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EVENT STAFF DISCUSSION #2 Monday, September 16 th 8:00pm Eastern *Please make sure your phone/microphone is muted. *We’ll get started at 8pm Eastern. YEA!

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Presentation on theme: "EVENT STAFF DISCUSSION #2 Monday, September 16 th 8:00pm Eastern *Please make sure your phone/microphone is muted. *We’ll get started at 8pm Eastern. YEA!"— Presentation transcript:

1 EVENT STAFF DISCUSSION #2 Monday, September 16 th 8:00pm Eastern *Please make sure your phone/microphone is muted. *We’ll get started at 8pm Eastern. YEA! MISSION STATEMENT To support the development of young people into magnificent human beings through participation in the performing arts.

2  Agenda for the evening  Reminders  Week #1 Review  Looking Ahead To Week #2 & Beyond  Nationals Adjustments – November Plans  Jon Swengler – TABULATION EXPERT

3  Update BandData account – PLEASE!  W9 to  Check the Resources page  GroupMe text application  Pre-event responsibilities (calls, texts)  Arrival time (2 hours / 1.5 hours – MINIMUM)  Fill out Event Staff Reports online  Dress/Attire at an Event

4  The USBands Event Staff gear is now available  3 Events = $25 voucher for these items only  5 Events = $50 voucher for these items only 1) Go to and search “USBands” 2) Select item(s) you’d like to purchase. Add to cart. 3) Coupon Code Options: *13BANDJUDGE ($25 off, yes ship) *13BANDJUDGENS ($25 off, don’t ship) *13FALLJUDGE ($50 off, yes ship) *13FALLJUDGENS ($50 off, don’t ship) *If you choose a “no ship” option, the merchandise staff will contact you within 24-48 hours to confirm which event you’d like the item(s) brought to. *We are on the honor system. Plus, Justin will verify all orders that utilize the coupon code.

5  14 Days  Show is closed for band registration. Begin building the schedule.  12 Days  Schedule and event notes are shared throughout the office. The team signs off on all events for next weekend.  10 Days  Preliminary schedule goes out to all participating bands/adjudicators/event staff/ hosts – bands have @48 hours to address new scheduling concerns.  Addressed in this sheet will be digital vs. tapes – the transition is ongoing  Event box is built/finished, and any necessary supplies are sent to the Event Coordinator or Manager.  We will work to schedule a call for next week: host, coordinator/manager, Justin/Nic/Nate  8 Days  Final schedule goes out to all, if any adjustments were made. If not, a confirmation is sent out. PS – A date/time stamp goes on EVERYTHING to avoid confusion. When in doubt, go with the most recent version.

6  4 Days  Event box should have arrived with Coordinator/Manager – verify that all materials are accounted for and confirm with office – PLEASE OPEN YOUR EVENT BOX RIGHT AWAY!!  Set up GROUPME or Texting Group  3 Days  Pre-event call takes place with host/coordinator/office to ensure details are in place for the weekend.  Pre-event text goes out to from Coordinator to all adjudicators, event staff, key personnel in preparation for the weekend.  1 Day  Final check-in, any adjustments that need to be made, etc …  D Day  Coordinator/AC arrive to event at least 2 hours early. Checklists and prep  Tabulator arrive to event at least 90 minutes early. Setup and assist with Coordinator.  Live text conversation keeps everyone in the loop and in “real time” on the stuff that matters  Follow Up  Scores and recaps to the office (  Electronic reports from all personnel involved (no more paper reports)  Office staff will send feedback from the events as quickly as possible, to let everyone know how we’re doing.

7  Gently let the bands know how they’re doing with setup/performance times. Not even a warning … just an acknowledgement.  Give the judges time to talk at critique … don’t rush them if you can help it. It’s early.  Check golf carts, pit, props – do they have the right tires, are they leaking, etc…?  Go the extra mile – the event doesn’t end with critique. GroupMe, follow up, etc … what sets us apart as a USBands event staff?

8  Every single event needs the following:  Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator, Tabulator  Larger events also need the following:  Event Manager, Finance Manager, Merchandise Manager, Registration, Parking, Concessions, Airgrams, Candygrams, Volunteer Coordinator, etc. *The office staff will typically migrate to the larger events, simply because of sheer numbers. That said, we need our representatives in various locations to continue to provide the most consistent service possible. *IF the office staff is at your event, the roles don’t change. We don’t want to get in your way – do your thing!!

9  Needs for Sep. 21 weekend = RED FLAG  COORD at Brick, AC at Manchester  Needs for Sep. 28 weekend = ORANGE  TABS in CT seem to be in short order  Needs for Oct. 5 weekend = YELLOW  We need TEXAS help – BIGTIME!!  Needs for Oct. 12 weekend = WHITE  A few holes … TAB in CT again

10  November 2 nd  Nationals at MetLife (IO, IIO, VO, VIO, IVA, VA)  Day 1 of Mid Atlantic States in Annapolis  Southern States in Chattanooga  Remo Finale in Austin  Previews in WT, Old Bridge, Union, Bunnell (CT)  November 3rd  Day 2 of Mid Atlantic States in Annapolis  November 9 th  Nationals at MetLife (IIIO, IVO, IIIA, VIA)  Nationals in Allentown (IA, IIA)

11  Thank you for giving your time, energy, and talent to USBands for our 25 th Anniversary season. We are honored to have you as part of the team.  Remember, this is about tens of thousands of young human beings, and they have been placed in our care.  Let’s keep in touch, and have a great season!!

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