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Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development Briefing on the 2010/2011 Annual Report 16 May.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development Briefing on the 2010/2011 Annual Report 16 May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development Briefing on the 2010/2011 Annual Report 16 May 2012

2 5/18/1222 Index  Introduction  Annual financial statements (General)  Actual performance against targets 2

3 5/18/1233 Introduction  Section 40 and 65 of the PFMA  Year-end closure - 31 March 2011  Subsequent compilation of Annual Report (2010/11) on performance of Department (ENE 2010 and Annual Performance Plan 2010/11 are reported on - backward looking)  Annual Report consists of general information, information on predetermined objectives, programme performance, annual financial statements including report of the audit committee, report of the accounting officer and the report of the human resource management information  Performance indicators developed together with performance targets for the 2010/11 financial year  Tabled by the Minister of Police on 20 September 2011 3

4 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Annual Financial Statements (General) 2010/2011

5 5/18/1255 Information about the sources and allocation of financial resources. Full utilisation of voted funds. Very small surplus (R 39 811.20): 100% (Previous 3 years also 100% (rounded off)) Key spending priorities referred to in the 2010/11 State of the Nation Address, MTBPS, Budget Speech and 2010 ENE  Objectives accomplished, e.g. personnel appointed and capacity building initiatives implemented Performance of the SAPS in the use of financial resources, compared to the planned resource utilisation. Whether resources were used in accordance with the legally adopted budget, including financial limits established by appropriate legislative authorities.  Virement for all programmes well within 8% (Threshold in terms of Section 43 of the PFMA – actual variances very marginal)  Spending according to ring-fenced amounts such as CJS Review, IJS etc.  Spending variance of 0% between budget for compensation and actual expenditure for the Vote. 5 Annual Financial Statements (General)

6 5/18/12 66 Revenue – Expenditure = Net surplus/deficit Voted funds R’000 Current / capital R’000 Net surplus / deficit R’000 *53 529 74053 529 70040 Other revenue (Collected for Revenue Fund) - (May not be used for departmental activities) (Revenue surrendered to the Revenue Fund) 287 737-285 303 Donor funds (Aid assistance) Current / capital expenditureNet surplus / deficit 7 5164 5502 890 Total *Full utilization of voted funds Income Statement (Financial performance for the period) - Summary

7 5/18/1277  Voted funds received (R53,529 billion)  Full utilization of voted funds (R53,529 billion) as only R39 811.20 remained.  Spending policy direction 2010/11 President - State of the Nation Address: 10 February 2010 – “…reduce serious and violent crimes, and ensure that the justice system works efficiently…; …implement plans to increase the number of police men and women by 10% over the next three years.” Minister of Finance – Budget Speech:17 February 2010 – “…Making our communities safer…” 7 Income Statement (Financial performance for the period)

8 5/18/1288  Increased police personnel continued especially in particular areas such as investigative services (general investigators, specialised investigators, forensic and crime scene analysts) and crime intelligence  Since 2001/02 up to 2010/11 already 77 118 additional personnel appointed apart from 38 000 replacements as well (66% increase)  Invested in skills development such as basic training and detective development. Stipend increase for new enlistments implemented  Enhanced technology such as ICT renewal in the cluster (CJS Revamp and IJS modernisation) and hosting/network upgrades  Focussed on physical infrastructure i.e. building environment (capital works)  Established tactical response teams (TRT)  2010 Soccer World Cup deployment 8 Key spending priorities

9 5/18/1299  Revenue collected for the National Revenue Fund during the year was R287,737 million. (Note 2)  Sale of scrap and other used goods increased against estimates mainly due to military vehicles (caspirs) that were sold (R5,5 million vis R9,8 million)  Less interest, dividends and rent on land received via corporate banks than expected due to the implementation of the cashier service and the decrease of cash at advance offices (R1,2 million vis R1,1 million) 9 Departmental Receipts (Revenue)…

10 5/18/121010  Fines, penalties and forfeits increased against estimates mainly due to forfeits of money at airports (R10,6 million vis R12,2 million)  Sale of capital assets was less than estimated due to fewer vehicles that were boarded (R1,18 million vis-a-vis R1,14 million)  Financial transactions in assets and liabilities were more than estimated mainly due to more debt collected (R130 million vis-a-vis R139 million)  Local and foreign aid assistance received for the year was R7,516 million. Net surplus R2,890 million (Note 3) 10 Departmental Receipts (Revenue)

