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Carbon-Free Communities: Pairing Land Use and Mobility Mary Bell Austin Green To Do Carbon Free Mobility conference Oakland, CAMarch 6, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon-Free Communities: Pairing Land Use and Mobility Mary Bell Austin Green To Do Carbon Free Mobility conference Oakland, CAMarch 6, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon-Free Communities: Pairing Land Use and Mobility Mary Bell Austin Green To Do Carbon Free Mobility conference Oakland, CAMarch 6, 2009

2 High Expectations Vibrant, healthy communities  What role does transportation play?  Can we work together? Beyond sustainability

3 My Challenge to Us All Apply Ecological Thinking  Connect the dots  Play well together  Integrate solutions Care Enough to Take Risks  Know your discipline  Listen to others  Seek to collaborate  Dare to dream big

4 The Challenges Before Us Climate Change  Short window of opportunity  80% reduction of GHG by 2050 Peak Everything  Oil, water, seafood, farmland... Restoring Ecological Capital  Air, water, soil – natural systems Revitalizing Communities  Clean, safe, human scale, connected

5 How Did We Get Here? Cheap oil, cheap travel Gobbling natural resources Becoming too mobile  Building everywhere, anywhere  Sprawling infrastructure Roads Housing Water  Ignoring distance Food Work Goods Travel

6 The High Cost of Auto-Centrism Motor Vehicles as dominant mode  95% vehicle miles traveled  90% passenger miles Environmental Costs  Air quality - emissions  Infrastructure (roads, parking)  Wildlife killed and habitat impaired  Vehicle lifecycle costs Ties to climate change

7 California’s Greenhouse Gas Sources 2004 GHG emissions by Sector (Gross emissions: 484.4 MMT CO2e) -CA ARB

8 Post-Peak Transportation

9 Finding Solutions Start with Communities  What does livability look like? Quiet, and green space Local jobs, shops, schools, play Local food, clean air, safe water Neighborliness - interaction Human-scale movement Where does transportation fit in?

10 Pairing Mobility and Land Use Changing the paradigm  Can you give up your car? Connecting systems / modes  Can you get from A to B without gaps? Choosing good technology  Clean, safe, affordable, efficient Prioritizing the best modes for scaled needs  Walking, biking  Great transit  Accessories – automobiles, ships, planes, etc

11 Continuing the Discussion Questions deferred Dinners tonight Contact me:  

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