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2010 CENSUS AND LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS New Jersey State Data Center 2007 Network Conference New Brunswick.

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Presentation on theme: "2010 CENSUS AND LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS New Jersey State Data Center 2007 Network Conference New Brunswick."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010 CENSUS AND LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS New Jersey State Data Center 2007 Network Conference New Brunswick

2 Major Components of the Reengineering Effort: American Community Survey MAF/TIGER Enhancements Program 2010 Census Reengineering the 2010 Decennial Census Program

3 KEY DATES 2008 Dress Rehearsal – of the 2010 Census in San Joaquin, Calif., and the Fayetteville, N.C. area2008 Dress Rehearsal 2006 Census Test - Cheyenne River Reservation and Travis County, Texas2006 Census Test 2005 National Census Test - Questionnaire design2005 National Census Test 2004 Census Test - Queens County, N.Y., and Southwest Georgia2004 Census Test 2003 National Census Test - Response methods and race question2003 National Census Test

4 KEY DATES 2005 Redistricting Program Begins 2006 MTAIP 2007 LUCA 2008 Complete Count Committees, LCO 2009 Address Canvassing 2010 April 1 Census Day


6 MAF/TIGER Accuracy Improvement Project (MTAIP) Focused on improving horizontal positional accuracy for streets in TIGER This enables use of GPS technology to record structure locations in the field, which in turn improves accuracy and efficiency

7 What is the MAF? An accurate and up to date inventory of all known living quarters in the United States, Puerto Rico, and associated Island Areas. Reengineering the 2010 Decennial Census Program

8 MTAIP Sources Priority is to use Tribal, State, County,and Local (TSCL) GIS Files as the source for improving TIGER coordinates Census Bureau Regional Offices obtained qualifying GIS files from governmental source providers

9 MTAIP Sources (Cont.) Harris Corporation acquires source where no TSCL source meeting the standard is available --imagery --commercial GIS --field collection of centerline GPS a last resort




13 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) First implemented for Census 2000 Purpose is to improve the census address list using local knowledge Confidentiality of address information Changes validated in the pre-census address canvassing operation

14 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Improvements for 2010 LUCA program* Single cycle of review for all address types Longer review period, more advance notice More comprehensive communication Proposal for state participation eligibility Improved training Participant software *Contingent upon availability of resources

15 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Options for LUCA participants: Full address list review, Title 13 confidential Provide local address list (city-style) for Census Bureau matching, Title 13 confidential Provide local address list (city-style) for Census Bureau matching, no Title 13 confidentiality

16 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Other LUCA features of interest: Treatment of non-city style address areas Feedback to participants Appeals process

17 2010 Census LUCA Schedule Preparation

18 2010 Census LUCA Promotional Workshops March to May 2007 – New Jersey Conducted 33 Informational Workshops Over 300 counties and local governments represented

19 2010 Census LUCA ScheduleReviews

20 2010 Census LUCA Technical Training Workshops August to November – New Jersey Technical Trainings dates and times available soon 4 to 5 hours classroom – Professional Credit for Registered Municipal Clerks (RMC) CBT and Web Based training available

21 LUCA and the 2010 Census Important to the success of the 2010 Census Verified during Address Canvassing Operation - 2009 Results are the basis of the Address List used to deliver the 2010 Census questionnaires

22 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) 2010 LUCA Feedback to LUCA participants – 8/09 to 10/09 LUCA appeals – 9/09 to 1/10

23 Boundary and Annexation Survey Reporting on legal boundaries and corporate status Survey universe expands to include all functioning governments in 2008 in preparation for the decennial census Boundary validation opportunity prior to the decennial census

24 Boundary and Annexation Survey Boundary Certification and Corrections can be included in the LUCA submission

25 Statistical Areas Programs Census tracts, block groups, census county divisions, census designated places Criteria announced in Federal Register Comments due before July 5, 2007

26 Statistical Areas Programs Census Tract Criteria. Lower the minimum population threshold for most tracts. Minimum: 1,200 Maximum: 8,000 Optimum: 4,000 Housing unit counts may be used to meet tract thresholds. Minimum: 480 Maximum: 3,200 Optimum: 1,600 All types of populated tracts must meet the same thresholds. Wherever possible conform to American Indian reservations. Special tracts may be created for large special land use areas without housing units or population (e.g., large public parks, forests).

27 Statistical Areas Programs Block Group Criteria Increase the minimum population threshold. Minimum: 1,200 Maximum: 3,000 Optimum: none Housing unit counts may be used to meet BG thresholds. Minimum: 480 Maximum: 1,200 Optimum: none Special BGs may be created for large special land use areas without housing units or population (e.g., large public parks, forests).

28 Statistical Areas Programs Census Designated Place (CDP) Criteria A CDP cannot have zero population and zero housing units. A CDP cannot be coextensive with a governmentally active minor civil division (i.e., township). This change will reduce redundancy in place and county subdivision data tabulations for the following states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Wisconsin A CDP must represent a single, distinct community. A CDP that represents multiple, distinct communities, and the hyphenated name typically assigned to represent such CDPs, will not be permitted. Exceptions will be made for communities whose identities have merged and in which both names commonly are used together.

29 Statistical Areas Programs Draft Schedule (as of March 2007) 2007 Publication of proposed PSAP criteria in the Federal Register 3rd Public submission of comments to the proposed criteria 2008 Publication of final PSAP criteria in the Federal Register Primary PSAP participants identified. Distribute PSAP materials to participants Participants complete review and update of PSAP boundaries 2009 Verification of boundaries by participants.

30 MAF TIGER PARTNERSHIP SOFTWARE Will provide map and geographic data update capability Web-based collaborative review component (does NOT apply to LUCA) Web-based Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) component Available for start of LUCA in 2007

31 WHAT YOU CAN DO Local governments and CBOs can: Recruit census workers. Display and distribute promotional materials. Provide space for testing and training. Sponsor community promotional events. Include census information in newsletters. Participate in the Local Update of Census Addresses program (LUCA).Local Update of Census Addresses program

32 WHAT THE MEDIA CAN DO The media can: Publish stories about the 2010 Census. Donate space for public service announcements. Provide coverage of census activities and operations. Enlist local media personalities to take part in census promotional activities

33 WHAT BUSINESSES CAN DO Businesses can: Display and distribute census materials. Sponsor community events to promote the 2010 Census Join the Complete Count Committee

34 Questions? One Call for either the New York Region or Philadelphia Region 1- 866- 511- LUCA (5822)

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