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“Thinking inside the box” …a short survey on the box as an art form and functional object.

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Presentation on theme: "“Thinking inside the box” …a short survey on the box as an art form and functional object."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Thinking inside the box” …a short survey on the box as an art form and functional object

2 What is a box? Here are just a few definitions for the noun: 1. a. A container typically constructed with four sides perpendicular to the base and often having a lid or cover. b. The amount or quantity that such a container can hold. 2. A square or rectangle: Draw a box around your answer. 3. a. A separated compartment in a public place of entertainment, such as a theater or stadium, for the accommodation of a small group. b. An area of a public place, such as a courtroom or stadium, marked off and restricted for use by persons performing a specific function: a jury box. 4. A small structure serving as a shelter: a sentry box.

3 For centuries boxes traditionally have served the practical purpose of concealing, protecting and/or containing things for their owners. Some boxes are ancient… Roman Empire 1st to 3rd Century AD Photo: Long Ha / Istock and some are new

4 Boxes can contain food and drinks…

5 …collections and treasures …gifts and surprises

6 Boxes can be… Packed, Shipped …and Watched

7 They can hold Secrets… and votes

8 People… live in boxes, work in boxes

9 are buried in boxes, worship boxes, Reliquary from the Shrine of St. Oda Oda.php Photographs of objects from the Metropolitan Museum of Art copyright © 2010 The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

10 and sometimes drive boxes! GUZER

11 Boxes can be art! Kirsten Justesen, Sculpture II, 1969 © 2011 MOCA The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Wack Andy Warhol with his Brillo box sculptures in New York’s Stable Gallery, 1964. Art News, November 2009. Fred W. McDarrah/Getty Images. warhol-with-his-brillo-box-sculptures-in-new#/ The Endover Cube Bernard Rosenthal 1968 Rat-in-a-box by Ripp Smith Piet Mondrian Image source: http://upload.wikimedia.o rg/wikipedia/en/thumb/7 /72/Mondrian_CompRYB.j pg/300px- Mondrian_CompRYB.jpg

12 Boxes are featured in art, literature and film Pandora J.W.Waterhouse 1896. Oil on canvas / Pandora F.S. Church 5054341194586545266 /

13 Sometimes the outside of the box tells the story of what is inside… Nilecartouche Jewelry Copyright - 2011, All Rights Reserved.

14 Much of the time the contents of boxes tell the story of the owner. Andy Warhol Time Capsules Jem’s cigar box collection from film, To Kill a Mockingbird mockingbird-ouverture_shortfilms mockingbird-ouverture_shortfilms /

15 Do you have a treasure box? What is inside? Are you hiding anything? What does it tell about you?

16 Let’s make boxes… Origami What is in your locker? Talking Heads… Pandora’s box…what are your demons?

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