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Presented to: Littleton / Napa GUS Type 1 Maintainers By: FAA SOS AJW-191 Date: June 2011 Federal Aviation Administration GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: Littleton / Napa GUS Type 1 Maintainers By: FAA SOS AJW-191 Date: June 2011 Federal Aviation Administration GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: Littleton / Napa GUS Type 1 Maintainers By: FAA SOS AJW-191 Date: June 2011 Federal Aviation Administration GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training SGS Type 1 Subsystem

2 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-2 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment GEO Uplink Subsystem Type 1 (GUS Type 1) Functionality Receives duplicate WAAS messages from WMS Confirms Messages GUS Type 1 selects one WMS as source and FEC encodes message Upconverted to C-Band and transmitted to GEO

3 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-3 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment Six GUS Type 1 Locations Six GUS Type 1 Locations, two per GEO satellite –GEO for Central Region West (CRW) CRW-135 (PRN) Galaxy 15 GEO Satellite GUST Site: Napa, California (APC) GUST Site: Littleton, Colorado (LTN) –GEO for Central Region East (CRE) CRE-138 (PRN) Anik F1R GEO Satellite GUST Site: Woodbine, Maryland (WBN) GUST Site: Brewster, Washington (BRE-B) –GEO for Gap Filler (AMR) AMR-133 (PRN) Inmarsat I-4F3 GEO Satellite GUST Site: Paumalu, Hawaii (HDH) GUST Site: Santa Paula, California (SZP)

4 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-4 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment GUS in Operation Two GUS in Operation for each GEO satellite. –One (Primary) GUS transmitting to GEO –One (Backup) GUS transmitting to dummy load Dummy Load GUS Primary GUS Backup GCCS GEO Satellite POR

5 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-5 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment GCCS AMR-133 Paumalu/HDH (HDH) AMR-133 Santa Paula (SZP)

6 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-6 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment GCCS

7 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-7 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment GUS Primary GUS Backup GCCS GEO Satellite AMR-133 GCCS

8 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-8 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment Coverage Area CRW 135 CRE 138 AMR 133

9 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-9 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment GUS Type 1 Description A GUS Type 1 site consists of the following: Radio Frequency Uplink (RFU) Subsystem RFU Antenna Signal Generator Subsystem (SGS) Type 1 L1/L2/L5 Antenna

10 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-10 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment GUS Type 1 Block Diagram

11 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-11 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment RFU Subsystem Amplifies the WAAS signal and Uplinks it to the GEO. Receives L1 and L5 Signals from GEO, amplifies them and passes to SGS Type 1 Feedback the transmitted L1 and L5 signals for test purposes The RFU subsystem performs the following:

12 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-12 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment SGS Type 1 Subsystem Generates a GPS-like ranging signal Provides GUS Type 1 interface to the WMS via the Terrestrial Communications network (TCN) Selects one WMS as source for both the Primary and Backup GUS Type 1s Generates PRN Codes for the GEO satellite The SGS Type 1 performs the following:

13 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-13 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment Verifies WAAS messages received from WMS by performing CRC check and validating TOA has not expired Combines WAAS messages received from the WMS with the PRN code and Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulates L1 and L5 70 MHz IF carriers Provides a stable frequency standard to synchronize GUS Type 1 hardware Steers the Frequency Standard to synchronize the WAAS message with GPS time The SGS Type 1 performs the following: (continued) SGS Type 1 Subsystem

14 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-14 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment Provides independent control of L1 and L5 IF signal code and carrier relationships Provides signal quality monitoring of the WAAS Signal-in-Space (SIS) Detects interference and issues uplink power command to RFU Controls/monitors RFU antenna/dummy load switch Provides GUS Type 1 status display Performs fault monitoring on major GUS Type 1 components The SGS Type 1 performs the following: (continued) SGS Type 1 Subsystem

15 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-15 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment SGS Type 1/RFU Interfaces Interfaces between SGS Type 1 and the RFU are: –L1 and L5 IF uplink signals from SGS Type 1 to RFU –WAAS received L1 and L5 signals from GEO Satellite sent from RFU to SGS Type 1 –L1 and L5 Test Loop Translator (TLT) loopback –Control/Status interface between SGS Type 1 and RFU Monitor and Control (M&C) unit. Controls the RF switch through the M&C Commands from SGS Type 1 to increase or decrease transmitter power RFU status provided to SGS Type 1 –5 MHz signal SGS Type 1 to RFU (up-converters) –10 MHz signal SGS Type 1 to RFU (TLTs)

