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Percents By: Erica Perry. Definition “Per hundred” or “out of one hundred”

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1 Percents By: Erica Perry

2 Definition “Per hundred” or “out of one hundred”

3 Hundred Square This is a “hundred square.” 50 out of 100 little squares have been shaded in. 50% out of 100 squares is represented.

4 Working Percent Problems In percent problems, just as in fraction problems, “of” implies multiplication: “x percent of a number means “x% times a number.”

5 Different Ways for Percents Percent to Decimal-divide the percent by 100 (83 divided by 100 = 0.83). Percent to Fraction- Place the number in the percent over 100 and reduce.

6 Example of a Problem For example, “48% of the students in the school are boys” means that out of every 100 students in the school, 48 are boys.

7 Citations percents/images/percents01-01-5.gif percents/images/percents01-01-5.gif 2_86.gif 2_86.gif 971c.JPG 971c.JPG files/num_3_mov_2-green.png files/num_3_mov_2-green.png vector-3d-sale-percents.jpg vector-3d-sale-percents.jpg

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