11 5/18/12 Voted Funds and Departmental Payments Programmes Actual 2009/10 R’000 Total voted 2010/11 R’000 Virement R’000 Final Appropriation 2010/11 R’000 Actual 2010/11 R’000 % Actual 2010/11 Variance as a % = Virement 1. Administration16 009 52018 066 960(194 993)17 871 96717 871 93698,9%(1.1%) 2. Visible Policing 19 769 86621 500 927201 70021 702 627 100.9%0.9% 3. Detective Services 7 493 6348 850 25717 8668 868 123 100,2%0.2% 4. Crime Intelligence 1 658 0181 947 635- 1 947 626100%0.0% 5. Protection and Security Services 2 690 9293 163 961(24 573)3 139 388 99,2%(0.8%) TOTAL47 621 96753 529 740- 53 529 700100%0.0% 1111 Spending according to programme thresholds. Well below 8% variance

12 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Actual performance against targets

13 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Programme 1: Administration

14 5/18/121414 Programme 1: Administration Actual performance against target (Annual Report pages 15 – 19) Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To regulate the overall management of the department and provide centralised support services relating to: Priority 1. Maintenance of a minimum level of personnel in relation to the approved establishment Indicator: Percentage of personnel in terms of the approved establishment Maintain a minimum workforce of 95% in terms of the approved establishment 99.3% achieved. The establishment of the SAPS was 193 892 out of a target of 195 310 on 31 March 2011 Target achieved 14

15 5/18/121515 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual Performance Reason for Variances Priority 2. Development of human resources Indicator: Percentage of learners declared competent upon completion of their training in terms of the Training Provisioning Plan (TPP) 80% of learners declared competent after completion of their training in 2010/11 90.2% of learners declared competent after completion of their training in 2010/11. 178 870 members attended training and 161 350 members competently completed the training. This consists of the following: Entry Level (Basic training for lateral entrants in the SAPS) = 90% 409 members attended training and 368 members competently completed the training. Entry level Basic Semester 1 (Basic training for new recruits/intake) = 99.9% 3 826 members attended training and 3 825 members competently completed the training. Entry Level Basic Semester 2 (Basic training field training) =90.2% 5 812 members attended training and 5 241 members competently completed the training. Target achieved 15

16 5/18/121616 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Management & Leadership 96.1% 4 108 members attended training and 3 948 members competently completed the training. Operational 89.5% 145 379 members attended training and 130 150 members competently completed the training. Support 93% 16 804 members attended training and 15 623 members competently completed the training. Reservists 86.7% 2 532 members attended training and 2 195 members competently completed the training. Target Achieved 16

17 5/18/121717 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual Performance Reason for Variances Priority 3. Optimisation in maintaining the balance between personnel and operational expenditure Indicator: Compensation expenditure versus operational expenditure Maintain the expenditure ratio of not more than 73/27% for compensation / operational expenditure Within the ratio of 73/27% Target achieved Priority 4.Optimisation in the management of physical resources Indicator: Percentage of capital investment, asset management and maintenance plan completed 100% (19 358) bullet resistant vests planned for to be distributed 105% (20 372) bullet resistant vests were distributed in 2010/11, including 2 129 inners and outers to end-users to ensure that bullet resistant vests are functional as they were not useable. Target achieved 17

18 5/18/121818 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual PerformanceReason for Variance Maintain/improve on the ratio of 4.51:1 personnel to vehicle Number of personnel: 193 892 Number of vehicles: 49 287 Ratio of personnel to vehicles at the end of March 2011: 3.93:1 Target achieved 18

