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Public Libraries’ Internet Project Louisiana Library Association Thursday, April 28 th, 2005.

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1 Public Libraries’ Internet Project Louisiana Library Association Thursday, April 28 th, 2005

2 Review Internet access directly to each headquarters library (except for Sunset, Oberlin, Ville Platte, Jena) WAN bundles or WAN circuits at each headquarters library that has frame relay branches Public libraries have determined bandwidth for branches.

3 What Happened to the Hubs? There are still two libraries acting as hubs: –Ouachita –Calcasieu Direct Internet Access to each of the other headquarters will provide: –More stability. You voiced concern that that your libraries would go “down” if the hub was down. Now each library system is independent of the others. –More local control over configuring your firewall and router (and WAN router if you selected the ‘unbundled’ option). –Fewer “hops” to get out to the Internet. –Increased total bandwidth for the same cost.

4 State Library: Filed a 471 for "Internet Bundle" at every Parish Headquarters. The Internet Bundle (Internet circuit, router, administration and maintenance) is owned and maintained by BellSouth. Billing: The State Library will be billed for the Internet Bundle at the parish headquarters library. *Parish Library provides: space and power for Internet router, and wiring from the public demarc to the router. If the main library uses a single router today for both Internet and Branch traffic, a change must be made to the configuration in the existing router to direct Internet traffic to the new BellSouth-installed Internet Router. Main Branch Existing WAN Router Main Branch Internet Router BellSouth owns/maintains LAN Switch or Phase 1 “Internet Bundle" Internet DIA bundle at Headquarters - (Dedicated Internet Access) Headquarters Internet PVC Internet Circuit & Router Frame Relay Transport Services Firewall HUBHUB Existing EDP or Frame Relay WAN Connections to Branch Libraries are not Changed during Phase 1. BellSouth responsibility* Library responsibility NAT

5 Main Branch New WAN Router Bundle Main Branch Internet Router BellSouth owns/maintains LAN Switch or Phase 2 Main Branch WAN (Bundled option) Internet DIA bundle at Headquarters - (Dedicated Internet Access) Headquarters Internet PVC Internet Circuit & Router Transport Services Firewall HUBHUB Proposed EDP or Frame Relay WAN Connections are upgraded or installed at the HQ site during Phase 2. BellSouth responsibility Library responsibility NAT BellSouth responsibility* Parish Library: Filed a 471 for Telecommunications - "WAN Bundles" The WAN Bundles (WAN circuits, routers, administration, and maintenance) are owned and maintained by BellSouth. Billing: The Parish Library will be billed for the WAN bundles in their parish. *Parish Library provides: Analog phone line, space and power for router, and wiring from the public demarc to the router. 225-389-5xxx Telephone line

6 Main Branch New WAN Router Bundle Main Branch Internet Router BellSouth owns/maintains LAN Switch or Phase 3 All Branch WAN (Bundled option) Internet DIA bundle at Headquarters - (Dedicated Internet Access) Headquarters Internet PVC Internet Circuit & Router Branch PVC's Transport Services Firewall HUBHUB Proposed EDP or Frame Relay WAN Connections are upgraded or installed at Branch sites during Phase 3. BellSouth responsibility Library responsibility NAT BellSouth responsibility* Parish Library: Filed a 471 for Telecommunications - "WAN Bundles" The WAN Bundles (WAN circuits, routers, administration, and maintenance) are owned and maintained by BellSouth. Billing: The Parish Library will be billed for the WAN bundles in their parish. *Parish Library provides: Analog phone line, space and power for router, and wiring from the public demarc to the router. 225-389-5xxx Telephone line BBBBBBBBBBB Remote Branch WAN Circuits and Routers - for access to Headquarters. B WAN Transport and Edge Device

7 Direct Internet Access Bundles installed by July 1, 2005. Will replace LANET circuits. What you need to do: –If have IP addresses other than those provided by SLL, will need to get new ones. –If have public IPs, will need to move NAT’ing to firewall and provide private IPs. –Provide Cat 5 cable between Internet router and your firewall. All libraries must have a firewall. –Power outlet and space for router. –Ship LANET csu/dsu back to SLL.

8 When Will WAN Routers / Circuits be Installed? When you get your Funding Commitment letter, contact BellSouth and schedule installation. If you want to upgrade before getting your funding commitment, write a letter to Diane Brown at the State Library stating such and guaranteeing that you will pay the full amount should you not get Erate funding.

9 Questions ???

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