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AP Chemistry Chapter 5 Jeopardy Jennie L. Borders.

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1 AP Chemistry Chapter 5 Jeopardy Jennie L. Borders

2 Round 1 – Chapter 5

3 EnergyStoichiometry q = mC  T HHHHDefinitionsCalorimetry 100 200 300 400 500

4 Energy 100 Calculate the  E for a process in which the system releases 57.5kJ of heat while doing 22.5kJ of work on the surroundings. Is the process endothermic or exothermic? -80kJ exothermic

5 Energy 200 Calculate the  E for a process in which the system absorbs 105kJ of heat from its surroundings while doing 29kJ of work on the surroundings. Is the process exothermic or endothermic? 76kJ endothermic

6 Energy 300 If two positive particles are brought closer together, then explain what would happen to the electrostatic potential energy and why. E el = kQ 1 Q 2 If both particles are d positively charged, then Q 1 and Q 2 are positive making the value of E el positive. As distance decreases, the magnitude of E el increases, so it is not a favorable process. d positively charged, then Q 1 and Q 2 are positive making the value of E el positive. As distance decreases, the magnitude of E el increases, so it is not a favorable process.

7 Energy 400 Calculate the kinetic energy in joules of a 45g golf ball moving at 61 m/s. 84J

8 Energy 500 What is the kinetic energy of an 850 lb. motorcycle moving at 66 mph? (1 kg = 2.2047 lb. 1 mi = 1.6093 km) 1.7 x 10 5 J

9 Stoichiometry 100 Calculate the  H for the production of 0.200 mol of AgCl by the following reaction: Ag + (aq) + Cl - (aq)  AgCl (s)  H = -65.5kJ -13.1kJ

10 Stoichiometry 200 For this reaction,  H for the formation of 0.632mol of O 2. 2KClO 3(s)  2KCl (s) + 3O 2(g)  H = -89.4kJ -18.8kJ

11 Stoichiometry 300 Calculate the amount of heat transferred when 2.4g of Mg reacts at constant pressure. 2Mg (s) + O 2(g)  2MgO  H = -1204kJ -59kJ

12 Stoichiometry 400 Calculate the amount of heat transferred when 45.0g of CH 3 OH is decomposed by the following reaction at constant pressure. CH 3 OH (g)  CO 2(g) + 2H 2(g)  H = 90.7kJ 128kJ

13 Stoichiometry 500 Calculate the amount of heat transferred for the formation of 6.32g O 2. CH 3 OH (l) + 3/2O 2(g)  CO 2(g) +2H 2 O (l)  H = -726.5kJ 95.66kJ

14 q = mC  T 100 Two solid objects, A and B, are placed in boiling water and allowed to come to temperature there. Each is then lifted out and placed in separate beakers containing 1000g of water at 10.0 o C. Object A increases the water temperature by 3.50 o C; B increases water temperature by 2.60 o C. Which object has the larger heat capacity and what extra piece of information do you need to figure out which has the higher specific heat capacity? Object A; mass of each object.

15 q = mC  T 200 How many kJ of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 10.00kg of liquid water from 24.6 o C to 46.2 o C? 904kJ

16 q = mC  T 300 The specific heat of iron metal is 0.450 J/gK. How many J of heat are necessary to raise the temperature of a 1.05kg block of iron from 25.0 o C and 88.5 o C? 3.00 x 10 4 J

17 q = mC  T 400 The specific heat of ethylene glycol is 2.42 J/gK. How many J of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 62.0g of ethylene glycol from 13.1 o C to 40.5 o C? 4.11 x 10 3 J

18 q = mC  T 500 What is the molar heat capacity of water? 75.31 J/mol o C

19  H 100 Calculate the  H for 3H 2(g) + O 3(g)  3H 2 O (g) using the following information: 2H 2(g) + O 2(g)  2H 2 O (g)  H = -483.6 kJ 3O 2(g)  2O 3(g)  H = 284.6 kJ -867.7kJ

20  H 200 Calculate the  H for C 2 H 4(g) + 6F 2(g)  2CF 4(g) + 4HF (g) using the following information: H 2(g) + F 2(g)  2HF (g)  H = -537kJ C (s) + 2F 2(g)  CF 4(g)  H = -680kJ 2C (s) + 2H 2(g)  C 2 H 4(g)  H = 523kJ -2486.3kJ

21  H 300 Calculate the  H for N 2 O (g) + NO 2(g)  3NO (g) using the following information: N 2(g) + O 2(g)  2NO (g)  H = 180.7kJ 2NO (g) + O 2(g)  2NO 2(g)  H = -113.1kJ 2N 2 O (g)  2N 2(g) + O 2(g)  H = -163.2kJ 155.65kJ

22  H 400 Calculate the  H for the following reaction using information from Appendix C. SiCl 4(l) + 2H 2 O (l)  SiO 2(s) + 4HCl (g) -68.34kJ

23  H 500 When C 10 H 8(s) is combusted it yields CO 2(g), H 2 O (l), and 5154 kJ/mol. What is the standard enthalpy of formation for C 10 H 8. CO 2(g)  H f o = -393.5 kJ/mol H 2 O (l)  H f o = -285.83 kJ/mol 75.68kJ

24 Definitions 100 What is the internal energy of a system? Total kinetic and potential energy

25 Definitions 200 What is a closed system? A system in which heat can be transferred between the system and the surroundings but not mass.

26 Definitions 300 What is a state function? A property that only depends on the initial and final states, not on the path taken.

27 Definitions 400 For a given process at constant pressure,  H is negative. Is the process exothermic or endothermic? exothermic

28 Definitions 500 By what means can the internal energy of a closed system increase? Increase in heat of the system or work done on the system.

29 Calorimetry 100 A 2.200g sample of C 6 H 4 O 2 is burned in a bomb calorimeter whose total heat capacity is 7.854 kJ/ o C. The temperature of the calorimeter increases from 23.44 o C to 30.57 o C. What is the heat of combustion per mole of C 6 H 4 O 2 ? -2740.2 kJ/mol

30 Calorimetry 200 A 1.800g sample of C 6 H 5 OH was burned in a bomb calorimeter whose total heat capacity is 11.66kJ/ o C. The temperature of the calorimeter plus contents increased from 21.36 o C to 26.37 o C. What is the heat of combustion per mole of C 6 H 5 OH? -3074.74kJ

31 Calorimetry 300 A 2.500g sample of glucose is burned in a bomb calorimeter. The heat of combustion of glucose is - 15.57kJ/mol. The temperature of the calorimeter increases from 20.55 o C to 23.25 o C. What is the total heat capacity of the calorimeter? 14.42 kJ/ o C

32 Calorimetry 400 What a 9.55g sample of solid NaOH dissolves in 100.0g of water in a coffee-cup calorimeter, the temperature rises from 23.6 o C to 47.4 o C. Calculate  H in kJ/mol of NaOH for the solution process. -45.61 kJ/mol

33 Calorimetry 500 When a 3.88g sample of solid NH 4 NO 3 dissolves in 60.0g of water in a coffee-cup calorimeter, the temperature drops from 23.0 o C to 18.4 o C. Calculate  H in kJ/mol of NH 4 NO 3 for the solution process. 25.36 kJ/mol

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