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Mitochondria Activity in the Detection of Upgrade in Innate Immunity By Timothy He.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitochondria Activity in the Detection of Upgrade in Innate Immunity By Timothy He."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitochondria Activity in the Detection of Upgrade in Innate Immunity By Timothy He

2 Organ Transplantation  Problems leading to transplantation  Xenotransplantation  Rejection  Biopsy tart=19&um=1&tbnid=7e3dmxwTqimHTM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfrequency%2Bof%2Borgan %2Btransplantation%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1

3 Immune System  White Blood Cells and Antibodies  Distinguishing Invader  Types of Leukocytes rg/pranzatelli- immune.htm&usg=__xKVw147Xr8mzN7SwA_G4tcmjgJg=&h=725&w=1023&sz=168&hl=en&start=9&um =1&tbnid=Bq4ZkKwpQrnwrM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTypes%2Bof%2BWhite%2B blood%2Bcells%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1

4 Sepsis and the Cytokine Storm  Excessive or paralysis of immune system  Inflammation  Toll-Like Receptors (Cytokines)  Cytokines 132/mech%2520of%2520sepsis%25201.jpg&imgrefurl= sepsis.htm&usg=__JOBHhFLW0zwuWNyyGB3-5KKWC- k=&h=374&w=650&sz=37&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=1_o9Fqs8PwZ_1M:&tbnh=79&tbnw=137&prev=/im ages%3Fq%3DSepsis%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1 grefurl= q- Db3XB7U=&h=536&w=446&sz=105&hl=en&start=2&um=1&tbnid=IGWaMro7 8P_xkM:&tbnh=132&tbnw=110&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCytokine%2Bstorm%26 hl%3Den%26um%3D1

5 Biopsy-Need  Microscopic inspection-cytlogy  Invasive process  Expensive om/imgres?imgurl=ht tps://www.blueshield s/healthwise/media/m edical/nci/cdr000046 6552.jpg&imgrefurl= https://www.blueshie n.jsp%3FfromCatego ryId%3D- 1%26articleId%3DH WNCICDR0000062 956&usg=__80HPzd M8B7vyv-z4- iU9LPb_VO0=&h=30 0&w=316&sz=34&hl =en&start=10&um=1 &tbnid=BNIgysd5PS_ fTM:&tbnh=111&tbn w=117&prev=/image s%3Fq%3Dheart%2B Biopsy%26hl%3Den% 26um%3D1

6 AlloMap  Deng et al.  Post-Transplantation  AlloMap Gene test  Advantages-less invasive  Accuracy

7 Mitochondria  Energy producer  Gene pool  Development  Activity f1.gif&imgrefurl= hzfDI-rNgTKhJx0=&h=481&w=600&sz=68&hl=en&start=2&um=1&tbnid=b_7kL1aITl- SBM:&tbnh=108&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmitochondria%2BATP%2Bproduction%26hl%3Den%2 6um%3D1

8 Model organisms  Ex: fruit flies, Mosquito-$19.00, starfish  Toll Like Receptors and WBC  Humoral and Haemocytic responses  Basset et. al- Erwinia carotovora infects Drosophila- $9.20 per culture  Drosophila is the most available model organism http://quest.nasa.g ov/projects/flies/flyI mmune.html

9 http://quest.nas ies/flyImmune.h tml

10 Measuring Mitochondrial Activity  Smart et. Al-Cell-specific regulation of Gene Expression in Mitochondria during Anther Development in Sunflower- situ hybridization  Cytochrome C Oxidase Activity Assay- 236 euros for 100 assays, isolation kit- $200 238Wg0wm2CIlSKfofc=&h=280&w=288&sz=25&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=O9TAiuGc_dfmFM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3DCytochrome%2BC%2BOxidase% 2BActivity%2BAssay%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dstrict

11 Flow Chart 5 Groups (n=100) Control Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Infected with Erwinia carotovora Tested for enzyme activity in humoral response cells Tested for enzyme activity in haemocytic response cells Tested for Gene Expression in humoral response cells Tested for Gene Expression in haemocytic response cells Try to identify a correlation in Mitochondrial activity increase and decrease Correlation of Results Focus for school

12 Bibliography  Shtasel, Phhilip. Medical Tests and Diagnostic Procedures. New York: Harper and Row, 1990.  Fullick, Ann. Rebuilding the Body. Chicago: heineman, 2002.  Friedlander, Mark P. Jr. and Phillips, Terry M. The Immune System. Minneapolis: Lerner, 1998.  Deng, M.C., Eisen, H.J., Mehra, M.R., Billingham, M., Marboe, C.C., Berry, G., Kobashigawa, J., Johnson, F.L., Starling, R.C., Murali S., Pauly, H. Baron, D.F., Wohlgemuth, J.G., Woodward, R.N., Klingler, T.M., Walther, D., Lal, P.G., Rosenberg, S. and Hunt, S., "Noninvasive Discrimination of Rejection in Cardiac Allograft Recipients Using Gene Expression Profiling." American Journal of Transplantation. 6 (2006): 150-160.  Sriskandan, S. and Altmann, D.M." The Immunology of Sepsis. Journal of Pathology 214 (2008): 211-223.  Wang, Houli and Ma, Sui. "The Cytokine Storm and Factors Determining the Sequence and Severity of Organ Dysfunction in Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome." American Journal of Emergency Medicine 26 (2008): 711-715.  Smart, Christina J., Moneger Francoise, and Leaver, Christopher J. “Cell-Specific Regulation Expression in Mitochondria during Anther Develoment in Sunflower.” The Plant Cell. 6(1994): 811-825.  Basset, Alan; Khush, Ranjiv S.; Braun, Anne; Gardan, Louis; Boccard, Frédéric; Hofmann, Jules A.; and Lemaitre, Bruno. “The Phytopathogenic bacteria Erwinia Carotovora Infects Drosophila and Activates and Immune Response.” PNAS. 97(2000):3376-3381.

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