19 5/18/121919 Priority & Indicator TargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Not less than 95% of police station projects completed in 2010/2011 11 newly re- established police stations 10 new police stations 11 repaired and upgraded police stations 10 re- established police stations A total of 42 police stations 57.58% police station projects completed in 2010/11 (19 from a total of 33 police facilities were completed) 6 newly re-established police facilities completed Kuruman LCRC Pienaar police station Brakpan (Tsakane) police station Bloemfontein 10111 centre Kakamas police station Hazyview police station 4 new police facilities completed Blue Downs police station Zamdela police station Ga Masemola police station Benoni Training College - Radio Technical Centre Target was not achieved due to the following individual project- specific circumstances: Re-advertisement of BIDs Delayed installations of amenities Non-delivery or poor performance of contractors resulting in change of contractors during the project cycle Contractors not on schedule Delayed closeout of projects (Completion Certificate Issue) 19

20 5/18/122020 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Not less than 95% of police station projects completed in 2010/2011 11 newly re- established police stations 10 new police stations 11 repaired and upgraded police stations 10 re- established police stations A total of 42 police stations 6 repaired and upgraded police facilities completed Mount Road police station Bergville police station Chatsworth police station Hammanskraal Training Institution Riebeeck West police Station Humewood police station 3 re-established police facilities completed Thokoza police station Mbuzini police station Giyani police station 20

21 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Programme 2: Visible Policing

22 5/18/122222 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTarget Actual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To discourage all crimes by providing a proactive and responsive policing service that will reduce the levels of priority crimes. Priorities 1. More policeable crime 2. Contact crime 3. Crimes dependent on police action for detection Indicator : Number of police stations rendering a victim friendly service to victims of rape, sexual offences and abuse An additional 79 police stations rendering a victim friendly service in 2010/11 10 additional Victim Support Rooms (VSRs) were established at police stations namely at: Jane Furse; Botlokwa; Zamdela; Pienaar; Brakpan (Tsakane) ; Thokoza; Mbuzini; Hazyview; Blue Downs; and Giyani police stations. Target not achieved. Due to other priorities that had to be funded, including the 2010 FIFA World Cup TM, funding could not be allocated for the establishment of VSRs in 2010/11. A budget will be allocated for this purpose during the following financial years. 22 Programme 2: Visible Policing Actual performance against target (Annual Report pages 56 - 58)

23 5/18/122323 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Indicator :Number of crime prevention actions conducted by police stations focusing on: legal and illegal firearms illegal drugs stolen / robbed vehicles Conduct a minimum of 25 000 crime prevention actions in 2010/11. 29 891 crime prevention actions were conducted. These include intelligence driven operations, targeting 'hot spot' areas, according to the Crime Pattern Analysis (CPA) and Crime Threat Analysis (CTA) in order to prevent or reduce the levels of crime. Target achieved. 23

24 5/18/122424 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual PerformanceReason for Variance Indicator: Rate of all serious crime, contact crimes and trio crimes All serious crime to be reduce by between 1 to 1.8% by 2010/11 All serious crime reduced by -2.4% Target achieved. Contact crimes reduced to 1 288 per 100 000 of the population. Contact crimes reduced to 1 277 per 100 000 of the population. Target achieved. Trio crimes reduced to 90 per 100 000 of the population by 2010/11 Trio crimes reduced to 84 per 100 000 of the population. Target achieved. Indicator : Number of escapes from police custody Decrease the number of incidents of escapes from police custody by 50% in 2010/11. Decreased by 20.6%. 478 escape incidents occurred in 2010/11 during which 669 persons escaped from police custody compared to 602 incidents in 2009/10 during which 857 persons escaped. Target not achieved Although there has been a decrease in the number of incidents of escapes, the target could not be achieved due to the fact that, since escapes were identified as a strategic priority risk, measures and mechanisms put in place in that regard, were not yet cascaded down to police station level during 2010/11, as this process was scheduled to be fully implemented during 2011/12. 24

25 5/18/122525 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual PerformanceReason for Variance Objective To secure borderlines by focusing on arrests and seizures in respect of the following prioritised crime: Priorities Criminal organisations involved in crimes relating to firearms, vehicles, drugs and illegal goods Violations in terms of the Immigration Act Corruption Marine life resources Precious metals and stones Illegal smuggling and trafficking of humans Indicator: Number of policing actions at borderlines focusing on prioritised crime. Conduct a minimum of 350 policing actions in 2010/11. 261 policing actions were conducted in 2010/11. These include joint operations, cross border operations, assistance to other police components along the borders and follow-up operations. Target not achieved due to the commitment of members to the 2010 FIFA World Cup TM and the withdrawal of SAPS members from borderline bases which were handed over to the SANDF. 25

