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SESE Living Things Classification.

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1 SESE Living Things Classification

2 Life processes All animals have to carry out seven life processes.
These are: Movement – being able to move its body Respiration – taking in one gas and getting rid of another Reproduction – being able to produce young Nutrition – being able to get energy out of food

3 Life processes 5. Growth – using energy to get bigger and repair damaged cells 6. Sensitivity – using senses, like smell and taste, to find out about the world 7. Excretion – getting rid of waste products from food

4 Classification There are thousands of different types of animals.
Scientists try to find groups of animals with similar characteristics. These groups can help them to identify different animals’ characteristics straight away. Photo credit Sue Pizarro

5 Classification When you are trying to work out what an animal is, it is important to pay close attention to all of its features. Some of the most common types of animals are: Reptiles Mammals Fish Birds Insects Amphibians

6 Classification quiz We have found some odd creatures; can you help us to find out what sort of an animal they are? Photo credit Zando Escultura Picture credit Sam Segar

7 Does the creature have a backbone?
Classification quiz Does the creature have a backbone? Photo credit Zando Escultura Picture credit Sam Segar Yes – it is a vertebrate No – it is an invertebrate

8 Invertebrates No Yes Does the animal have a hard shell?
Photo credit Zando Escultura No Yes

9 The animal is a jellyfish
Jellyfish are invertebrates which feed on plankton and small fish. They catch their prey by delivering poison to any animals which touch their tentacles. They are really adaptable animals and can be found in all the world’s oceans. Photo credit Zando Escultura Try another creature

10 Hard shelled animals Does the animal have eyes? No Yes

11 The animal is a lobster The lobster is a crustacean.
Crustaceans are all invertebrates. They have a hard shell to protect their body, two pairs of antennae and eyes on stalks. They also often have a set of claws for catching food. Most crustaceans live in water but some have adapted to live on land. Try another creature

12 The animal is a mussel Mussels are part of the mollusc family. This family also includes snails and octopus. Most molluscs have a shell which they use to protect themselves from predators. Some molluscs live in the sea and some on land. Try another creature

13 Vertebrates? Is the animal warm or cold blooded? Warm blooded
Picture credit Sam Segar Warm blooded Cold blooded

14 The animal is a crocodile
The crocodile is a reptile. Reptiles are cold blooded. They breathe air. They lay hard shelled eggs. They have tough scaly skin. Try another creature

15 Warm blooded Does the animal lay eggs or give birth to live babies?
Picture credit Sam Segar Eggs Live babies

16 The animal is a seal A seal is a mammal. Mammals are warm blooded.
They give birth to live young. They breathe air. There are lots of mammals which live in the sea, including whales and otters. Try another creature

17 The animal is a penguin Penguins are birds.
All birds have feathers and a beak. They lay eggs. All birds have wings but not all of them can fly. The penguin uses its wings to help it swim. Picture credit Sam Segar Try another creature

18 Keys You can use keys to help find out the group and characteristics of an animal. When you are using a key you should answer the questions from top to bottom. Answer all the questions until you get to the name of an animal. You could also work backwards to find out the key characteristics of an animal. Photo credit Sue Pizarro

19 The otter The animal described was an otter. Here is what an otter looks like.

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