16 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-16 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment Access Router A1A4 Access Router A2A4 GUS Receiver Type 1 A2A6 Frequency Distribution Amplifier Type 1 A2A8 GUS Processor Type 1 A2A10 Keyboard/Display Console A2A14 Frequency Standard Type 1 A2A16 Power Conditioner A2A18Power Conditioner A1A18 Signal Generator Type 1 A1A16 Safety Computer Type 1 A1A12 Pulse Distribution Amplifier A1A10 Ethernet Safety Switch A1A8 Phase Noise Enhancer A1A6 Blower Assembly A3A2 SGS Type 1 Cabinet – Front View

17 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-17 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment SGS Type 1 Cabinet – Rear View

18 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-18 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 6A1A1AND6A1A2I/OPANELS6A1A1AND6A1A2I/OPANELS GUS Type 1 Block Diagram

19 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-19 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Function of the Access Router is:  Two independent Access Routers for connectivity to the WAN (TCS)  Access Router A1A4 provides network 1 connectivity for:  GUS Processor Type1  Power Conditioner A2A18  Access Router A2A4 provides network 2 connectivity for:  GUS Processor Type 1  Power Conditioner A1A18 2.Release 2 changes:  Will connect to Core/Distribution Routers via T1 Multilink connection instead of single V.35.  Removes the FTI provider A/B path switching and gives the WAAS (hardware) the responsibility of selecting the healthiest path using new hardware (VWIC modules) added to routers  T1 VWIC modules will be added to each Access Router for T1 connectivity  Requires changes to network cabling and the I/O panel to accommodate cabling. Access Router

20 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-20 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment VWIC Module Access Router Rear NOTE: Change to GUST Access Routers (Release 2). Serial module replaced by T1 Module (VWIC) Multi-Link

21 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-21 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Functions of the GUS Processor Type 1 are:  GUS Processor software interfaces with the C&V, GUS Receiver, WMPs and M&C (in RFU)  Receives GUS Receiver Type 1 data (received via 8-port async adapter)  Receives WAAS messages once per second from the selected C&V  Receives GUS mode switch requests from the C&V  Receives faults/status from M&C in the RFU subsystem  Sends the following data to the WAAS Message Processors 1 and 2 in Safety Computer Type 1 via Ethernet Safety Switch:  GUS Receiver Type 1 data, primarily for signal quality and interference checks  WAAS messages received from the C&V (acts like a buffer, no processing)  Sends status and fault data, on the SGS Type 1 and RFU subsystem, to the C&V  Sends commands to M&C in RFU for switchover  Displays maintainer data on Keyboard/Display Console GUS Processor Type 1

22 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-22 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment Second Power Cable GUS Processor Type 1 Rear NOTE: New processor required a change to Power Conditioner configuration with the addition of a second power cable (Release 1)

23 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-23 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Release 1 deficiences:  If operator performs the Shutdown procedure, requires the maintainer to push the power on button to restart processor. Will be corrected in Release 2.  The attention indicator does not extinguish. Will be corrected in Release 2. GUS Processor Type 1

24 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-24 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment The Keyboard/Display Console provides a user interface with the GUS Processor Type 1. The unit is capable of handling up to eight devices. If is physically connected to the GUS Processor Type 1 and Power Conditioner A2A18. Keyboard/Display Console

25 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-25 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Purpose of GUS Receiver Type 1 is to process GPS and WAAS GEO satellite signals. It contains three independent sections, which are:  ONMI – gets initial time from GPS satellites (L1/L2 signals), also an independent GEO monitor. In addition, gets L5 signal from Signal Generator Type 1.  TEST – monitors local loopback signals (the L1 and L5 transmitted signals via the Test Loop Translator (TLT) and the L2 signal (up-converted L1 signal) received from Signal Generator Type 1)  GEO – receives the GEO signals L1 and L5 received from GEO satellite (via antenna mounted on RFU antenna) to monitor the broadcast messages. 2.GUS Receiver Type 1 receives a 10 MHz reference signal from the Phase Noise Enhancer via the Frequency Distribution Amplifier Type 1. 3.GUS Receiver Type 1 outputs a 1 PPS reference signal for use by the Safety Computer Type 1 and Signal Generator Type 1 (signal via Pulse Distribution Amplifier) 4.Time and 3 Data ports are connected to the GUS Processor Type 1 for:  GPS Timing information (Time port)  WAAS GEO message  Satellite ranging measurements GUS Receiver Type 1