26 5/18/122626 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual PerformanceReason for Variance Objective To provide a rapid response capability for intervening in dangerous and potentially dangerous situations where normal policing must be supported, including the following: Priorities Serious and violent crime incidents Public gatherings and marches Hostage situations Indicator: Number of medium to high-risk incidents stabilized. Stabilise 95% incidents in 2010/11 97.2% incidents were successfully stabilised during 2010/11 (14 807 incidents were attended to, of which 14 387 were stabilised). Target achieved. 26

27 5/18/12  Stations were required in an instruction issued in December 2011 to ensure that they all render a victim-friendly service by utilising the following measures:- Ensuring that members deployed for duties that require them to serve victims of crime are trained in the following courses: o Victim empowerment training programme o Domestic Violence learning programme o First Responders to Sexual Offences learning programme o Vulnerable Children learning programme Establishing a dedicated victim support room at the police station; and/or Issuing a station order to make provisions for service to victims, including arrangements for taking statements in privacy in the absence of a dedicated Victim Support room, and transporting victims. 2727 Victim-friendly service delivery by police stations

28 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Borderline Security

29 5/18/122929 29 Arrests for2008/20092009/20102010/2011 Firearms156115120 Vehicles957635 Drugs348554512 Illegal goods80207304 Undocumented persons / aiding and abetting 50 15338 89220 175 Quantitative differences in the number of arrests and confiscations in 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11

30 5/18/123030 Seizures in terms of2008/20092009/20102010/2011 Firearms265179149 Vehicles530340305 Drugs174 270kg87 175kg46 493kg 30  The high visibility and vigilance of deployed members at the borderlines during the three comparative years resulted in the decrease of the arrest and seizure of firearms, vehicles and undocumented persons. Thus, criminals use alternative routes when noticing high visibility - they take less chances with firearms and stolen vehicles. The Zimbabweans were also granted concessions, so even if they had no documents they were not arrested but taken to the nearest Home Affairs office.  There was an increase in the arrest and seizure of drugs and illegal goods due to the improved search methods and equipment used by members.

31 5/18/123131  The following bases have been handed over to the SANDF without any outstanding issues:  Pontdrift  Musina  Sandrivier  Macadamia  Ndumo  Ladybrand (divided into two zones of responsibility of SAPS and SANDF) until total take over  Pongola  Rooibokkraal  Swartwater  Madimbo  Zonstraal 31 Status (as at 31 March 2011) in terms of the taking over of the borderlines by the SANDF

32 5/18/123232 Beitbridge, Muzi and Blenheim closed down in totality with no deployment  Beitbridge – SAPS withdrawn in totality and SANDF took responsibility for the whole of Limpopo Province borderline.  Muzi – The base was handed over to SANParks.  SANDF took over the Northern Natal/ Mozambique borderline.  Blenheim – The base was situated on a farm and it burnt down completely on the 21st May 2009, the members were transferred to nearby Zastron base which was later handed over to the SANDF. 32

33 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Specialised Interventions

34 5/18/123434 Crowd management incidents : Public Order Policing PeacefulUnrestTotal 2008/20096 2227436 965 2009/20107 9139948 907 2010/201111 68097112 651

35 5/18/123535  2009/2010 to 2010/2011: Increase in peaceful gatherings is attributed to good planning and cooperation of all relevant stakeholders as determined by Section 4 of the Gathering Act.  2008/2009 to 2010/2011: Increase in unrest related incidents is attributed to unauthorised, unplanned, and spontaneous gatherings whereby no opportunity was afforded for stakeholders to plan and put in place security measures. Public Order Policing

36 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Programme 3: Detective Services

37 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTarget Actual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To contribute to the successful prosecution of offenders, by investigating, gathering and analysing evidence, thereby increasing the detection rate and court ready case dockets of priority crimes, relating to: Priorities 1. More policeable crime: 2. Contact crime 3. Crimes dependent on police action for detection: Indicator: Detection rate for contact crime, contact-related crime, property-related crime, crimes dependent on police action for detection and other serious crime Detection rate of between 43 - 60% in 2010/11. 51.84% in 2010/11 (1 092 861) Target achieved. Programme 3: Detective Services Actual performance against target (Annual Report pages 81 - 85) 3737

