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Are you tired of looking at the same old stuff? Ready to get the most ROI for your advertising dollar?

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Presentation on theme: "Are you tired of looking at the same old stuff? Ready to get the most ROI for your advertising dollar?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you tired of looking at the same old stuff? Ready to get the most ROI for your advertising dollar?

2 Now you have the chance to advertise for years with one purchase by providing a functional cooler that is used by your clients during their favorite activities & it even saves them money! Now, what’s that worth?

3 Service Solutions Satisfaction These are the founding principals of good business. Propel your business by partnering with me. I will help you add a whole new level of service by not only providing a unique promotional product, but by providing a solution that is truly a marketing tool.

4 Service, Solutions, Satisfaction “What’s New?” Not Much! The Covert Cooler is truly new and unique It provides you with a Solution and a Marketing Tool S tuff the cooler with your promotional literature & offers Get years of exposure for your marketing dollar (High ROI) Target your publicity at decision makers & those with expendable income Let me partner with your vision and message I am more than an order taker. I will take time to… Learn your target markets Create solutions to get you the maximum exposure to those markets. Give you the highest value for your dollar.


6 Rarely where you are! So where is that beverage cart anyway?

7 Why do golfers love it? It saves them money!

8 So, who uses the Covert Cooler?

9 Corporate Gifts, company stores, and incentive programs Weekend Golfers – those 80% who are on a budget but love to golf to relax & have fun The Covert Cooler is perfect for… Corporate & Charity Golf Tournaments and Events

10 Stand out from the rest by offering something truly unique to your clients.

11 Wouldn’t you like to have every one of these golfers holding a Memorable Tee Prize instead of that same old thing they got last year?

12 The Covert Cooler… It’s not just for Golf! It’s handy anywhere…

13 Imagine your client’s logo on the Covert Cooler and carried to these events…

14 Don’t be left behind… Golfers Get it. Do you?

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