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The Scientific Method. Steps to the Scientific Method (PRHEAD) State the Problem Research the Problem State the Hypothesis Experiment (Test Hypothesis)

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method. Steps to the Scientific Method (PRHEAD) State the Problem Research the Problem State the Hypothesis Experiment (Test Hypothesis)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method

2 Steps to the Scientific Method (PRHEAD) State the Problem Research the Problem State the Hypothesis Experiment (Test Hypothesis) Observe and Record Data Conclusion

3 Step 1 - State the Problem In your own words, describe what you want to find out. –Ex: Which car oil will allow my car to get the best gas mileage.

4 Step 2 – Research the Problem In order to make an educated guess (hypothesis), you need to find out more information about the problem you are trying to solve. –Ex: research various oils and their properties.

5 Step 3 – State the Hypothesis Make an educated guess about the solution to your problem based on your research. This is done with an “if / then” statement.. –If I use Havoline car oil then my Lamborghini Diablo will get better gas mileage.

6 Step 4 – Experiment This is done to test the hypothesis. Design an experiment that will provide data to prove or disprove your hypothesis. –Ex:Test four different car oils found during research

7 Parts of an Experiment Controlled Variable– The part of an experiment that does not change. Held constant. (same car, driven at same time for a month, same amount of oil) Independent Variable – The part of an experiment that you change. (car oil) Dependant Variable- What you are recording/observing. It changes according to how the independent variable changes.(gas milieage) –ONLY test one variable at a time.

8 Step 5 – Observation Observations are recorded facts about what you see during the experiment. –Graph: IV’s go on the x-axis DV’s go on y-axis

9 Types of Observations Quantitative – Results are numerical and have a unit. (ex: 5 meters, 45 seconds) Qualitative – Results are descriptive. (ex: the litmus paper turned red)

10 Observation or Inference Observation - See with own eyes (ex; the apple is red, it is raining outside, the window is 6ft long Inference: What you think might be true but not sure. (ex: She is wiping her eyes, she is crying, He has hair on his shirt, he owns a cat)

11 Step 6 - CONCLUSION This is a brief statement about the results of the experiment. In the conclusion state if the hypothesis was correct (proved) or incorrect (disproved). Claim, evidence, reasoning

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