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1 There is no “quick fix” So, think crock pot, not microwave Strategies… Before that, we must say something very important!

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Presentation on theme: "1 There is no “quick fix” So, think crock pot, not microwave Strategies… Before that, we must say something very important!"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 There is no “quick fix” So, think crock pot, not microwave Strategies… Before that, we must say something very important!

2 2 Student Strategies

3 3 Pacing Questions are arranged in order of difficulty

4 4 Answer the easy questions first Don’t forget to mark—in the test booklet—the questions you skip

5 5 Answer ALL the Questions There is no penalty for guessing and no penalty for wrong answers! Therefore, guess when all else fails and guess consistently!

6 6 Read Each Problem Carefully You don’t necessarily have to use all the information you are given There are “Cannot be determined from the given information” problems

7 7 Look for clues in the answer choices Sometimes just substituting answer choices will yield a correct answer This strategy is time consuming!

8 8 Take Practice Tests

9 9 Know when & how to use the calculator! (Math ONLY)

10 10 Familiarize yourself & use the ACT site

11 11 Instructional Strategies

12 12 Modeling How do successful problem solvers work?

13 13 Study Cards Math Science

14 14 Summative Assessment Use ACT items from the ACT site and The Real ACT Prep Guide on each unit assessment Label the section ACT Style Questions Teacher and student monitor progress on each question

15 15 Integration Integrate more algebra in geometry Integrate more science examples while teaching probability and statistics Science incorporate data interpretation in all units

16 16 A district we work with has taken their average ACT scores from an 18 to a 23… IN 4 YEARS! Remember, crock pot, not microwave!

17 17 How did they do THAT?

18 18 Opening Problems

19 19 Openers (Bell Ringers) In math it’s not about the answer to the question, rather the process! In science, it’s about “real” practice on data interpretation!

20 20 Bell ringers Answer isn’t part of discussion Focus is on the process only This isn’t easy for students or teachers Question(s) does not always have to fit the content 10 minutes or less Department/school “buy in” Main strategy and used consistently

21 21 Teachers familiarize themselves & use the ACT site

22 Interpreting Graphs 22

23 23 Administrative Strategies

24 24 Have a long term district plan When will you meet next Who else will attend

25 25 Curriculum aligned with Program of Studies

26 26 Math & Science each do technical writing pieces synthesized from technical text

27 27 Effective, ongoing Professional Development

28 28 Algebra I & II taught at least every three years by all members of the math department

29 29 No Credit for Pre- Algebra

30 30 Counseling What Course Work Prepares a Student to be Successful on the ACT?

31 31 Data Review The Plan Past years’ ACT scores Look at Patterns Compare Course Work

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