26 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-26 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Functions of the Safety Computer Type 1 are:  Processing done by two independent WAAS Message Processors  Each processor validates the received WAAS message for Time of Applicability and correct CRC  Performs bit-by-bit comparison of the two messages from the WMPs.  Message from comparison is sent to the Signal Generator Type1 for Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation  Host control loop software which allows the GEO to be used as another ranging source (ranging will not be used in release 5.1)  Monitors GUS Type 1 subsystem fault alarms  Receives status of the Antenna/Load switch in the RFU  Receives command from WMPs to notify RFU M&C to switch antenna/load switch position during a mode change.  Controls output of the Signal Generator Type 1 (can inhibit 70 MHz output) Safety Computer Type 1

27 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-27 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment The Ethernet Safety Switch provides network connectivity between the GUS Processor Type 1 and the WAAS Message Processors 1 and 2 (WMP 1 and WMP 2) in Safety Computer Type 1 Ethernet Safety Switch

28 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-28 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Functions of the Signal Generator Type 1 are:  Comprised of two independent L1 and L5 signal generators  Signal generation (L1 and L5) with precise control of frequencies and phases  Produces two independent 70 MHz IF signals for L1 and L5  Receives a 10 MHz reference signal from Phase Noise Enhancer via the Frequency Distribution Amplifier Type 1, for use by both signal generators  Receives a 1 PPS signal from the GUS Receiver Type 1 via Pulse Distribution Amplifier  Independent command and status interfaces with the WMPs in the Safety Computer Type1  Independent message interfaces with the Comparator in the Safety Computer Type 1 (for WAAS SIS message)  50 ohm inline terminator added to 1 PPS interface in Release 1 (see next slide) Signal Generator Type 1

29 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-29 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 50 ohm terminator J1 1 PPS IN Signal Generator Type 1 Rear View

30 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-30 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Function of the Pulse Distribution Amplifier is:  Provide amplification and distribution of the 1 PPS reference signal  Input is 1 PPS reference signal from GUS Receiver Type 1  Outputs are to the following LRUs:  Safety Computer Type 1  Signal Generator Type 1 Pulse Distribution Amplifier

31 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-31 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Function of the Frequency Distribution Amplifier Type 1 is:  Provide amplification and distribution of the 10 MHz reference signal  Input is 10 MHz reference signal from the Phase Noise Enhancer  Outputs are to the following LRUs:  GUS Receiver Type 1  Frequency Distribution Amplifier in the RFU (used by Up Converters in TLT)  Signal Generator Type 1 Frequency Distribution Amplifier Type 1

32 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-32 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Function of the Phase Noise Enhancer is:  Provide phaselock and noise reduction for the reference signal received from the Frequency Standard Type 1  Input is 5 MHz reference signal from Frequency Standard Type 1  Outputs are to the following LRUs:  10 MHz to Frequency Distribution Amplifier Type 1  5 MHz to the RFU Subsystem (used by the C-Band Up Converters – L1 and L5) Phase Noise Enhancer

33 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-33 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Function of the Frequency Standard Type 1 is:  Provide an extremely accurate and stable 5 MHz and 10 MHz reference signal  Outputs are to the following LRUs:  10 MHz reference signal to Safety Computer Type 1  5 MHz to reference signal to Phase Noise Enhancer Frequency Standard Type 1