38 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTarget Actual Performance Reason for Variance Indicator: Percentage of court ready case dockets for contact crime, contact-related crime, property-related crimes, crimes dependent on police action for detection and other serious crime To be determined 30.84% in 2010/11 (155 933) Indicator: Detection rate for crimes against women (18 years and above) [Murder, attempted murder, all sexual offences, common assault and assault GBH] Detection rate of between 68 - 75% in 2010/11 71.20% in 2010/11 (159 440) Target achieved. Indicator: Percentage of court ready case dockets for crimes against women (18 years and above) [Murder, attempted murder, all sexual offences, common assault and assault GBH] To be determined 34.85% in 2010/11 (26 922) Indicator: Detection rate for crimes against children (under 18 years) [Murder, attempted murder, all sexual offences, common assault and assault GBH] Detection rate of between 76 - 80% in 2010/11 77.42% in 2010/11 (5 267) Target achieved. Indicator: Percentage of court ready case dockets for crimes against children (under 18 years) [Murder, attempted murder, all sexual offences, common assault and assault GBH] To be determined 21.66% in 2010/11 (12 549) 3838

39 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & Indicator Target Actual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To provide fingerprint evidence relating to contact crime, property-related crimes, crimes dependent on police action and commercial crime in respect of: Priorities Crime scene management Evidence management Presentation of evidence in court Providing information on crime history Indicator: Percentage of previous conviction reports generated within 30 days 76% offender's previous conviction reports for crime- related fingerprints generated within 30 days in 2010/11. 81.46% (994 020 from a total of 1 220 205) offender's previous conviction reports for crime- related fingerprints were generated within 30 days. Target achieved. More previous conviction reports were generated in 2010/11 due to the upgrading of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) 3939

40 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & Indicator Target Actual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To provide forensic evidence relating to contact crime, property-related crimes, crimes dependent on police action and commercial crime in respect of: Priorities Crime scene management Evidence management Explosive response Presentation of evidence in court Indicator: Percentage of exhibits analysed by forensic analysts within 35 days 92% entries received by the forensic analyst, analysed within 35 days in 2010/11. 93.5% (297 955 from a total of 318 665) entries were analysed by forensic analysts within 35 days. Target achieved. 4040

41 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTarget Actual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To contribute to the successful prosecution of offenders, by investigating, gathering and analysing evidence, thereby increasing the detection rate and court ready case dockets of priority crimes, relating to: Priorities Corruption Commercial crime Organise crime Indicator: Percentage of court ready case dockets for charges of corruption in relation to cases reported To be determined 35.04% in 2010/11 Indicator: Detection rate for commercial crime-related charges Detection rate of between 40 - 50% in 2010/11 68.4% in 2010/11 (44 023 charges were referred to court, 3 585 charges were withdrawn and 1 290 charges were unfounded). Target achieved. The detection rate which increased from 36.55% in 2009/10 to 68.4% in 2010/11 can be attributed to the changed calculation method. From 2010/11 the calculating is based on commercial crime charges, which was previously based on cases. The volume of charges brought into calculation increased significantly, resulting in a higher output (one case can lead to multiple charges). 4141

42 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTarget Actual Performance Reason for Variance Indicator: Percentage of court ready case dockets for commercial crime-related charges Court ready cases of between 30 - 40% in 2010/11 25.6% in 2010/11 (On average 2 304 court ready cases) Target not achieved due to the complexity of the majority of commercial crime cases. Indicator: Percentage of registered Organised Crime Project Investigations (OCPI) successfully terminated Successfully terminate 50% of registered projects investigated in 2010/11 Successfully terminated 30.3% registered organised crime project investigations Target not achieved. More networks were discovered during operations than organised groups that were initially identified during the initial operational planning thereof. 4242

