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ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE By: Cristal Robles. WHAT IS ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE? It is a neurological disease that leads to loss of memory and reasoning in the brain;

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1 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE By: Cristal Robles

2 WHAT IS ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE? It is a neurological disease that leads to loss of memory and reasoning in the brain; which makes it hard to socialize with others.



5 AFFECTED PARTS This is how Alzheimer’s disease begins in the brain. It starts to affect the Frontal lobe first and then the Temporal lobe is second.

6 SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Are mild confusion and forgetfulness. Also changes in personality, behavior, disorientation, speaking, and writing.

7 CAUSES The cause for Alzheimer’s is not known yet but scientists do believe that genetic, family history, lifestyle, and of course age could be causes for Alzheimer’s disease.

8 COMPLICATIONS As Alzheimer's disease progresses, brain changes begin to affect physical functions such as swallowing, balance, bowel and bladder control. They also often fall a lot and some of the falls end up as a injury. In this case if no one is with them, then it will be hard for them to tell another person that they fell and hurt themselves. So the cause for this fall will end up with the patient having pain.

9 CONT… ● It is hard for families that have loved ones with Alzheimer’s because they know that it will not be the same as before. Once they have this disease then everything changes in an instant. It is also hard for the person with this disease because they are unable to remember anything they did in the past. I am sure that they get frustrated within time because they try to remember but it is a very tough challenge for them. Although I think that some of them try to do their best for remembrance.

10 TESTS There are no specific tests but the doctor would have you take a blood test. The purpose for a blood test would be important because the doctor would be able to see if there is something in your blood that could be causing this disease. The doctor would also make a status mental test that includes basic questions, and that is also a way to check for signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

11 PREVENTIONS Take vitamins B, C, and E Eat a cup of blueberries everyday because they are rich in antioxidants. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Focus on eating foods that have a lot of antioxidants in them.

12 CONT… ● The reason you want to make sure you have antioxidants in your body is because as you age, your cell division and replacement of dead or damaged cells start to slow down. Antioxidants can speed up the cell division and cell replacement processes, which can help to slow the overall effects of aging and prevent specific age-related diseases.

13 THINGS TO DO WITH AN ALZHEIMER’S PATIENT Listen to music Bake Read out loud Plant seeds indoors or outdoors Look at family pictures Go outside for a walk Make a scrapbook

14 CONT… ● There are many more things to do with Alzheimer patients as long as they are harmless and entertaining to the patient.

15 ALZHIEMER’S MEMORY SCRAPBOOK You can create a memory book for your loved one or your patient. Anyone with Alzheimer’s disease can benefit from this book because it will help them to at least try to remember something about their past. Also make sure to put words under the picture to describe it because if you do not have words then they will have no idea what is going on in the picture.


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