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EuropeAid LOCAL AUTHORITIES SUPPORTING INITIATIVE Conclusions & Recommendations of Working Groups Table 1-2 – Territorial Approach Baku, 11 February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "EuropeAid LOCAL AUTHORITIES SUPPORTING INITIATIVE Conclusions & Recommendations of Working Groups Table 1-2 – Territorial Approach Baku, 11 February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 EuropeAid LOCAL AUTHORITIES SUPPORTING INITIATIVE Conclusions & Recommendations of Working Groups Table 1-2 – Territorial Approach Baku, 11 February 2011

2 EuropeAid Strengths/Advantages 1.Boosts multi-stakeholder participation and allows for an all- inclusive dialogue (although this dialogue needs to lead to concrete change ie reaching and affecting the central level) 2.The role of LAs by no means is a substitution to the role of the government but should be synergetic and complementary. 3.Decentralization reforms are starting in various countries but are witnessing various blockages and difficulties (political, administrative, capacity, …). The EU could support the process from all angles 4.LAs are legitimate vis-à-vis the population, although still difficultly heard by the central government. “Giving voice” to LAs is crucial for the sustainability and long-term impact of reforms. 5.Local Economic development can be a good entry point to achieve broader decentralization

3 EuropeAid Weaknesses & obstacles identified 1.How to ensure true all-inclusive participation is both a challenge and an obstacle 2.No “history” of joint work between EU and Eastern countries (unlike the South) which should be developed and nurtured 3.Tendency in some countries is to rely on external assistance and funding, which limits local initiative 4.Challenge in making LAs and CSOs working together 5.Decentralization is emerging in the South and the East but only “on paper” and without resources 6.Ownership of the territorial development process is still a bit weak 7.Presence of the Ministry of Interior (or other Ministries) is still domineering 8. No new blood in the leadership (same old cabinet stays over and over)

4 EuropeAid Good Practice & Lessons learned 1.Periodic training of municipal staff on emerging issues including territorial development (Armenia) 2.Territorial approach can help recognize needs of special groups (especially those marginalized by the central government) like it is the case of the Arab Minority in Israel 3.Study visits to learn and exchange experiences (Ukraine) 4.Show that you can be successful in a limited territory (pilot) and then claim a broader outreach (Russia) 5.Coordinated actions in one sector between LAs across the ENP region can lead to visible and sustainable results (France-Armenia cooperation in tourism)

5 EuropeAid Recommendations & Issues for further thought 1.We need to get rid of the “Beneficiaries” mentality (where LAs do not collaborate in the definition of the project and are simple recipients) 2.Creation of an exchange platform exclusively dedicated to decentralized cooperation. 3.Lobbying to bring the voice of the local level to the central level (through the creation of LA Associations, developing lobbying tools, etc…) 4.Support national minorities in developed countries (human territorial approach) 5.New dedicated mechanism (by the EU for supporting the territorial approach within a broader local development approach 6.More East and South sharing as problems and opportunities are similar

6 EuropeAid Thank you for your attention ! 6

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