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Presentation on theme: "Uses of the SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE"— Presentation transcript:

In the following examples, the simple present expresses perceptions, feelings, or states that occur or exist at the moment of speaking. The perceptions, feelings or states may, of course extend somewhat beyond the moment of speaking, but the focal point is the immediate present. QUESTION How many planes do you see? Do you hear anything? What’s the matter? ANSWER I see four. No, I don’t hear anything. I smell something burning.

2 This medicine tastes bitter to me. Your hand feels cold.
MOMETN OF SPEAKING PAST FUTURE PERCEPTION Other examples: This medicine tastes bitter to me. Your hand feels cold. You look worried. I want a cup of coffee.

3 In the following examples, the simple present expresses activities(states, conditions, feeling, etc.)that extend for varying lengths of time beyond the moment of speaking . The activities have existed before, and will probably continue to exist after , the moment of speaking . But the beginning and ending are unknown or unimportant. QUESTION Does your brother play the violin? Do you agree with me? What does Professor White teach? ANSWER Yes , he plays very well. Yes , I agree with you completely. He teaches physics.

4 MOMETN OF SPEAKING PAST FUTURE Beginning (unknown or unimportant) Ending (unknown or unimportant) Other examples: Charles prefers classical music. They like Japanese poetry. People everywhere want peace. He dislike talkative women. She misses her family very much. She is an excellent secretary. We have faith in you.

5 In the following examples, the simple present expresses activities which have occurred at intervales before, and will probably continue to occur at intervals after, the moment of speaking. Adverbs of frequency(every day , usually , etc) often help the verb in expressing intervals of activity. QUESTION Does Steve go home often? When do you play golf? Do you walk school every day? ANSWER Yes , he goes home every week-end. I play almost every Sunday morning. No , I take the bus.

6 MOMETN OF SPEAKING PAST FUTURE INTERVALS Other examples: Mary goes to church every morning. Mr. Smith broadcasts every Sunday. Mrs. Rich usually pays her bills on time. They seldom go to the movies. I often hear my neighbors arguing.

7 In the following examples , the simple present expresses activities that are relatively permanent . (some of the statements are general truths.) QUESTION Where is Chicago? What is the freezing pointt of water? What is the function of the liver? ANSWER It is in Illinois. Water freezes at 32 Fahrenheit. It secretes bile and performs metabolic functions.

8 MOMETN OF SPEAKING PAST FUTURE Other examples: The sun rises in the east. The earth revolves around the sun. It snows a great deal in some part of north west. Children need love and affection. Poetry intensifies man’s experiences. The law of supply and demand sets prices in a freely competitive market.

9 In the following examples , the simple present expresses activities that will take places in future time. Adverbs indicating future time(tomorrow , next week , etc) usually modify the verb. QUESTION When do they leave? When does the play begin? When does the plane arrive? ANSWER They leave tomorrow. It begins at 8:30. It arrives at five o’clock.

10 MOMETN OF SPEAKING PAST FUTURE Other examples: The bonds start on their trip tomorrow. The next semester begins in three weeks. John gets back from the south tonight. I go to Damascus next summer.

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