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. Security Camera Scoring Rubric Points Possible Points Earned 1.) Draws a straight line from the security camera (P) to the opposite side of the room.

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3 Security Camera Scoring Rubric Points Possible Points Earned 1.) Draws a straight line from the security camera (P) to the opposite side of the room as shown. May describe the sight line. P This line shows that F and H cannot be seen by the camera at P. Minus one for extras. 1 21 2 2.) Correctly shows/explains the area that cannot be seen by the camera. Three of the twenty squares cannot be seen. 3/20 = 15% 1 111 11 3.) Q (the camera) can be placed one square left or right of the center. The area of two of the twenty squares cannot be seen if the camera is placed at Q (or to the side of Q), the center of the side. 2/20 = 10%. Partial credit if student correctly shows the area that cannot be seen but provides no calculations. 1 1 2 (1) Total Points10 P

4  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them  Reason abstractly and quantitatively Reason abstractly and quantitatively  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others  Model with mathematics Model with mathematics  Use appropriate tools strategically Use appropriate tools strategically  Attend to precision Attend to precision  Look for and make use of structure Look for and make use of structure  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

5 Teachers only need to change 10% of the curriculum each year in order to meet the requirements of the Utah Core State Standards. FALSE Mathematics instruction should be task-based for all concepts. FALSE Homework assignments are a good forum for students to practice perseverance with new content. FALSE

6 Students will still be able to take college-level courses in 12 th grade even if they haven’t completed the honors pathway during the previous three years. TRUE Since teachers don’t know what’s on the end-of-level tests, they don’t know what to teach? FALSE A student who successfully completes AP Calculus automatically meets the graduation requirements, regardless of the prior math courses taken. TRUE

7        top25.html top25.html     products/tutoring-website-reviews/free-online-tutoring-4 products/tutoring-website-reviews/free-online-tutoring-4

8  Math 7 – old Math 7 CRT with a new cover.  Math 8 – old Pre-Algebra CRT with a new cover.  Secondary Math I – no CRT required (optional Algebra I)  Secondary Math II – no CRT, but students must have taken the Algebra I CRT by the end of the 10 th grade year to meet legislative accountability requirements.  Geometry/Algebra II – old CRTs as written.  2014 – Pilot of Adaptive Assessments  2015 – High Stakes Testing

9  In order to take AP Calculus as a senior, students must successfully complete Honors Secondary Math I, Honors Secondary Math II, and Honors Secondary Math III.  Any other combination of prerequisite courses makes available: Pre-Calculus, AP Statistics, Math Elective Courses, Math 1050/1060 (with necessary prerequisites)  Students do not need to have Honors Math 7 and Honors Math 8 in order to enter Honors Secondary Math I.  Once a student has reached Geometry, he or she will not be exposed to the new Utah Core classes.  A student who took Secondary Math I as a 9 th grader should not return to the “old core” courses.  Do what’s best for the individual student on a case-by-case basis.

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