34 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-34 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment 1.Function of the Power Conditioner is: ( Two independent Power Conditioners, one in each cabinet bay)  Provides isolated, regulated, and controllable 120 VAC and 24 VDC (A2A18 only)  Power Conditioner A1A18 provides power for:  Access Router A1A4  Phase Noise Enhancer A1A6  Ethernet Safety Switch A1A8  Pulse Distribution Amplifier A1A10  Safety Computer Type 1 A1A12  Signal Generator Type 1 A1A16  Power Conditioner A2A18 provides power for:  Access Router A2A4  GUS Receiver Type 1 A2A6 (24 VDC)  Frequency Distribution Amplifier A2A8  GUS Processor Type 1 A2A10  Keyboard/Display Console A2A14  Frequency Standard Type 1 A2A16  L1/L2/L5 Antenna (24 VDC) Power Conditioner

35 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-35 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment The 8-Port Asynchronous Adapter is part of the GUS Processor Type 1. It consists of two components, the interface and asynchronous card (contained in slot in the GUS Processor Type 1. It connects the following components to the GUS Processor Type 1: GUS Receiver Type 1 (three (3) data ports and one (1) time port) Antenna/Load Switch in the RFU Subsystem 8-Port Asynchronous Adapter

36 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-36 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment SGS Attenuator Assembly contains four (4) RF Combiner/Splitters and 5 Variable Attenuators (4 are 90 dB and one is 50 DB). The attenuators provide attenuation of the L1/L2 and L5 received signals. The RF Combiner/Splitters are used to 1) combine the L1 transmitted signal with L2 (up converted L1) signal from the Signal Generator 2) provide isolation for the L1/L2 Omni, L1 and L5 GEO, and the L5 transmitted signals. RF Combiner/Splitter Variable Attenuator 50 dB 90 dB 30 dB Isolation and low insertion loss 0.3 dB Isolation Combining SGS Attenuator Assembly SGS Attenuator Assembly A2B2 Interfaces

37 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-37 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment The Optical Isolator Assembly provides RS-232 data test points between the WAAS Message Processor and Signal Generator to be monitored by an external piece of test equipment. These test points support the ability to troubleshoot and diagnose anomalies in order to affect corrective maintenance as well as provide a more robust test environment for evaluating GUST receiver firmware improvements. Optical Coupler Assembly Optical Coupler

38 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-38 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment The RF Coupler Assembly provides RF data test points from the WAAS Signal Generator to be monitored by an external piece of test equipment. These test points support the ability to troubleshoot and diagnose anomalies in order to affect corrective maintenance as well as provide a more robust test environment for evaluating GUST receiver firmware improvements.. RF Isolator Assembly RF Isolator

39 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-39 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment The L1/L2/L5 Antenna receives signals from the GPS satellites. It amplifies and filters the received signals. The antenna assembly also includes a RF and DC transient suppressor for protection from lightning voltage. The Transient Protection Assembly is located between the L1/L2/L5 Antenna and the SGS Type 1 Cabinet. It contains an additional RF and DC transient suppressor. L1/L2/L5 Antenna Transient Protection Assembly CR2 DC Transient Protection CR1 RF Transient Protection RF Transient Suppressor DC Transient Suppressor L1/L2/L5 Antenna / Transient Protection Assembly

40 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-40 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment L1/L2/L5 Antenna Path RF and DC Connections RF and DC connection locations –Cabinet I/O panel bottom –Transient Protection box located close to where cables enter the building –GPS Omni Antenna RF connections are made with standard Type –N connectors DC connections are made with a twinax connector that looks from the outside like a BNC connector –Make sure that power is turned off before mating connectors –Visually align connector halves before mating (i.e. the raised portion mates with lower portion of the other half)

41 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-41 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment L1/L2/L5 Antenna DC Connectors +24 VDC (Socket) 24 VDC Return (Pin) Cabinet I/O panel (top) at A2AA BJ1 Power is controlled from PCU 2 (A2A18) circuit breaker DC3

42 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-42 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment L1/L2/L5 Antenna Connectivity Typical Installation Wall Mounted RF and DC Suppressors RF and DC Suppressors in antenna base RF and DC Suppressors mounted in I/O panel in cabinet base

43 GUS Type 1 Maintainer Refresher Training 2-43 Federal Aviation Administration APC and APA - June 2011 Geostationary Communication and Control Segment SGS Type 1 Equipment Overview Summary –The components that comprise the SGS Type 1 subsystem and their location in the SGS Type 1 cabinet –The function of each component of the SGS Type 1 subsystem This lesson covered the following areas:

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