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Codeine the basics The History What is codeine? Group of drugs narcotic pain medicines.

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2 Codeine the basics

3 The History

4 What is codeine? Group of drugs narcotic pain medicines

5 Narcotics  Morphine and codeine  natural narcotic compounds that are contained in opium  Used in prescription medications to help reduce severe pain  Leads to dependence, loss of appetite, and drowsiness

6 Street Names Streets Names  Empirin compound with codeine  Tylenol with codeine  Codeine in cough medicine Chemical Names  Methylmorphine

7 Common Brand Names  Brontex  Capital and Codeine  Cheracol with Codeine Syrup  Robitussin A-C Syrup  Tussi-Organidin-S NR  Guituss AC Syrup  HaNew Riversin AC Often combined with other acetaminophen, aspirin, and other cold and cough medicines

8 Schedule Ratings  Taken by itself: Schedule II  In combination with aspirin or acetaminophen: Schedule III - V, depending on formula

9 The Purpose

10 Forms of Use  Tablet  Capsule  Liquid by mouth

11 Common Uses of Codeine  Found in many cough medicines  Can be used to reduce coughing  Will treat cause but not speed recovery  Can be given to assist with severe pain

12 Codeine Addiction  Highly addictive  Prolonged use (2-3 weeks)  Activates body reward system  Promise of reward  intense craving  addiction  Activates physiological and psychological addiction

13 Effects of Codeine

14 Physiological Effects  Induces an "opioid analgesia” – or painkiller  Alters perception of pain at spinal cord and brain  Stimulating because they block inhibitory neurotransmitters  Alters nervous system functioning

15 Psychological Effects  Strong psychological effects  Treats pain by altering the way that body senses pain  Reduces coughing by decreasing activity in part of the brain that causes coughing  Stops production of endorphins  After taking, person may have trouble relaxing or sleeping  Codeine abusers will just "not feel good" psychologically as the brain readjusts to producing its own endorphins  Opiate induced euphoria

16 Possible Side Effects  Dizziness  Lightheadedness  Drowsiness  Mood changed  Nausea  Vomiting  Constipation  Stomach Pain  Difficulty urinating *Some symptoms can be very serious, so if experienced, call doctor immediately

17 Questions?

18 Works Cited  ”Codeine.” Drugs Information Online. 2009. 25 Oct. 2009..  “Codeine Addictions, Effects and Treatments.” Addiction Search. 2009. 25 Oct. 2009.  “Codeine.” Medline Plus. 2009. 25 Oct. 2009.  “Medications and Drugs.” Medicine Net. 2009. 25 Oct 2009.  “Codeine Facts.” The Vaults of Erowid. 2009. 25 Oct. 2009..

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