43 5/18/12 [Annual Report – page 100] 4343  Entries Received for analysis: 260 826 25,6% more than the 207 645 entries received in 2009/10  Entries Analyzed : 318 665 [Including entries from previous financial years]  Entries Analyzed within 35 days: 297 955 [ 93,5% ] 7,5% Improvement in comparison to 2009/10 2010/11 Performance Forensic Science Laboratory

44 5/18/12 [Annual Report – Page 101] 4444  Focus at forensic science laboratories in 2010/11 was on sustaining technologies and eradicating the backlog in the respective disciplines 66% Reduction in 2010/11 [from 47 660 to 16 200]  Biology: Semi-automated equipment with improved chemistries acquired to improve results on degraded and difficult DNA samples. Upon finalization of the prescribed validation of this equipment, it will be applied to case work samples  In collaboration with Division: HRD, introduced new 3-week training course for crime scenes, namely DNA Evidence Recovery Course for Crime Scene Investigators  Evidence collection kits introduced to facilitate collection & laboratory processing of DNA samples Providing guidance to crime scene examiners to improve the identification and evidence recovery of DNA at crime scenes Designed to protect integrity of exhibits and ensure improved results in the laboratory 2010/2011 Performance Forensic Science Laboratory

45 5/18/12 [Annual Report – Page 102] 4545  Enhanced Drug Storage Facilities Interventions initiated including quarterly drug destruction & procured containers as temporary storage facility while the building of permanent structures is being consulted Initiated interventions to reduce the incident of theft amongst others: Instituting disciplinary action against members involved & their subsequent dismissal  Storage: Contract with Document Warehouse not renewed Establishing internal archiving capacity  Unfinished DPW [Department of Public Works] Projects addressed Contractor was placed on site to finalize all outstanding work Air-conditioning and fume cabinets at Silverton are operational 2010/2011 Performance Forensic Science Laboratory

46 5/18/12 [Annual Report – Page 102] 4646  Accreditation prioritised as a medium-term target New structure for Division approved Capacitating Quality Management Capturing of best practices  Retention of forensic analysts – Initiatives implemented: Derive value out of the revised entry level of forensic analysts Facilitated the promotion of deserving employees All qualifying employees are benefitting from the Scarce Skills allowance Future focus: Streamlining of job categories in each discipline to be in line with required skills & subsequent alignment with equivalent salary bands Development and implementation of an effective retention strategy which will ensure the retention of expertise/ specialized skills prioritized in 2011/12 2010/2011 Performance Forensic Science Laboratory

47 5/18/12 [Annual Report – Page 102] 4747  Centralized SUPPORT CAPACITY of the Division Nodal Support Centers established to enhance service delivery in the respective environments Process to capacitate Support structure underway  Eradication of CORRUPT PRACTICES within the Division Lifestyle Audits conducted by DPCI on identified individuals within the FSL Processes implemented to curb unnecessary & impetuous procurement of equipment / instruments and ensure the proper management of the assets of the Division Expert Forums established 2010/2011 Performance Forensic Science Services

48 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Programme 4: Crime Intelligence

49 5/18/12 Programme 4: Crime Intelligence Actual performance against target (pages 104 - 106) Objective, Priority & Indicator Target Actual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To contribute to the neutralising of crime by gathering, collating and analysing intelligence that leads to an actionable policing activity relating to: Priorities Contact crime Property-related & other serious crime Indicator: number of cluster and ad hoc actionable intelligence operations on contact crime reduction Maintain / increase the number of operations /investigations relative to the baseline figures of 8 103 cluster operations and 6 559 ad hoc operations in 2010/11 A total of 24 384 operations (13 351 cluster operations and 11 033 ad hoc operations) were conducted in 2010/11 compared to 24 368 in 2009/10. The target was surpassed due to the focused approach and the improved use of crime intelligence / information in, for example, the planning and coordinating of operations during the hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup TM. Programme 4: Crime Intelligence 4949

50 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTarget Actual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To contribute to the neutralising of crime by gathering, collating and analysing intelligence that leads to an actionable policing activity relating to: Priorities Contact crime Property-related & other serious crime: Crimes dependant on police action for detection Security intelligence-related crime Indicator: Number of crime intelligence products relating to: Operational analysis reports: profiles Analysis reports Communication analysis reports Communication interception analysis reports Maintain / increase the number of operational analysis reports relative to the baseline figure of 62 500 operational analysis reports in 2010/11 115 877 operational analysis reports compiled in 2010/11. These reports comprise: 51 674 profiles, 45 909 analysis reports 12 744 communicati ng analysis reports, & 5 550 communication interception analysis reports Target achieve d due to an increase in the gathering, collating and analysis of intelligence information during the hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup TM 5050

