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1B English Lesson. The children use the big calendar to learn about the date. They learn days of the week, months of the year, and numbers this way.

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Presentation on theme: "1B English Lesson. The children use the big calendar to learn about the date. They learn days of the week, months of the year, and numbers this way."— Presentation transcript:

1 1B English Lesson

2 The children use the big calendar to learn about the date. They learn days of the week, months of the year, and numbers this way.

3 The children are learning the signal the teacher uses to stop and listen. We use clapping patterns.

4 Joe is looking for a number on the calendar.

5 Winnie and Jeff are attentive listeners.

6 Winnie is finding the month of the year.

7 Miss Sue is explaining the worksheets that the children are going to do.

8 M.C gets a helping hand from the teacher.

9 Joe is helping Miss Sue.

10 Each group of children have a different worksheet to do about the topic they are learning about. This week it is about animals. Angus is doing a wordfind and Brian is sticking his worksheet into his book.

11 Chinny and Yeni have finished their worksheets so they are sticking them in their books.

12 We are learning about animals. The children work in small groups on the mat with Miss Sue. This group is called Purple 1 and in this group are Jeff, Johnny, Winnie and Rain. This group is called Purple 1 and they are naming the animals Miss Sue is holding up.

13 They are looking at the different characteristics animals have, monkeys have a long tail and furry bodies.

14 Vivian is hard at work in the English Room.

15 Sally is drawing pictures beside the names of the animals she is learning about.

16 Rain has finished her work. Super work, Rain!!

17 Working together, this is the Purple 1 group. Zoe, Winnie, Johnny and Jeff.


19 Yoyo is looking for words of animals in her wordfind.

20 These children are sharing ideas with each other. They are encouraged to talk about their work with each other in a quiet voice. This is Yellow Group 2, Kitty, Rain, Yenni, Brian and Angus.

21 Jeff, Winnie and Johnny are colouring pictures of the animals that live in the sea. They have to be careful not to colour the rabbit, because rabbits don’t live in the sea.

22 Johnny shows off his finished work. Well done Johnny!!

23 Miss Sue is describing animals and the children have to find the animal she is describing. Can you see the animal that is fat and gray and pink. It has a big mouth, two small ears and lives in the water? Yes it’s a hippo, it is the picture above the panda bears.

24 Vivian looks surprised.

25 Jeff shows us his wonderful work. Well done Jeff!!

26 Zoe is finished and what beautiful colouring. Good girl Zoe!!

27 Winnie has finished her work too, another super job. Terrific work Winnie!!

28 1.B are FANTASTIC listeners.

29 This is the white group, Rain, M.C and Vivian

30 Jeff knows the rules in the English Room, so he puts up his hand rather than calling out. Good boy Jeff.

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