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Plan for your “Career” Now. To choose your concentration classes in CTE – you must understand Career Clusters!

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Presentation on theme: "Plan for your “Career” Now. To choose your concentration classes in CTE – you must understand Career Clusters!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plan for your “Career” Now

2 To choose your concentration classes in CTE – you must understand Career Clusters!

3 There are 13 Career Clusters


5 Cluster Knowledge Must take 4 credits in a cluster 3 of the credits must be from foundation courses 1 of the foundation courses (F) must be a level II The 4 th credit can be a foundation course (F) or an enhancement course (E)

6 Careers –Fish & Wildlife Mgmt. –Soil Conservationist –Landscape Architect –Veterinarian –Forest Ranger High School Courses –Agriscience Applications I (9) F –Agri Production I & II (10,11,12) F - Animal Science I & II (10,11,12) F –Horticulture I & II (10,11,12) F –Agriculture Mechanics I & II (10,11,12) (F) –Teen Living (9) F –Foods I & II (10,11,12) F –Drafting I (10,11) E –SmallBusiness/ Entrepeneurship(10,11,12) E

7 (continued) Computerized Accounting I (10,11) E Digital Communications (9,10,11,12) E Computer Applications I (9,10,11) *35 wpm E Principles of Business (9, 10,11,12) E Career Management (9, 10,11,12) E

8 Careers –Architect –Surveyor –Construction Manager –Electrician –Welder –Mason –Heavy Equipment Operator High School Courses –Drafting I (10) F –Teen Living (9) F –Housing & Interiors I, II (10,11,12) F –Intro to T & I (9,10) F –Cabinetmaking I & II (10, 11,12) F –Agriculture Mechanics I (10,11,12) E

9 (continued) Principles of Business (9,10,11,12) E Computer Applications I (9,10,11) *35 wpm E Career Management (9,10,11,12) E Small Business/ Entrepr (10,11,12) E

10 Careers –Audio-Visual Tech –Sound Board Operator –Video Tech –Installation Engineer –Television/Radio Tech –Music Producer –Computer Operator –Graphics Designer –Photographer High School Courses - Intro to T & I (9,10) F –Apparel Development I & II (10,11,12) F –Teen Living (9) F –Drafting I (10,11) F

11 (continued) Computer Applications I (9,10,11,) E Career Management (9, 10,11,12) E Principles of Business (9, 10,11,12) E Digital Communications (9,10,11,12) E Housing & Interiors(10, 11) E Small Business/Entrep (10,11,12) E

12 Careers –Entrepreneur –Accountant –Retail Sales –Computer & Information Manager High School Courses –Small Business and Entrepreneurship (10, 11, 12) F –Principles of Business 9, 10, 11, 12) F –Computerized Accounting I & II (10, 11, 12) F –Computer Applications I & II (9, 10, 11, 12) *35 wpm F -Digital Communications (9, 10, 11, 12) F -Career Management (9, 10, 11, 12) E

13 Careers –Accounting –Stock Market –Sales –Banking –Finance –Business Owner High School Courses –Computerized Accounting I & II (10,11,12) F –Small Business & Entrepreneurship (10,11,12) F –Principles of Business (9,10, 11, 12) F –Computer Applications I & II (9, 10,11,12) *35wpm E –Career Management (9,10,11,12)E –Teen Living (9) E

14 Careers –Physician –Dentist –Athletic Trainer –Nurse –Physical Therapist –Nursing Home High School Courses –Allied Health Science I & II (11, 12) F –Foods I (10, 11) E –Principles of Business (9, 10, 11, 12) E –Small Business/Entrep (10, 11, 12) E –Computerized Accounting I (10, 11, 12) E –Computer Applications I (9, 10, 11) *35wpm E –Digital Communications (9, 10, 11,12) E –Career Management (9, 10, 11, 12) E –Foods I (10,11) E

15 Careers –Hotel Manager –Chef –Food & Beverage Director –Restaurant Owner –Travel Agent High School Courses –Sports and Entertainment Marketing I & II (10,11,12) F –Foods I (10,11) F –Teen Living (9) F –Small Business & Entrep (10, 11,12) E –Principles of Business (9,10, 11,12) E –Career Management (9,10, 11,12) E –Digital Communications (9,10, 11,12) E –Computer Applications I (9, 10,11) E

16 Careers –Childcare Director –Nanny –Career Counselor –Psychologist –Social Worker High School Courses –Teen Living (9) F –Parenting (10,11,12) F –Intro. to T& I (9,10) F –Principles of Business (9,10, 11,12) E –Career Management (9,10, 11,12) E –Computer Applications I (9, 10,11) E –Digital Communications (9,10, 11,12) E –Small Business/Entrep (10, 11,12) E

17 Careers –Graphic Designer –Network Administrator –Technology Repairman –Web Designer –Data Manager High School Courses –Computer Applications I & II (9,10,11,12) 35wpm F –Digital Communications (9,10,11,12) F –Intro, T& I (9,10) F –Computer Applications II (10,11,12) E –Principles of Business (9,10,1112) E –Career Management (9, 10,11,12) E –Small Business/Entrep (10,11,12) E –Drafting I (10,11) E

18 Careers –Design Engineer –Biomedical Equipment Tech –Laboratory Tech –Automotive Parts Manufacturer –Satellite Disc Manufacturer –Plastics Manufacturer –Architect –Construction High School Courses –Drafting I (10,11) F –Cabinetmaking I (10,11) F –Intro to T&I (9, 10) F –Computer Applications I (9,10,11, 12) *35wpm E –Digital Communications (9,10, 11,12) E –Small Business/Entrep (10,11,12)E –Career Management (9,10,11,12)E

19 Careers –Hotel Manager –Chef –Food & Beverage Director –Restaurant Owner –Travel Agent –Retail Sales High School Courses –Sports Marketing I & II (9,10, 11,12) F –Small BusinessEntrep. (10, 11,12) F –Principles of Business (9,10, 11,12) E –Computer Applications I (9, 10,11,12) *35 wpm E –Digital Communications (9,10, 11,12) E –Career Management (9,10, 11,12) E

20 Careers –Biologist –Chemist –Geneticist –Engineer Mechanical Industrial –Teacher High School Courses –Intro to T&I (9,10) F –Drafting I (10,11) F –Computer Applications I (9,10,11) *35wpm E –Digital Communications (9, 10,11,12) E –Career Management (9,10,11,12) E

21 Careers –Pilot –Boat Captain –Warehouse Manager –Electrician –Automotive Tech –Heavy Equipment Operator High School Courses –Intro T & I (9, 10) F –Principles of Business (9, 10, 11, 12) E –Computerized Accounting I (10, 11) E –Computer Applications I (9, 10, 11) E –Digital Communications (9,10,11,12) E –Career Management (9, 10, 11, 12) E –Small Business/Entrep. (10, 11, 12) E

22 Courses In All Career Clusters Career Management (9, 10, 11, 12) Digital Communications (9, 10, 11, 12) Computer Applications I (9, 10, 11) Small Business & Entrepreneurship (10, 11) Internships (11, 12) Apprenticeships (11,12) Advanced Studies* (12) must have 3 credits in cluster/pathway

23 REVIEW Must take 4 credits in a cluster 3 of the credits must be from foundation courses 1 of the foundation courses (F) must be a level II The 4 th credit can be a foundation course (F) or an enhancement course (E)

24 CONGRATULATIONS You are on your way to GRADUATION!

25 To access Powerpoint… Click on “Staff” Click on “Debra Short” Click on “Career Clusters”

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