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Grid 2.0 : Entering the new age of Grid in Financial Services Jim Mancuso, General Manager Financial Services September 5, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Grid 2.0 : Entering the new age of Grid in Financial Services Jim Mancuso, General Manager Financial Services September 5, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grid 2.0 : Entering the new age of Grid in Financial Services Jim Mancuso, General Manager Financial Services September 5, 2008

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3 Normal Application Execution Symphony Execution Elapsed Time Symphony provides business advantage  sub-millisecond latency  > 90 MB/sec throughput per client  <5 seconds to re-allocate 2,000 CPUs Imagine the impact that instantaneous response and nearly unlimited compute power could have on your business critical application! Grid 1.0: the Results

4 Business Demands Beat the Competition –Financial institutions are creating more complex products and increasing volumes Manage Risk –Address new regulatory requirements and be able to respond in real-time to global volatility Be Cost Effective –IT decisions are scrutinized for the business value they add, the potential ROI to the enterprise, and the Total Cost of Ownership

5 Successful Grid Deployments Exotic Derivative Model Calibration Vanilla Flow Basket Product Risk Analysis Capital Market Asset Management Hedge Funds Option Houses Exchanges Front Office Trading Investment Mgmt Exchange Pricing Middle Office Risk/End of day report Market Research Financial Accounting Back Office Clearance & Settlement Batch Reporting Batch processing

6 Going Real-time Strategic investment to optimize trade results –Significantly reduce calculation time to improve trade effectiveness –Pre-trade risk analysis, backtesting, and other processes typically done post-trade Calculation profiles require low latency workload distribution –For complex products, < 2ms runtime per calculation

7 BacktestSelectionExecution OvernightDaily B1S1E1BnSnEn Daily Reech AIM – A Back-testing Example Historical Environment Intraday Grid

8 Grid 1.0: Utilization Still Too Low Linux/UNIX Clusters Windows Clusters Desktops/Workstations Unpredictable Demand Un-shareable Resources (“Silos”) Untapped Potential Underutilized Resources DR Sites and Spares UAT Servers X Un-scalable!

9 IT Challenges Service levels and required resources Time of Day 7am8am9am10am11am 12pm1pm2pm3pm4pm5pm6pm7pm8pm Environment 1 Required Resources: CPU, Memory, and Overhead Website Environment 2 Environment 3 Development Finance, Payroll Multiple domains, departments & technologies

10 Automate to Reduce Costs Time of Day 7am8am9am10am11am 12pm1pm2pm3pm4pm5pm6pm7pm8pm Required Resources: CPU, Memory, and Overhead Adjusted Resources: VMs, CPU, Memory, and Overhead with Automation $ savings Service levels and required resources Multiple domains, departments & technologies Website Development Finance, Payroll

11 Making Cost Reduction a Reality

12 Costs (1 Year) Data CenterSilo GridsUtility Grid Environment (CPU’s)4,0002,500Server Consolidation – resource sharing CAPEXHardware + Chassis $20,000,000$12,500,000 Movement to more commodity hardware OS support$400,000$250,000Reduced OS Subscriptions Storage$86,400 OPEXData Center (power, cooling) $1,822,080$1,138,800Utility Grid = true Green Computing Data Center (rental) $600,000 not going to reduce the size of the DC System Administrator$2,500,000$1,750,000More CPU’s managed per Admin Application Dev/Support team $4,000,000 Total$29,408,480$20,325,200 Year 1 Savings of $9M!

13 Making Grid 2.0 a Reality: the Internal Cloud

14 LOB Four Phases of Grid Adoption Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4 A AA AA LOB Phase 1: Silo Grid – Grid enable application running on a commodity cluster Phase 2: LOB Grid – Resource sharing among multiple applications Phase 3: Enterprise Grid – Utility computing; enterprise scale and management Phase 4: Cloud Computing – Beyond HPC: commercial applications on grid Phase 1: Silo Grid – Grid enable application running on a commodity cluster Phase 2: LOB Grid – Resource sharing among multiple applications Phase 3: Enterprise Grid – Utility computing; enterprise scale and management Phase 4: Cloud Computing – Beyond HPC: commercial applications on grid AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA

15 Citi Challenge: Meet business growth objectives and reduce computing costs –Make better use of underutilized computing resources –Provide additional processing power required to improve performance of key business applications Solution: –Built a utility grid, combining 20+ major intra and end of day pricing and risk applications “Our enterprise grid is enabling our IT users to be more creative in how they share computing resources to do their development and testing work, thus helping us achieve our expensive efficiency targets." John van Uden SVP, Citi Utilization went from 20% to over 80% Infrastructure management is simplified A global utility-computing platform is in place – providing on-demand processing power at significantly reduced cost Results

16 Move to shared resource environment in a controlled manner End State: all resources are shared with grid scheduling and policies ensuring SLA’s are met Citi’s Grid Experience – What’s Next?

17 10/8/2015 17 PLATFORM ACCELERATEPLATFORM MANAGE Platform Enterprise Grid Orchestrator (EGO) Platform VM Orchestrator Platform Management Console LSF License Scheduler LSF Process Manager LSF Multi- Cluster LSF Session Scheduler Platform Symphony Platform LSF Family Platform Manager Platform RTM Platform Analytics The Platform Solution

18 Platform Unique Benefits Cost Savings –Cut your silo server farms in half –The only true utility computing model Speed –The lowest-latency HPC solutions –5 x 10 times faster than alternative environments Openness –Easy for developers to build and deploy their HPC applications –Free tools to download with no time or node-count restrictions

19 Leader in HPC 2,000 Customers worldwide Years of profitable growth Employees in 15 offices 16 500 1 Leader in HPC 4,000,000 Managed CPUs

20 Financial Services Customers

21 Partnerships & ISV Integrations

22 Questions ? Contact email : Contact tel : 646-290-5159

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