51 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTarget Actual Performance Reason for Variance Indicator: Research and statistical reports Research reports Statistical reports Station and cluster intelligence reports 78 000 research, statistical, station and cluster intelligence reports in 2010/11. 202 099 research and statistical reports in 2010/11. These reports comprise 6 700 research reports, 64 038 statistical reports and 131 361 station and cluster intelligence reports The drastic increase in the station and cluster intelligence reports is a result of intelligence gathering aimed at the 2010 FIFA World Cup TM 5151

52 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 Programme 5: Protection & Security Services

53 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & Indicator TargetActual PerformanceReason for Variance Objective To minimise security violations by protecting the President, the Deputy President, former Presidents and other VIPs while transit. Indicator: Percentage of security breaches in relation to security provided 100% protection provided without security breaches in 2010/11. Protection was provided to 433 South African and foreign dignitaries with only one deemed security breach in 2010/11. Target not achieved. This refers to one significant incident where a small banner was thrown in the direction of the former president which was intercepted 20m away. However, the minimum security standards were applied in terms of search for possibly dangerous objects from all participants as procedure dictates and appropriate steps were taken against the individual. Programme 5: Protection & Security Services Actual performance against target (Annual Report pages 110 – 113) 5353

54 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To minimise security violations of VIPs and their property, and other identified government buildings, as well as valuable cargo Indicator: Percentage of security breaches in relation to security provided 100% protection provided without security breaches in 2010/11 Protection was provided at: 28 installations/ government buildings, 93 presidential & national ministerial residences in 2010/11. In eight instances there were security breaches compared to 13 security breaches in 2009/10. Target not achieved due to non compliance to standard operational procedure by members. Indicator: Percentage of safe delivery of valuable cargo 100% safe delivery in 2010/11 100% safe delivery. Protection was provided to 214 cargos with no security breaches compared to 203 cargos with no security breaches in 2010/11. Target achieved 5454

55 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To secure ports of entry by focusing on arrests and seizures in respect of - Priorities criminal organisations involved in crimes relating to firearms, vehicles, drugs and illegal goods violations in terms of the Immigration Act corruption marine life resources precious metals and stones illegal smuggling and trafficking of humans Indicator: Number of planned crime prevention and combating actions to enhance the national security and territorial integrity by focusing on - o illegal firearms o illegal goods and drugs o stolen/robbed vehicles o illegal migration o movement of wanted suspects in and out of the country Conduct a minimum of 3 848 planned actions at ports of entry in 2010/11 4 008 planned crime prevention and combating actions conducted in 2010/11 The increase in the number of actions can be attributed to intensive 2010 FIFA World Cup MT and festive season operations 5555

56 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To prevent and combat crime in the railway environment by focusing on arrests relating to - Priorities 1. More policeable crime: 2. Contact crime 3. Crimes dependent on police action for detection Indicator: Rate of contact crime in the railway environment Reduce by 8.5% by 2010/11 Contact crime reduced by 37% in the railway environment in 2010/11. 2 117 contact crime cases were reported in 2010/11 compared to 3 396 case in 2009/10. The target was surpassed as a result of increased visibility in the railway environment. More personnel were deployed during 2010/11. 5656

57 5/18/12 Objective, Priority & IndicatorTargetActual Performance Reason for Variance Objective To regulate physical security in the government sector and strategic installations Indicator: Degree of compliance with institutional framework 50% from a total of 207 identified strategic installations appraised by 31 March 2011 51.7% (107) strategic installations were audited in 2010/11. Target achieved All National Key Points (165) evaluated in 2010/11 164 National Key Points evaluated in 2010/11. One national Key Point was not evaluated as a result of the re- deployment of members during the 2010 FIFA World Cup TM 5757

58 Click to edit Master subtitle style 5/18/12 THANK YOU

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