal conservation project Small groups use the Smart Board to present zoo habitat projects, toggling between multiple displays; Show pictures of their designs, taken with a digital camera, and edited with PicMonkey; Compare and contrast their designs with pictures from the San Diego Zoo web site. Technology Tools: Smart Board

6 Technology Tools: Tablet/iPad Looks like: Does: most of the functions of a laptop or dekstop computer, touch-screen manipulation. Good for: video, audio; portable, flexible. Not so good for: typing; whole class use (expense)

7 Project idea: Animal conservation project Students use the tablet/iPad to explore the animal habitats and conservation lessons on BrainPOP Jr.; Students use the activities and quizzes to prepare for a SurveyMonkey quiz created by the teacher. Technology Tools: Tablet/iPad

8 Technology Tools: Desktop/laptop Looks like: Does: all common computing and media functions. Good for: desktop publishing; educational software; research. Not so good for: portability (desktop); whole-class use (resource dependent).

9 Project idea: Animal conservation project Students use a desktop/laptop to research their chosen animal's natural habitat using Wikipedia; Students compile their research from internet sources and pictures from the digital camera into a desktop publishing package (e.g. Microsoft Word) Technology Tools: Desktop/laptop

10 Technology Tools: Printer Looks like: Does: produces hard copies of documents, pictures. Good for: printing finished work for display, portfolios. Not so good for: conservation of paper, cost of ink.

11 Project idea: Animal conservation project Students use a printer to make a classroom display about their animal habitat designs; Students print their BrainPOP Jr. quiz results, PicMonkey images, and their written research to add to their portfolio. Technology Tools: printer

12 Technology Tools: BrainPOP Jr. Looks like: Does: instructional videos, activities, and quizzes on a range of subjects for K-third grades. Good for: reinforcement of instruction; visually pleasing; easy-to-use. Not so good for: in-depth learning; student variability.

13 Project idea: Animal conservation project Students explore the BrainPOP Jr. material on Habitats and Conservation using a tablet/iPad or desktop/laptop; Students use the activities and quizzes to prepare for a teacher-designed SurveyMonkey quiz on habitats. Technology Tools: BrainPOP Jr.

14 Technology Tools: SurveyMonkey Looks like: Does: creates surveys with a range of question types and answer formats. Good for: anonymous or tracked surveys/feedback; creating student quizzes. Not so good for: student development of surveys.

15 Project idea: Animal conservation project Students take SurveyMonkey quiz on animal habitats; Students explore the instructional content on animal habitats on BrainPOP Jr. to prepare for the quiz. Technology Tools: SurveyMonkey

16 Technology Tools: PicMonkey Looks like: Does: basic image editing and manipulation; add text, overlays, borders, etc. Good for: simple image enhancements; create appealing graphics; user-friendly. Not so good for: high-resolution images; subscription- only features.

17 Project idea: Animal conservation project Students import their digital camera habitat pictures into PicMonkey; Their saved PicMonkey creations are presented to the class using the Smart Board. Technology Tools: PicMonkey

18 Technology Tools: Wikipedia Looks like: Does: online encyclopedia. Good for: topic introductions; links to other sources. Not so good for: cultivating scholarly habits; credibility (sometimes)

19 Project idea: Animal conservation project Students use Wikipedia to research the natural habitats of their chosen animals; they pursue web links to other cited sources; They use their web research and PicMonkey images to present to the class using the Smart Board. Technology Tools: Wikipedia

20 Technology Tools: San Diego Zoo web site Looks like: Does: information about animals, conservation issues; features live web cams of exhibits. Good for: topic introductions; interactive games; Panda Cam; virtual field trips. Not so good for: limited web cams (for this example project)

21 Project idea: Animal conservation project Students use the San Diego Zoo web site to learn about their chosen animal and view its zoo habitat via web cam; Students use this information when designing their habitats, before using the other tools (digital camera, PicMonkey, Smart Board, printer) to present their work and produce their portfolios. Technology Tools: San Diego Zoo web site

22 Technology Tools Picture references (shown in order presented) Digital camera: 793990.jpg 793990.jpg Smart Board: Page.png Tablet: Laptop:$S300$ Printer BrainPOP Jr.: Screen grab from SurveyMonkey: Screen grab from http://www.surveymonkey.com PicMonkey: Screen grab from http://www.picmonkey.com Wikipedia: Screen grab from: http://www.wikipedia.org San Diego Zoo web site: Screen grab from: http://kids.sandiegozoo.org

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