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Asian School of Business PG Programme in Management (2005-06) Course: Quantitative Methods in Management I Instructor: Chandan Mukherjee Session 1: Variability.

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1 Asian School of Business PG Programme in Management (2005-06) Course: Quantitative Methods in Management I Instructor: Chandan Mukherjee Session 1: Variability and Distribution

2 Some women are taller than some men. Therefore, it is wrong to say that men are taller than women Point: Variability comes in the way of unambiguous comparison

3 Don’t know what to make of it!! Except that asset varies ….. that is all.

4 Now it is beginning to make sense – it varies over a wide range of Rs. 0.07 Crores to Rs.445.63 Crores. Many of them are small in terms of fixed capital, only a handful are really large.

5 ONEWAY SCATTER PLOT ScaleMinimumMaximum Shows visually the fact of preponderence of small sized producers units of Yarn.

6 FRREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION: Concretising the pattern numerically

7 HISTOGRAM: Depicting the pattern visually

8 FRREQUENCY POLYGON: Towards abstraction

9 HISTOGRAM to DENSITY CURVE: Abstraction into a mathematical model

10 Exam Score: Density Curve Example Area under the curve gives the relative frequency of values within the interval

11 Distinguishing Features of a Distribution Cluster Scatter Shape (Symmetric / Asymmetric) Tails (Thin / Thick)

12 Summary Of The Points Made So Far The essential activity in studying relationships between different entities/factors is that of comparison; Variability comes in the way of comparison. Therefore, to compare, we need to characterise the variability; Variability leads to the concept of distribution – the key concept in statistics and data analysis. It is the manner in which the observations (data values: quantitative or qualitative) spread out across the range of observation; There are four distinguishing features viz. cluster, scatter, shape and the tails.

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