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Ruby Quest: Chapter 3. Chapter 3 The door makes a soft "click" as Ruby fits the LETTER OPENER in the pupil of the eye painting. Maybe it's unlocked. She.

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Presentation on theme: "Ruby Quest: Chapter 3. Chapter 3 The door makes a soft "click" as Ruby fits the LETTER OPENER in the pupil of the eye painting. Maybe it's unlocked. She."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ruby Quest: Chapter 3

2 Chapter 3 The door makes a soft "click" as Ruby fits the LETTER OPENER in the pupil of the eye painting. Maybe it's unlocked. She doesn't remember if that handle had been there before or not.

3 Chapter 3 open the door

4 Chapter 3 >open the door Fair enough.

5 Chapter 3



8 Go into the closet/hallway of death.

9 Chapter 3 >Go into the closet/hallway of death. It's a small closet, not much room inside. It reeks of death, but at this point, what choice does Ruby have?

10 Chapter 3

11 RUN.

12 Chapter 3 >RUN. Ruby flees the room as fast as she can, but the monstrous thing is hot on her heels snaking after her.

13 Chapter 3 Shutthehatch

14 Chapter 3 >Shutthehatch As Ruby re-enters the room, she shouts at Tom to press button 2 again, and fast. Tom's already in a confused panic after hearing the unearthly screaming.

15 Chapter 3 Tom presses the button.

16 Chapter 3

17 head back into the Z-Room

18 Chapter 3 >head back into the Z-Room Tom opens the hatch just to make sure the monstrous thing is dealt with. No signs of movement come from it or the room beyond, and there is only silence. Ruby knows that with Tom behind the grate, if she doesn't do this no one will.

19 Chapter 3

20 Inside the small closet is a ball of string. Ruby takes it with her.

21 Chapter 3 There's something gold in the remains! Pick it up!

22 >There's something gold in the remains! Pick it up! It appears to be a teeny-tiny key.


24 >USE IT ON THE TINY TREASURECHEST! It clicks open softly. There's an access card inside.


26 >USE STRING TO RETRIEVE KEYCARD NAO? Ruby heads back into the room with the cell...

27 Ruby calls down the instructions, then lowers the string. Tom ties the card to the end, and Ruby pulls it back up.

28 Tom asks Ruby to let him out.

29 Tom really wants to come out. Tom says he's scared and he's trapped. Tom asks Ruby to please let him out now.

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